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abduct kidnap
abhor detest
above over
abridge shorten
abroad overseas
abrogate cancel
abstain refrain
accord agreement
admit confess
adversary opponent
affable friendly
aggravate worsen
agree consent
air discuss
akin related
alive lively
allocate distribute
allow permit
also too
ameliorate improve
amount quantity
annul cancel
answer response
appease pacify
arraign indict
ask Inquire
assembly gathering
assent agree
attire dress
avarice greed
baby infant
bad evil
badger pester
beg implore
begin commence
behaviour conduct
belief opinion
benevolent kind
berate scold
big large
bilk swindle
blamed accused
blank empty
bliss happiness
bottom foot
brave daring
brawn strength
bright shinning
broad wide
brook tolerate
bucolic rustic
build construct
busy active
buy purchase
calamity disaster
canon rule
capitulate surrender
careen swerve
careful cautious
careful cautious
castigate criticize
catastrophic disastrous
catch capture
caucus meeting
cavort frolic
cede Relinquish
celestial heavenly
centre middle
champion winner
change alter
cheat deceive
chide scold
choose select
chubby plump
circumspect cautious
clemency forgiveness
clergyman minister
close near
clothes dress
clout influence
coagulate thicken
coddle pamper
coercion force
collusion conspiracy
commend praise
commodity product
compulsory obligatory
concise brief
concur agree
confer bestow
conversant familiar
converse opposite
copy imitate
cordial friendly
correct accurate
courtesan prostitute
covert secret
crave desire
culvert drain
cunning sly
cure remedy
curtail shorten
damp moist
dangerous risky
deadly fatal
dear expensive
dearth scarcity
debilitate weaken
deceive trick
decimate destroy
decipher decode
decrease reduce
deduce conclude
deleterious harmful
delude deceive
demeanour behaviour
demise death
demobilize disband
demoralize dishearten
denigrate defame
denounce condemn
depart leave
deplete exhaust
deride ridicule
desecrate profane
desiccate dehydrate
despot tyrant
destitute poor
detain confine
detrimental harmful
devise plan
devout pious
diabolical devilish
diffident shy
discernible visible
discreet prudent
disease sickness
disfigure mar
dismal gloomy
disorder chaos
dispatch send
disperse scatter
disseminate distribute
distend swell
distract divert
diversity variety
divulge disclose
dodder tremble
dull gloomy
dumb mute
duress coercion
eatable edible
ebb recede
eccentric odd
edifice building
efficacious effective
egocentric self-centered
electorate voters
elucidate explain
elude evade
empty vacant
end conclusion
enemy foe
enough sufficient
ensnare trap
enterprise undertaking
entice lure
entreat plead
envoy messenger
ephemeral short-lived
epoch era
equitable fair
error mistake
escape elude
exorbitant expensive
exorcise expel
fable myth
fall drop
FALSE untrue
fantasy daydream
far distant
feather plume
feign pretend
fertile fruitful
fidelity loyalty
fierce ferocious
fight battle
filch steal
find discover
first initial
fiscal monetary
flagellate whip
float drift
force compel
foretell predict
free release
friend companion
friend ally
funny amusing
furtive stealthy
gain profit
game recreation
gargantuan large
garrulous talkative
gather collect
gay cheerful
general common
genesis beginning
ghastly horrible
give donate
glad happy
glaring dazzling
gnarl deform
gory bloody
guest visitor
guffaw laughter
habit custom
habituate accustom
hale healthy
hallucination delusion
hamper obstruct
hapless unlucky
harangue tirade
hard difficult
hate detest
haven refuge
height altitude
help assist
herald harbinger
hew cut
hide conceal
hideous horrible
high tall
home residence
hone sharpen
horde group
hue colour
hug embrace
huge enormous
humane compassionate
hygienic sanitary
hyperbole exaggeration
idiosyncrasy peculiarity
illicit unlawful
illimitable limitless
illustrious famous
imbibe drink
imitate copy
immaterial irrelevant
immense huge
impale pierce
impasse deadlock
impassive calm
impeccable faultless
impede hinder
impending imminent
imperil endanger
implicate incriminate
implore entreat
inculcate instill
incursion raid
indelible permanent
indigent poor
indiscriminate random
indolent lazy
industrious hardworking
inexorable relentless
infamous notorious
infamy shame
infer conclude
infirmity ailment
influx inflow
infraction violation
infuriate enrage
inhibit restrain
iniquitous unjust
initiate begin
inkling hint
innate inborn
innocuous harmless
innuendo insinuation
inordinate excessive
inquisitive curious
inscribe engrave
inside interior
insignia emblems
insolvent bankrupt
instigate incite
inter bury
interesting fascinating
intrepid fearless
intricate complex
intrigue plot
intrinsic inherent
inundate flood
involve implicate
irate angry
irrational illogical
jeer mock
jest joke
jocular humorous
join connect
jostle push
judicious prudent
jump leap
just fair
kudos acclaim
last final
lazy indolent
least minimum
leave abandon
Created by: kilas
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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