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A large land mass that includes both Europe and Asia
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What geographers view as the border between Europe and Asia
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Chap 17 world hist

middle ages

A large land mass that includes both Europe and Asia Eursia
What geographers view as the border between Europe and Asia Ural Mountains
The shape and elevation of land Topography
By the early 1500's Europe was divided up into many What? Small Kingdoms
The age between Ancient times and Modern times Middle Ages
Another name for the middle ages Medevil Age
The most powerful force in the spreading of Christianty to Europe Pope
People sent to teach about Christianty and convert non Christians Missionaries
Religious men that live in isolated communities apart from others Monks
Missionary that converted the Irish to Christianty St. Patrick
Rules followed by Monks Benedictine Rules
The founder of the Frankish Empire clovis
Frankish King crowned Emperor of the Romans Charlemagne
Modern day country that was known as Gaul France
Charlemagne is best known for building What? Schools
Scandanavian Invaders that terrorized towns along the sea and rivers in Europe Vikings
Soldiers that fought on horseback in Feudal times and promised to fight for their lord. Knights
A grant of land from a Lord to a Knight Fief
Structures built by lords for protection Castles
Three things Lord were responsible for doing Resolve disputes,Punish misbehavior and collect taxes
A person that promises to fight and be loyal to another in return for a grant of land Vassal
What did Vassals have to give the lords on special occasions? money
What were Vassals required to do for their lords during war? Fight
If a lord cheated or punished a vassal without good reason what could the vassal do? Break all ties with the lord
What was law in Medevil times? The lords word
If the lord visted a vassal the vassal had to provide what? Food and shelter
The large estates of a Knight Manor
Feudal people tied to the land they worked the land for the lord. Serfs
As trade increased what grew? Towns
A powerful French woman ruler Eleanor of Aquataine
What did the sefs need to leave the lords manor? His permission
How did serfs pay rent to the lord? In the form of goods and services performed for the lord
A code of behavior for Knights Chilvary
Knights were supose to protect whom? the Weak and women
Knights were supose to fight for what right and honor
What do knights in training become around the age of 13-15? Squire
Upon completing training a squire recieves what? Knighting Ceremony
The love a knight has for one lady that they set above all others? Courtly
What kind of love did a Knight have? (not a physical love) Spirtual/Mental
A person that serves a knight and trains to one day become a knight Squire
In feudal times a person begins to train to be a knight at what age ? 4-6
A person just starting to begin training as a knight is called what? page
Created by: twray



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