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Electricity& PT test

Electricity Quiz, Periodic Table test

Neutrons are... Not charged.
Law of Electric Charges. Like charges repel and opposite charges attract.
Electric force. The force between charged objects. The strength is determined by the size of the charges and the distance between the charges.
Protons and electrons are... Charged.
Friction. Rubbing 2 objects together causes electrons to be transferred.
Conduction. Movement of electrons through direct contact.
Induction. Movement of electrons without direct contact.
Conservation of charge. Charges are never lost, just transferred.
Electroscope. A device to detect a charge.
Conductors. Material in which charges move easily.
Insulator. Material in which charges cannot move easily.
Static electricity. Buildup of electric charges on an object. The electrons do not move (static – not moving).
Electric discharge. The electrons finally leave the object.
Lightning. Large electrical discharge.
Electric Current. The rate at which a charge passes a given point.
The higher the current... The more charges pass at a certain point.
What is the unit for current? Unit: Amperes (amps), I
Alternating current. Electrons move in both directions.
Direct current. Electrons move in one direction.
Example of an alternating current. Outlets in a home.
Example of a direct current. Batteries.
Voltage. The energy difference between 2 points in a current.
More voltage, more... Current.
Unit for Voltage. Volts (V).
Resistance. Is the opposition in flow of electrons.
More resistance, less ... Current.
Units for resistance. Ohms (Ω).
Equation. Amperes = volts/ohms I=V/R
Electric Power. The rate at which electrical energy is used to do work.
Equation for electric power. Power = Voltage X Current or P=VxI
Unit for electric power. Watts (W).
Parts of a circuit. Energy source, load, and wires.
Series. All parts are connected in one single loop.
Parallel. Circuit in which different loads are located on separate branches; charge passes through more than one path.
Thomson’s Model. An atom that has electrons scattered through a ball of positive charge.
Rutherford’s Model. Used a proton excelerator to observe the behavior of protons (Law of Electric Charges).
Bohr’s Model. Suggested that electrons moved in specific orbits around the nucleus of an atom, just as the moons of the planet Mars in orbit around it .
Cloud Model. In this model of an atom, electrons move rapidly in all directions around the atom’s nucleus.
Modern Model. In 1932, English scientist James Chadwick showed that another particle exists in the nucleus of atoms. This particle is called a neutron.
Atomic number. Number of protons; same as the number of electrons (if its neutral).
Where is the Atomic number located? Usually towards the top of the “cell”.
Atomic mass Protons + neutrons.
Units for Atomic mass. Units are “AMU”.
How many vertical columns are there in the periodic table? 18
How many horizontal rows are there in the periodic table? 7
Metals make up the majority of... Elements.
Where are metals located? The left side of the periodic table.
Metals are generally... Lustrous solids.
Lustrous solids are... Shiny solids.
Metals are highly _________ to both heat and electricity. Conductive.
Where are nonmetals are located? Upper right hand corner of the periodic table.
When are nonmetals gaseous? Most are gaseous at normal temperature.
Where are metalloids located? Between metals and nonmetals (zig zag).
Metalloids. Properties of both metals and nonmetals.
Metals are generally... Lustrous solids.
Lustrous solids are... Shiny solids.
Metals are highly _________ to both heat and electricity. Conductive.
Where are nonmetals are located? Upper right hand corner of the periodic table.
When are nonmetals gaseous? Most are gaseous at normal temperature.
Where are metalloids located? Between metals and nonmetals (zig zag).
Metalloids. Properties of both metals and nonmetals.
Isotopes. A different version of an element (different number of neutrons).
Atomic number. Increases from the top left to the bottom right (i.e. how you read a book).
Atomic mass. Generally increases as you move down a group and across a period.
Compounds. Most chemical compounds are formed by the interactions between metals and nonmetals.
Created by: 29catalanob
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