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Italian Vocab

ricordare to remember
viaggiare to travel
volare to fly
abitare to live
aiutare to help
arrivare to arive
ascoltare to listen
aspettare to wait
ballare to dance
cambiare to change
camminare to walk
cenare to have dinner
cominciare to start
contare to count
dimenticare to forget
domandare to ask
fermare to stop, to close
girare to turn
guidare to drive
gustare to taste
insegnare to teach
lasciare to leave, to let
lavare to wash
litigare to quarrel
mandare to send
mostrare to show
notare to notice
nuotare to swim
pagare to pay
pensare to think
portare to bring
pranzare to have lunch
raccontare to narrate
rallentare to slow down
regalare to give a gift
riposare to rest
ritornare to return
saltare to jump
spiegare to explain
suonare to play
tagliare to cut
trovare to find
ispezionare to inspect
avere fame to be hungy
avere ragione to be right
avere torto to be wrong
avere sete to be thirsty
avere paura to be afraid
avere sonno to be sleepy
avere fretta to be in a hurry
stare to stay
dare to give
fare to make/do
andare to go
accadere to happen
accedere to access
accendere to turn on
apprendere to learn
assistere to assist
assolvere to absolve
assumere to assume/hire
attendere to wait for/attend
cadere to fall
cedere to yield
chiedere to ask
chiudere to close
comprendere to comprehend
concludere to conclude
condividere to share
confondere to confuse
conoscere to know
consistere to consist
convincere to convince
correggere to correct
correre to run
credere to believe
crescere to grow
decidere to decide
difendere to defend
discutere to discuss
distinguere to distinguish
dividere to divide
esistere to exist
godere to enjoy
includere to include
insistere to insist
leggere to read
mettere to put
nascondere to hide
perdere to lose
permettere to allow
piangere to cry
prendere to take
pretendere to pretend
promettere to promise
promuovere to promote
ridere to laugh
risolvere to resolve
rispondere to answer
rompere to break
scendere to descend
scrivere to write
sorridere to smile
spingere to push
succedere to happen
temere to fear
trasmettere to broadcast
vedere to see
vincere to win
vivere to live
cuocere to cook
cantare to sing
provare to try
lavorare to work
bere to drink
cogliere to gather
dovere must, to ought to
porre to put
potere to be able
rimanere to stay
sapere to know
scegliere to choose
sedere to sit
spegnere to turn off
tenere to keep
volere to want
acconsentire (not isc) to agree
applaudire (not isc) to applaud
aprire (not isc) to open
assentire (not isc) to agree/consent
avvertire (not isc) to announce
bollire (not isc) to boil
conseguire (not isc) to result
convertire (not isc) to convert
coprir (not isc) to cover
divertire (not isc) to enjoy
eseguire (not isc) to do
fuggire (not isc) to escape
inghiottire (isc) to swallow
inseguire (not isc) to follow
investire (not isc) to invest
mentire (not isc) to lie
offrire (not isc) to offer
partire (not isc) to leave/depart
seguire (not isc) to follow
sentire (not isc) to hear
servire (not isc) to serve
soffrire (not isc) to suffer
vestire (not isc) to dress
aderire (isc) to adhere
attribuire (isc) to attribute
benedire (isc) to bless
capire (isc) to understand
colpire (isc) to hit
costruire (isc) to build
definire (isc) to define
digerire (isc) to digest
dimagrire (isc) to lose weight
esaurire (isc) to exhaust
esibire (isc) to exhibit
fallire (isc) to fail
ferire (isc) to wound
finire (isc) to finish
garantire (isc) to guarantee
gestire (isc) to manage
guarire (isc) to heal
impazzire (isc) to go mad
inserire (isc) to insert
istruire (isc) to instruct
preferire (isc) to prefer
pulire (isc) to clean
punire (isc) to punish
restituire (isc) to return
riunire (isc) to meet
sostituire (isc) to substitute
spedire (isc) to send
stabilire (isc) to establish
suggerire (isc) to suggest
tradire (isc) to betray
trasferire (isc) to transfer
ubbidire (isc) to obey
dormire (not isc) to sleep
dire to tell/say
morire to die
salire to go up/ascend
udire to hear
uscire to go out/exit
venire to come
ricevere to receive
ripetere to repeat
spendere to spend money
Created by: tristan2
Popular Italian sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows:

If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don't know so that they are in the same box the next time you log in.

When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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