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first permanent English setlement in the New World; 1607
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held town meetings (direct democracy); relied on fishing, shipbuilding, small-scale farming; very religious; consisted of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticutt
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SOL Places Review

A SOL review of Places for United States History

first permanent English setlement in the New World; 1607 Jamestown
held town meetings (direct democracy); relied on fishing, shipbuilding, small-scale farming; very religious; consisted of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticutt New England colonies
nicknamed the "breadbasket" for growing crops such as wheat and corn; consisted of Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland; religious tolerance Middle Atlantic colonies
agrarian (farming) lifestyle; large plantations; slavery; cash crops of tobacco, rice and indigo (purple dye); consisted of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia Southern colonies
Middle colonial cities that developed as seaports New York, Philadelphia,and Baltimore
where the Quakers settled Pennsylvania
where a large amount of Catholics settled Maryland
Proclamation of 1763 prohibited settled west of this geographical feature Appalachian Mountains
the French had to give up land in this area after losing the French and Indian War Canada and all lands west of the Appalchian Mts
New England colony founded by people who didn't agree with the Puritan church and fled Massachusetts Rhode Island
Americans immigrating to this place eventually caused the Mexican War Texas
War of 1812 resulted in Americans to claim this region Oregon Territory
Where the Native American Indians were sent to in the "Trail of Tears" Oklahoma
states acquired as a result of the Mexican American War Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, California
entered into the Union as a free state because of the Compromise of 1850 California
these two territories were allowed to chose whether they would enter the Union as slave or free Kansas and Nebraska
entered the Union as a free state because of the Missouri Compromise Maine
beginning place of the Civil War Fort Sumter
where the largest battle of the Civil War took place; marked a turning point in the war--in favor of the North Gettysburg
where the South surrendered to the North Appomattox Court House
Prior to 1871, most immigrants came to America from this region Northern and western Europe
Between 1871 and 1920, most immigrants came to American from this region southern and eastern Europe
where most people entered the US; it is in NYC Ellis Island
first subway system began here at the beginning of the 20th century New York City
the "Great Migration" resulted in many African-Americans moving to these places Northern cities
these 2 areas were annexed to the US following the Spanish American War Puerto Rico and Phillipines
Theodore Roosevelt supported Panama's independence from this country Columbia
Open Door Policy opened trade with this country China
this country helped us win the American Revolution France
where the British surrendered to the American colonists Yorktown
where slavery was outlawed prior to the Civil War North
where slavery existed prior to the Civil War South
Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation did not free all the slaves; it only freed slaves living in the _______________. Thus, allowing slavery to continue in Kentucky, Maryland, and West Virginia (The border states) Confederacy
two states not part of the Continental US Hawaii and Alaska
built to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans Panama Canal
three countries of the Central Powers Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Ottoman Empire
the Zimmerman Note was sent from a German diplomat to this country Mexico
The area the Zimmerman Note offered to Mexico if it joined Germany's side in WWI. Mexican Secession
Their unrestricted submarine warfare resulted in the US entering WWI Germany
WWII began with Hitler's invasion of ______________. Poland
Hitler invaded this country, causing it to join the Allies Soviet Union
Germany quickly conquered this Allied Country which wasn't freed until the Normandy Invasion (D-Day) France
The US aided Britain during WWII in exchange for military bases in these two areas Bermuda and the Caribbean
The US imposed an embargo of oil to this country at the beginning of WWII Japan
Place attacked by the Japanese which resulted in the US entering WWII Pearl Harbor
The WWII battle of El Alamein was fought between Germany and Britain over this strategic waterway Suez Canal
WWII siege in the Soviet Union. Stalingrad
WWII battle in the Pacific that turned the tide of the war in favor of the US in the Pacific Midway
The Normandy Invasion or D-Day freed this country from Germany's control France
the US acquired these two islands from the Japanese; but, there were so many US soldiers killed that Truman later decides not to invade Japan--he drops the atomic bomb instead Iwo Jima and Okinawa
two Japanese cities the US dropped atomic bombs on to end WWII Hiroshima and Nagasaki
European country divided after WWII Germany
democratic side of Germany during the Cold War West Germany
communist side of Germany during the Cold War East Germany
the Marshall Plan rebuilt this area of Europe Western Europe
Created by: mist73lee
Popular U.S. History sets




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