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chp 19 DIY review

Breaking down food into molecules small enough to enter cells is called? Digestion
What is getting rid of waste through feces called? Defecation
Which teeth are chiseled and adapted for cutting into food? Incisors
Which teeth have three or more blunt cusps for grinding and crushing food? Molars
What is getting nutrients into the body called? Absorption
Which layer of the teeth is where the nerves and blood vessels are located? Pulp cavity
Which layer of the teeth covers the crown? Enamel
Saliva helps dissolve food and digest which macromolecule? Carbohydrates
Which salivary gland is medial and inferior to the mandible? Submandibular
What structure prevents food/drink from entering the nasal cavity when swallowing? Uvula
What surrounds the upper opening of the stomach? Cardia
What is superior and left of the cardia in the stomach? Fundus
What is the large central portion of the stomach? Body
What is the lower part of the stomach? Pylorus
Where does almost all nutrient absorption take place? Small intestine
Where does the liver receive oxygenated blood from? Hepatic artery
What is the last part of the GI tract? Large intestine
What is the first part of the large intestine? Cecum
What does the gallbladder store? Bile
What is the liver divided into ? lobules
What are Broken down long chain fatty acids called? Micelles
What does the tongue mix food with? Saliva
How is water moved into cells? Osmosis
What protects the stomach walls from being digested by its own enzymes? Mucosa
Food in the stomach is pushed through the pyloric sphincter into what? Duodenum
During which stage of digestion are neural centers in the brain stimulated? Cephalic
During which stage of digestion is food mixed in the stomach? Gastric
Carbohydrates are absorbed as what? Monosaccharides
Which stage of digestion continues the digestion of chyme? Intestinal
What breaks down lipids and triglycerides? Lipase
Created by: masonkraichely2
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