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Wray Unit 2 Am Hist
Unit 2 Am Hist Leap
Question | Answer |
What are the purposes of Government as stated in the Preamble to the Constitution (6) | To promote a more perfect union To promote the general welfare. To establish Justice To insure domestic tranquility To promote the general welfare To secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our prosterity To provide for the common defense |
What was Americas first plan of government ? | Articles of Confederation |
What is a Confederation ? | a loose association of states |
What were the Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation | 1. Little power to Federal government 2. Only one branch no checks and balances 3. No chief executive (president) 4. No judicial system 5. Had to ask states for money and soldiers |
What is Federalism ? | A system of government in which power is divided between state and National governments |
List the Powers of the National government (Delegated powers) | 1. Declare war 2. Maintain an army 3. Regulate interstate and foreign trade 4. Admit new states 5. Establish post offices 6. Set standard weights and measures 7. coin money 8. Establish foreign policy |
list the Powers of the State government | 1. Establish and maintain schools 2. Establish local governments 3. Regualte businesses within the state 4. make marriage laws 5. provide for public safety 6. all powers not given to the federal government nor prohibited to the states. |
What is the Elastic Clause? | "Make all laws necessary and proper for carring out delegted powers" (Federal Government) |
List Shared or Concurrent Powers | 1. Tax 2. Maintain Law and Order 3. Borrow Money 4. Charter banks 5. Establish Courts 6. Provide for the common Welfare |
What is an Aristocracy? | A government in which a few people get to rule (Monarchy) |
What is an Autocracy? | One person has unlimited power (Dictator) |
What is a Democracy? | People vote directly or elect people to vote for them People vote directly or elect people to vote for them |
What is the minimum age at which one may assume the presidency ? | 35 |
What is the minimum age for the senate ? | 30 |
What is the minimum age for the house of represenatives ? | 25 |
What Branch of government makes the laws ? | Legislative |
What Branch of government sees that laws are caried out ? | Executive |
The branch of government that determines if a law is constitutional or not | Judicial |
Only what kind of citizen can be president? | Natural born |
What is the term of a senator? | 6years |
What is the term of a Represenative? | 2 years |
Congressional house where representation for a state is based on the states population? | House of Represenatives |
Congressional house where represntation is equal for both small and large states ? | Senate |
What is the term of office for a Supreme court member or federal judge ? | Lifetime |
What is the title given to the Head of the Supreme Court ? | Chief Justice |
Supreme Court Justices are appointed by whom? | The President |
Who Aproves appointments of the President? | Congress |
What Type of Court hears cases involving decisions of the lower courts ? | Appelate Court |
What means to agree with the decision of a lower Court ? | Uphold |
What mans to throw out and disagree with the lower courts decision ? | Overturn |
What term refers to asking for a review of the decision of a lower court ? | appeal |
What is the power of courts to review laws passed by congress and to make dicisions as to weather they are constitutional or unconstitutional ? | Judicial review |
What is the Supreme Court Case in Which the practice of Judical review was established? President Adams creates and fills federal judgeships, President Jefferson refuses to fill the appointments that had not be sent out. Court sided with Jefferson | Marbury vs Madison |
What law passed Made it illegal to criticize he government ? | Alien and sedition Acts |
What term refers to charging a president with a crime | Impeachment |
What case that gave the federal government the right to establish a National Bank? | McCullough vs Maryland |
In what famous Case did a slave sued for his freedom on the grounds that he taveled in a free state. Court said that slaves had no rights ? | Dred Scott |
What historical event in which President Nixon resigns office rather than be impeached for authorizing the wiretapping the Democratic Headquarters | Watergate |
What is a fee charged on a product, income or service ? | Taxes |
What is a type of tax that is a tax on income ? | Direct tax |
What type of tax is levied on the price of a good or service | Indirect tax |
A Tax on the production of a certain good. | Excise Tax/ sin tax |
A tax on the sale of a good or service | Sales tax |
A tax on income or corporations net profit | Income tax |
Type of tax in which the more you make the more you pay | Progressive tax |
A tax paid to vote | Poll tax |
a tax on the value of property | Property Tax |
A tax on the removal of non renewable resources form the ground | severence tax |
a tax on an imported good | Tariff |
a tax placed on a good to protect companies from foreign competition | Protective Tariff |
What Plan wanted equal representation for the states in the new Constitution | Small State Plan/ New Jersey Plan |
What plan called for representation to be tied to a states population. | Large States/ Virginia Plan |
What was the compromise that allowed slaves to be counted for the purpose of taxation and representation | 3/5ths |
What was the Compromise that called for a two house congress . One based on equal representtion and one based on population. | The Great Compromise |
What was the process by which a Bill becomes law | 1. Bill is read on the floor 2. Bill is sent to Committee 3. Bill is voted on 4. Bill is sent to the other house to follow the same process 5. Bill is sent to the president. |
What three things can happen to a bill in Committee? | passed with no changes 2. passed with changes 3. dies/ tabled there |
Who can write a Bill? | Anyone |
Who can introduce a bill to congress? | Only a congressman |
When the president rejects a bill. What means I forbid ? | Veto |
Who were people that supported the Constitution's ratification ? | Federalist |
Wha were people that did not support the Constitution's ratification? | Anti federalist |
What is the name given to the first ten amendment to the constitution | Bill of Rights |
What American leaader were 1. Against Tariffs 2. For farmers 3. for Rule by the people 4. a weaker central government | Thomas Jefferson |
An aristocratic form of government in which a king or queen has absolute power | Absolute Monarch |
System in which one branch of government can check the power of another branch | System of Checks and Balances |
A system in which power is separated between differn branches of government. | Separation of powers |
Another name for a represenative democracy | Republic |
An Autocratic form of government in which one person has complete power | Totalitarian Dictatorship |
Congress can override a presidental veto with a 2/3 rds vote of both house of what? | Congress |
Name given to the president as the head of the executive branch of government | Chief executive |
A rebellion agisnst higher taxes in Massachusetts it showed that the federal government need more power to enforce its laws | Shay's rebellion |
"People are KIng" that idea that people should rule. People choose for example people in a state choose to be a slave state or not | Popular Soverginty |
The right of a person to have certain proceedures followed when charged with a crime. Such as a trial. | Due Process |
What phrase is used to illustrate the idea that people give governments the right to rule them. | Consent of the governed |
According to Jefferson what are rights that can not be taken away like Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. | Natural rights / unalienable |
What document was signed by the Pilgrims, it called for fair laws for all? | Mayflower Compact |
The Phrase relates the idea that people should govern themselves? | Self government |
What essays were written in support of the ratification of the Constitution? | Federalist Papers |