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Unit 5 Level C

Level C Unit 5 Sadlier-Oxford

aghast (adj.) filled with amazement, digust, fear, or terror (syn.)- shocked, horrified,stupefied (ant.)- delighted, overjoyed, unmoved
ample (adj.)more than enough, large, spacious (syn.)-sufficient,adequate,considerable (ant.)-insufficient,inadequate
apparition (n.)a ghost or ghostly figure; an unexplained or unusal appearance. :o (syn.)- phantom, specter
assert (v.)to declare or state as truth, maintain or defend, put forward forcefully (syn.)- affirm, avow
cower (v.)to crouch or shrink away from in fear or shame (syn.)- cringe, flinch (ant.)-stand up to
disdain (v.)to look upon with scorn; to refuse scornfully; (n.) a feeling of contemp (syn.)-(v.) spurn, reject (ant.)- revere, venerate, esteem, respect
epitaph (n.)a brief statement written on a tomb or gravestone. (syn.)- tombstone inscription
ethical (adj.)having to do with morals, values, right and wrong; in accordance with standards of right conduct; requiring a prescription for purchase (syn.)-upright, virtuous, honorable (ant.)-immoral, unscrupulous, dishonest
facetious (adj.)humorous, not meant seriously (syn.)- comical, witty, tongue-in-cheek (ant.)- serious, humorless
inaudible (adj.)not able to be heard (syn.)- faint, indistinct (ant.)- audible, easily heard
discriminate (adj.) without restrain or control; unselective (syn.)- haphazard, random, uncritical (ant.)- selective, discriminating, judicious
intrigue (n.) crafty dealing, underhanded plotting; (v.) to form and carry out plots; to puzzle or excite the curiosity (syn.)-(n.) scheme, plot, conspiracy (ant.)-(n.) fair play
jurisdiction (n.) an area of authority or control; the right to administer justice (syn.)- purview
plausible (adj.) appearing true, reasonable, or fair (syn.)- believable, probable (ant.)- improbable, far-fetched
plebelian (adj.) common, vulgar; belonging to the lower class; (n.) a common person, member of the lower class (syn.)-(adj.)lowborn, proletarian. coarse, unrefined (ant.)- (adj.)aristocratic, refined, cultivated
prodigal (adj.) wastefully extravagant; lavishly or generously abundant; (n.) one who is wasteful and self- indulgent (syn.)- (adj.) improvident; (n.) spendthrift, wastrel (ant.)- (adj.) frugal, economical, stingy, miserly
proximity (n.) nearness, closeness (ant.)- distance, remoteness
pulverize (v.) to grind or pound to a powder or dust; to destory or overcome ( as though by smashing into fragments) (syn.)- crush, demolish
sequel (n.) that which follows, a result; a literary work or film continuing the story of one written or made earlier (syn.)- follow-up, continuation (ant.)- prelude, overture, curtain- raiser
volatile (adj.) highly changeable, fickle; tending to become violent or explosive; changing readily from the liquid to the gaseous state (syn.)- unstable. erratic (ant.)-stable, steady, static. inert, dormant
Created by: 97SOPhiE45
Popular Stadlier Oxford Voca sets




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