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SOL US People
A SOL Review of People for US History
Description | Name(s) |
Settled in New England for religious freedom; not tolerant to other religioius donominations | Puritans |
Rich, English nobility who settled in the south; received large land grants from the King of England; started plantations | Cavaliers |
settled in Pennsylvania (part of the middle colonies); didn't believe in fighting; most famous is William Penn | Quakers |
poor people who agreed to work on plantations for a period of time in exchange for passage to the colonies | indentured servants |
Enlightenment philosopher who influenced Jefferson; natural rights of life, liberty, and property; social contract; people have a right to rebel if their rights were not being protected by the government | John Locke |
writer of Common Sense; spoke out against the King of England; contributed to the breakout of the American Revolution | Thomas Paine |
Virginian writer who wanted the colonies to rebel against England; said, "but as for me, give me liberty or give me death" | Patrick Henry |
writer of the Declaration; President of the US; leader of the Democrat-Republicans; favored states' rights; wrote Virginia Statute for Religious Freedoms | Thomas Jefferson |
Massachusetts militia who fought at the first battles of the Revolution--Lexington and Concord | Minutemen |
people who supported the colonies fighting the English in the American Revolution | patriots |
colonists who continued to support England during the American Revolution | loyalists |
people who didn't choose sides during the American Revolution; tried to stay uninvolved | neutrals |
Negotiated a Treaty of Alliance with France during the American Revolution | Benjamin Franklin |
leader of the Continental Army; chairman at the Constitutional Convention; President of the US | George Washington |
"father of the Constitution"; wrote most of the Bill of Rights; authored the Virginia Plan; President of the US | James Madison |
wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights; said human rights should not be violated by the government | George Mason |
contributed to the Federalist Papers supporting the ratification of the Constitution; leader of the Federal party; wanted a strong central government | Alexander Hamilton |
Supreme Court Chief Justice; Marlbury vs. Madison (judicial review) and McCulloch vs. Maryland | John Marshall |
hired by Thomas Jefferson to explore the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase | Lewis and Clark |
Indian woman who served as a tour guide for Louis and Clark | Sacagawea |
US President who said European countries must stay out of affairs of the Western Hemisphere | James Monroe |
US President; leader of the Federalist Party; | John Adams |
invented the cotton gin; resulted in expansion of slavery | Eli Whitney |
responsible for theTrail of Tears; issued the most vetos of any prior President; vetoed the existence of the Bank of the US; his actions caused the Panic of 1837 | Andrew Jackson |
wanted a Bank of the US; ran against Jackson under the National Republican Party, but lost; known as the Great Comprimiser because of the Missouri Compromise and Compromise of 1850 | Henry Clay |
white abolitionist who headed the newspaper, "The Liberator" | William Lloyd Garrison |
abolitionist who wrote "Uncle Tom's Cabin"; help fuel anger towards slavery and contributed to the Civil War | Harriet Beecher Stowe |
These two slaves led slave rebellions in the South; caused the South to impose harsh laws against runaway (fugitive) slaves. | Nat Turner & Gabriel Prosser |
His election caused the Civil War; first Republican Party President; issued the Emancipation Proclamation and the Gettysburg Address and "A House Divided" speech; did not want to punish the South for the war: "with malice towards know, and charity for al | Abraham Lincoln |
responsible for the Kansas-Nebraska Act which supported popular sovereighty (the right for the people to vote whether their state would be slave or free), ran against Lincoln in the Presidential Election | Stephen Douglas |
court case about an escaped slave; favored the South and said fugitive slaves who escaped must be returned to their owners; angered many Northerners | Dred Scott |
these two women led the women's rights movement; organized the Seneca Falls Convention; wanted women's suffrage | Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony |
Leader of the Union (Northern) Army during the Civil War; later becomes President | Ulysses S. Grant |
leader of the Confederate (Southern) army | Robert E. Lee |
first and only President of the Confederacy during the Civil War | Jefferson Davis |
escaped slave turned abolitionist; urged Lincoln to use black troops in the Union army | Frederick Douglass |
became President after Lincoln's assassination; very lenient (easy) towards the South during Reconstruction | Andrew Johnson |
discovered a cheap way to make steel; steel production is important for the Industrial Revolution to occur | Henry Bessemer |
invented the light bulb | Thomas Edison |
invented the telephone | Alexander Graham Bell |
invented the airplane | Wright Brothers |
invented assembly line manufacturing when producing his Model T Fords | Henry Ford |
big businessman; steel production | Andrew Carnegie |
big businessman; built railroads | Cornelius Vanderbuilt |
big businessman; finance | J.P. Morgan |
big businessman; oil | John D. Rockefeller |
led an anti-lynching campaign | Ida B. Wells |
said blacks should receive vocational education for economic success; said segregation was okay | Booker T. Washington |
said education was meaningless without equality; created the NAACP | W.E.B. DuBois |
"Square Deal" | Theodore Roosevelt |
14 Points (WWI) freedom of the seas, mandate system, self-determination, League of Nations | Woodrow Wilson |
Man who led the American Federation of Labor | Samuel Gompers |
Man who led the American Railway Union | Eugene Debs |
"Dollar Diplomacy" with Latin America | President Taft |
"New Deal" to end the Depression; President also during WWII | Franklin D. Roosevelt |
Leader of Germany; Nazi Party; WWII | Adolf Hitler |
Leader of the Soviet Union during WWII and the beginning of the Cold War | Josef Stalin |
Prime minister of Britain during WWII | Winston Churchill |
US General at D-Day invasion during WWII; later becomes President during the Korean War | Dwight D. Eisenhower |
President who decided to use the atomic bomb in Japan; during the Cold War said the US would follow a policy to stop the spread of communism; resulted in the US entering the Korean and Vietnam Wars | Harry S. Truman |
African-American group who served during WWII with distinction in Europe | Tuskegee Airmen |
Japanese-American regiments during WWII | Nisei |
their Native American language was used in a code that was never broken during WWII | Navajo Indians |
"nickname" representing the American women who replaced the men in the factories during WWII | Rosie the Riveter |
his plan gave billions of dollars to western Europe to rebuild after WWII; help stop these countries from becoming communist during the Cold War | Marshall |
President during the 60s; resigned from office because of the Watergate affair; | Richard Nixon |
Cold War President assassination in Texas in 1963; responsible for the US military build-up in Vietnam; began the space with USSR; said "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" Also said, "pay any price, bear any b | John F. Kennedy |
President who replaced Kennedy | Lyndon B. Johnson |
communist leader of Cuba; allowed USSR to place missiles in his country; Cuban Missile Crisis | Fidel Castro |
Americans convicted of spying for the USSR against the US; caused americans to fear communists living among them | Alger Hiss, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg |
during the Cold War; this man accussed many government officals and citizens of being communists based on little evidence | Joseph MaCarthy |
President who is given credit for ending the Cold War; told Soviet to "tear down that wall" in Berlin, Germany; said Communism was immoral; built up massive amounts of nuclear weapons | Ronald Reagan |
Soviet leader who allowed his country to open up to the "free" world; glasnost and perestroika | Gorbachev |
led the NAACP Legal Defensive Team in Brown vs. Board of Education which reversed Plessy vs. Ferguson' s segregation | Thurgood Marshall |
"I have a dream" speech at the March on Washington 1963; leader of the Civil Rights Movement; | Martin Luther King, Jr. |
first US woman on the Supreme Court | Sandra Day O'Conner |
first American in space | John Glenn |
US astronaut; first man on the moon; said, "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" | Neil Armstrong |
developed a vaccine for polio | Dr. Jonas Salk |
first woman in space | Sally Ride |