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Fab 50 + Chs. 23–32

The Fabulous 50 + Subūrānī Book 2 – Chapters 23–32 Vocabulary for Learning

ā, ab (+ abl.) from, away from; by
ac and
ad (+ acc.) to, toward(s); at
addō, addere, addidī, additus add
addūcō, addūcere, addūxī, adductus lead to
adeō so much, so greatly, to such an extent
adhūc still, until now
aedificiō, aedificāre, aedificāvī, aedificātus build
ager, agrī, m. field
alius, alia, aliud, gen. alterīus another, other; else
animus, animī, m. mind, spirit
ante (+ acc.) before, in front of
apud (+ acc.) among, with, at the house of
āra, ārae, f. altar
arbor, arboris, f. tree
arma, armōrum, n. pl. arms, weapons
ars, artis, f. art, skill
ascendō, ascendere, ascendī climb
atque and
audeō, audēre, ausus sum dare
aurum, aurī, n. gold
aut or
aut…aut… either…or…
autem but, however
auxilium, auxiliī, n. help
beātus, beāta, beātum happy, blessed
caedēs, caedis, f. killing, slaughter
canō, canere, cecinī sing; (+ abl.) play (an instrument)
captīvus, captīvī, m. captive, prisoner
carmen, carminis, n. poem, song
cārus, cāra, cārum (+ dat.) dear (to); expensive
castra, castrōrum, n. pl. camp
cāsus, cāsūs, m. accident, chance
causa, causae, f. reason
celer, celeris, celere quick, fast
centum (num. = C) a hundred
circum (+ acc.) around
clārus, clāra, clārum clear; famous, distinguished
claudō, claudere, clausī, clausus close
colō, colere, coluī, cultus worship
coma, comae, f. hair
compōnō, compōnere, compōsuī, compositus arrange
cōnficiō, cōnficere, cōnfēcī, cōnfectus wear out, exhaust; finish
cōnsul, cōnsulis, m. consul
conveniō, convenīre, convēnī come together, gather, meet
cōpiae, cōpiārum, f. pl. forces, troops
crās tomorrow
cum (+ abl.) with
cum (+ subjn.) when, since, although
cūrō, cūrāre, cūrāvī, cūrātus look after, care for, supervise
custōdiō, custōdīre, custōdīvī, custōdītus guard
(+ abl.) from, down from; about
dea, deae, f. goddess
decem (num. = X) ten
decet, decēre, decuit (+ acc. + infin.) it is right for, it is proper for
dēfendō, dēfendere, dēfendī, dēfēnsus defend
dēscendō, dēscendere, dēscendī go down, come down
dēspērō, dēspērāre, dēspērāvī despair
deus, deī, m. god
dexter, dextra, dextrum right
dīcō, dīcere, dīxī, dīctus say, speak, tell
diligēns, gen. diligentis careful
discō, discere, didicī learn
dō, dare, dedī, datus give
doceō, docēre, docuī, doctus teach
dolor, dolōris, m. pain
domī (loc.) at home
dubitō, dubitāre, dubitāvī, dubitātus hesitate, doubt
dulcis, dulcis, dulce sweet
dum (+ indic.) while
dum (+ subjn.) until
ē, ex (+ abl.) from, out of
ecce! look! see!
ego, meī I, me
ergō therefore
errō, errāre, errāvī make a mistake; wander
et and; even, also
et…et… both…and…
exercitus, exercitūs, m. army
faciēs, faciēī, f. face, appearance
faciō, facere, fēcī, factus do; make
fātum, fātī, n. fate, destiny; death
faveō, favēre, fāvī, fautus (+ dat.) favor, support
ferō, ferre, tulī, lātus bring, carry, bear
fīnis, fīnis, m. end
fiō, fierī, factus sum become
flamma, flammae, f. flame; pl. = fire
fortūna, fortūnae, f. fortune
frangō, frangere, frēgī, frāctus break
gaudeō, gaudēre, gāvīsus sum am pleased, rejoice
gēns, gentis, f. people, race, family, tribe
habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus have, hold
hic, haec, hoc this, he, she, it
honor, honōris, m. honor
iam now, already, at this/that time
īdem, eadem, idem the same
ille, illa, illud that, he, she, it
illīc there
imperium, imperiī, n. command; empire; power
imperō, imperāre, imperāvī, imperātus (+ dat.) order, command
impetus, impetūs, m. charge, assault
impōnō, impōnere, imposuī, impositus put, put on
in (+ abl.) in, on
in (+ acc.) into, onto; against
incipiō, incipere, incēpī, inceptus begin, start
ingenium, ingeniī, n. nature, character
inimīcus, inimīcī, m. enemy
interficiō, interficere, interfēcī, interfectus kill
invītō, invītāre, invītāvī, invītātus invite
ipse, ipsa, ipsum himself, herself, itself, themselves
īra, īrae, f. anger
is, ea, id he, she, it; this, that
ita so, in this way
iuvō, iuvāre, iūvī, iūtus (+ acc. + infin.) help, assist
lātus, lāta, lātum wide, broad
lēgātus, lēgātī, m. commander, governor
līber, lībera, līberum free
liber, librī, m. book
lītus, lītoris, n. shore, beach
magis more; rather
magnopere greatly, very much
magnus, magna, magnum big, large, great
