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Chap 17 world hist
middle ages
Question | Answer |
A large land mass that includes both Europe and Asia | Eursia |
What geographers view as the border between Europe and Asia | Ural Mountains |
The shape and elevation of land | Topography |
By the early 1500's Europe was divided up into many What? | Small Kingdoms |
The age between Ancient times and Modern times | Middle Ages |
Another name for the middle ages | Medevil Age |
The most powerful force in the spreading of Christianty to Europe | Pope |
People sent to teach about Christianty and convert non Christians | Missionaries |
Religious men that live in isolated communities apart from others | Monks |
Missionary that converted the Irish to Christianty | St. Patrick |
Rules followed by Monks | Benedictine Rules |
The founder of the Frankish Empire | clovis |
Frankish King crowned Emperor of the Romans | Charlemagne |
Modern day country that was known as Gaul | France |
Charlemagne is best known for building What? | Schools |
Scandanavian Invaders that terrorized towns along the sea and rivers in Europe | Vikings |
Soldiers that fought on horseback in Feudal times and promised to fight for their lord. | Knights |
A grant of land from a Lord to a Knight | Fief |
Structures built by lords for protection | Castles |
Three things Lord were responsible for doing | Resolve disputes,Punish misbehavior and collect taxes |
A person that promises to fight and be loyal to another in return for a grant of land | Vassal |
What did Vassals have to give the lords on special occasions? | money |
What were Vassals required to do for their lords during war? | Fight |
If a lord cheated or punished a vassal without good reason what could the vassal do? | Break all ties with the lord |
What was law in Medevil times? | The lords word |
If the lord visted a vassal the vassal had to provide what? | Food and shelter |
The large estates of a Knight | Manor |
Feudal people tied to the land they worked the land for the lord. | Serfs |
As trade increased what grew? | Towns |
A powerful French woman ruler | Eleanor of Aquataine |
What did the sefs need to leave the lords manor? | His permission |
How did serfs pay rent to the lord? | In the form of goods and services performed for the lord |
A code of behavior for Knights | Chilvary |
Knights were supose to protect whom? | the Weak and women |
Knights were supose to fight for what | right and honor |
What do knights in training become around the age of 13-15? | Squire |
Upon completing training a squire recieves what? | Knighting Ceremony |
The love a knight has for one lady that they set above all others? | Courtly |
What kind of love did a Knight have? (not a physical love) | Spirtual/Mental |
A person that serves a knight and trains to one day become a knight | Squire |
In feudal times a person begins to train to be a knight at what age ? | 4-6 |
A person just starting to begin training as a knight is called what? | page |