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Settled in New England for religious freedom; not tolerant to other religioius donominations
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Rich, English nobility who settled in the south; received large land grants from the King of England; started plantations
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SOL US People

A SOL Review of People for US History

Settled in New England for religious freedom; not tolerant to other religioius donominations Puritans
Rich, English nobility who settled in the south; received large land grants from the King of England; started plantations Cavaliers
settled in Pennsylvania (part of the middle colonies); didn't believe in fighting; most famous is William Penn Quakers
poor people who agreed to work on plantations for a period of time in exchange for passage to the colonies indentured servants
Enlightenment philosopher who influenced Jefferson; natural rights of life, liberty, and property; social contract; people have a right to rebel if their rights were not being protected by the government John Locke
writer of Common Sense; spoke out against the King of England; contributed to the breakout of the American Revolution Thomas Paine
Virginian writer who wanted the colonies to rebel against England; said, "but as for me, give me liberty or give me death" Patrick Henry
writer of the Declaration; President of the US; leader of the Democrat-Republicans; favored states' rights; wrote Virginia Statute for Religious Freedoms Thomas Jefferson
Massachusetts militia who fought at the first battles of the Revolution--Lexington and Concord Minutemen
people who supported the colonies fighting the English in the American Revolution patriots
colonists who continued to support England during the American Revolution loyalists
people who didn't choose sides during the American Revolution; tried to stay uninvolved neutrals
Negotiated a Treaty of Alliance with France during the American Revolution Benjamin Franklin
leader of the Continental Army; chairman at the Constitutional Convention; President of the US George Washington
"father of the Constitution"; wrote most of the Bill of Rights; authored the Virginia Plan; President of the US James Madison
wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights; said human rights should not be violated by the government George Mason
contributed to the Federalist Papers supporting the ratification of the Constitution; leader of the Federal party; wanted a strong central government Alexander Hamilton
Supreme Court Chief Justice; Marlbury vs. Madison (judicial review) and McCulloch vs. Maryland John Marshall
hired by Thomas Jefferson to explore the newly acquired Louisiana Purchase Lewis and Clark
Indian woman who served as a tour guide for Louis and Clark Sacagawea
US President who said European countries must stay out of affairs of the Western Hemisphere James Monroe
US President; leader of the Federalist Party; John Adams
invented the cotton gin; resulted in expansion of slavery Eli Whitney
responsible for theTrail of Tears; issued the most vetos of any prior President; vetoed the existence of the Bank of the US; his actions caused the Panic of 1837 Andrew Jackson
wanted a Bank of the US; ran against Jackson under the National Republican Party, but lost; known as the Great Comprimiser because of the Missouri Compromise and Compromise of 1850 Henry Clay
white abolitionist who headed the newspaper, "The Liberator" William Lloyd Garrison
abolitionist who wrote "Uncle Tom's Cabin"; help fuel anger towards slavery and contributed to the Civil War Harriet Beecher Stowe
These two slaves led slave rebellions in the South; caused the South to impose harsh laws against runaway (fugitive) slaves. Nat Turner & Gabriel Prosser
His election caused the Civil War; first Republican Party President; issued the Emancipation Proclamation and the Gettysburg Address and "A House Divided" speech; did not want to punish the South for the war: "with malice towards know, and charity for al Abraham Lincoln
responsible for the Kansas-Nebraska Act which supported popular sovereighty (the right for the people to vote whether their state would be slave or free), ran against Lincoln in the Presidential Election Stephen Douglas
court case about an escaped slave; favored the South and said fugitive slaves who escaped must be returned to their owners; angered many Northerners Dred Scott
these two women led the women's rights movement; organized the Seneca Falls Convention; wanted women's suffrage Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony
Leader of the Union (Northern) Army during the Civil War; later becomes President Ulysses S. Grant
leader of the Confederate (Southern) army Robert E. Lee
first and only President of the Confederacy during the Civil War Jefferson Davis
escaped slave turned abolitionist; urged Lincoln to use black troops in the Union army Frederick Douglass
became President after Lincoln's assassination; very lenient (easy) towards the South during Reconstruction Andrew Johnson
discovered a cheap way to make steel; steel production is important for the Industrial Revolution to occur Henry Bessemer
invented the light bulb Thomas Edison
invented the telephone Alexander Graham Bell
invented the airplane Wright Brothers
invented assembly line manufacturing when producing his Model T Fords Henry Ford
big businessman; steel production Andrew Carnegie
big businessman; built railroads Cornelius Vanderbuilt
big businessman; finance J.P. Morgan
big businessman; oil John D. Rockefeller
led an anti-lynching campaign Ida B. Wells
said blacks should receive vocational education for economic success; said segregation was okay Booker T. Washington
said education was meaningless without equality; created the NAACP W.E.B. DuBois
"Square Deal" Theodore Roosevelt
14 Points (WWI) freedom of the seas, mandate system, self-determination, League of Nations Woodrow Wilson
Man who led the American Federation of Labor Samuel Gompers
Man who led the American Railway Union Eugene Debs
"Dollar Diplomacy" with Latin America President Taft
"New Deal" to end the Depression; President also during WWII Franklin D. Roosevelt
Leader of Germany; Nazi Party; WWII Adolf Hitler
Leader of the Soviet Union during WWII and the beginning of the Cold War Josef Stalin
Prime minister of Britain during WWII Winston Churchill
US General at D-Day invasion during WWII; later becomes President during the Korean War Dwight D. Eisenhower
President who decided to use the atomic bomb in Japan; during the Cold War said the US would follow a policy to stop the spread of communism; resulted in the US entering the Korean and Vietnam Wars Harry S. Truman
African-American group who served during WWII with distinction in Europe Tuskegee Airmen
Japanese-American regiments during WWII Nisei
their Native American language was used in a code that was never broken during WWII Navajo Indians
"nickname" representing the American women who replaced the men in the factories during WWII Rosie the Riveter
his plan gave billions of dollars to western Europe to rebuild after WWII; help stop these countries from becoming communist during the Cold War Marshall
President during the 60s; resigned from office because of the Watergate affair; Richard Nixon
Cold War President assassination in Texas in 1963; responsible for the US military build-up in Vietnam; began the space with USSR; said "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" Also said, "pay any price, bear any b John F. Kennedy
President who replaced Kennedy Lyndon B. Johnson
communist leader of Cuba; allowed USSR to place missiles in his country; Cuban Missile Crisis Fidel Castro
Americans convicted of spying for the USSR against the US; caused americans to fear communists living among them Alger Hiss, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
during the Cold War; this man accussed many government officals and citizens of being communists based on little evidence Joseph MaCarthy
President who is given credit for ending the Cold War; told Soviet to "tear down that wall" in Berlin, Germany; said Communism was immoral; built up massive amounts of nuclear weapons Ronald Reagan
Soviet leader who allowed his country to open up to the "free" world; glasnost and perestroika Gorbachev
led the NAACP Legal Defensive Team in Brown vs. Board of Education which reversed Plessy vs. Ferguson' s segregation Thurgood Marshall
"I have a dream" speech at the March on Washington 1963; leader of the Civil Rights Movement; Martin Luther King, Jr.
first US woman on the Supreme Court Sandra Day O'Conner
first American in space John Glenn
US astronaut; first man on the moon; said, "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" Neil Armstrong
developed a vaccine for polio Dr. Jonas Salk
first woman in space Sally Ride
Created by: mist73lee
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