maior, maior, maius bigger, larger, greater
mālō, mālle, māluī prefer
manus, manūs, f. hand; group of people
maximē very much, a lot, very greatly
mēns, mentis, f. mind
metus, metūs, m. fear
meus, mea, meum my
mīlle, pl. mīlia (num. = M) thousand
minimē very little, least; no
minimus, minima, minimum very small, tiny
minor, minor, minus smaller, less; younger
modo only
nōn modo…sed etiam… not only…but also…
modus, modī, m. manner, way, kind, style
moneō, monēre, monuī, monitus warn, advise
mōs, mōris, m. way, fashion, custom
moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtus move
multus, multa, multum much; pl. = many, a lot of
mūtō, mūtāre, mūtāvī, mūtātus change
(+ subjn.) that…not, so that…not
nec and not, nor, neither
nec…nec… neither…nor…
negō, negāre, negāvī, negātus deny, say that…not
nisi unless, except
nōn not
nōndum not yet
nōnnūllī, nōnnūllae, nōnnūlla some, several
novem (num. = IX) nine
num (+ subjn.) whether
num? (+ indic.) surely not?
nūmen, nūminis, n. deity, divine power
numerus, numerī, m. number
octo (num. = VIII) eight
omnis, omnis, omne all, every
opprimō, opprimere, oppressī, oppressus crush, overwhelm
opus, operis, n. work
orbis, orbis, m. globe, sphere
ōs, ōris, n. mouth
parātus, parāta, parātum ready
parēns, parentis, m.f. parent
pāreō, pārēre, paruī (+ dat.) obey
patria, patriae, f. country, homeland
pectus, pectoris, n. chest, breast
peior, peior, peius worse
pellō, pellere, pepulī, pulsus drive, push
per (+ acc.) through, along
pessimus, pessima, pessimum very bad, worst
plūs, plūris, n. more
populus, populī, m. people
poscō, poscere, poposcī ask for, demand
possum, posse, potuī am able, can
posteā afterwards
postulō, postulāre, postulāvī, postulātus (+ abl.) demand, demand from
prīmō at first
prīmum for the first time
procul far off
proelium, proeliī, n. battle
pūblicus, pūblica, pūblicum public
pūniō, pūnīre, pūnīvī, pūnītus punish
quālis, quālis, quāle what sort of?
quam (exclamatory) how…! how…?
quam (+ comparative) than
quam (+ superlative) as…as possible
quandō? when?
quantus, quanta, quantum how big? how much?
quattuor (num. = IV) four
-que (enclitic) and
quī, quae, quod who, which
quīdam, quaedam, quoddam one, a certain; pl. = some
quīnque (num. = V) five
reddō, reddere, reddidī, redditus give back, restore
rēgnum, rēgnī, n. kingdom
regō, regere, rēxī, rēctus rule
rēs, reī, f. story; thing, business, matter, event
Rōmānī, Rōmānōrum, m. pl. Romans
sapiēns, gen. sapientis wise
satis enough
saxum, saxī, n. rock
scelestus, scelesta, scelestum wicked
scelus, sceleris, n. crime
sē, suī himself, herself, itself, themselves
sed but
senātus, senātūs, m. Senate
septem (num. = VII) seven
sex (num. = VI) six
sīc so, in this way
signum, signī, n. sign, signal; seal
similis, similis, simile (+ dat.) similar (to), alike
simul at the same time
simulac (simulatque) as soon as
soleō, solēre, solitus sum am accustomed, used
solvō, solvere, solvī, solūtus undo, let go
somnus, somnī, m. sleep
soror, sorōris, f. sister
spērō, spērāre, spērāvī, spērātus hope, expect
spēs, spēī, f. hope
sum, esse, fuī I am, to be, I was
super (+ acc.) over
suus, sua, suum his, her, its, their (own)
tālis, tālis, tāle such, of such a kind
tam so
tantus, tanta, tantum so great, such a great, so much
tempestās, tempestātis, f. storm
temptō, temptāre, temptāvī, temptātus try
terra, terrae, f. country; land, ground
tot so many
trādō, trādere, trādidī, trāditus hand down; hand over
tū, tuī you (sing.)
ultimus, ultima, ultimum final; furthest
umquam ever
ut (+ indic.) as; when, as soon as
ut (+ subjn.) that, so that, in order that
ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum (+ abl.) use, employ
valē! (pl. = valēte!) goodbye, farewell
validus, valida, validum strong
vertō, vertere, vertī, versus turn
vērus, vēra, vērum true, real
victor, victōris, m. winner
victōria, victōriae, f. victory
videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsus see
videor, vidērī, vīsus sum (+ dat. + infin.) seem, appear
virgō, virginis, f. virgin, girl, young woman
virtūs, virtūtis, f. courage, virtue
vīs, vim, f. force
vīvus, vīva, vīvum alive, living
vulnerō, vulnerāre, vulnerāvī, vulnerātus wound, injure
vultus, vultūs, m. expression, face
Created by: JPotterRC
Popular Latin sets




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