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Class Procedures
Question | Answer |
What are the five procedures for entering the classroom? | 1. come in silently 2. Sit down 3. Take out Materials 4. Began work 5. When finished wait for further directions |
What are the four procedures for waiting in the hall? | 1. Be silent 2. Do not touch the wall 3. stand directly behind the person in front of you 4. Don't go in until the teacher says you can enter. |
What type of communication do we use to ask for tissue or to sharpen your pencil? | Non Verbal - Sign Language |
What is meant by materials? | Three ring binder, paper, pencil, planner |
When should you ask to go to the bathroom? | Before the bell at the door. |
How many demerits can a person get before they have a infraction? | 2 they get an infraction on the 3rd one of the week. |
Demerits start over on what day? | Monday or a new week |
Infractions start over when? | After Christmas vactaion |
Is "what time is it?" an appropriate question for class? | no |
Is talking without permission a demerit? | yes |
When may a student get out of their desk ? | When the teacher gives them permission |
When doing an activity and the teacher says "Give me five" what must the students do? | Stop, hold up their hand with five fingers, eyes on the teacher, be silent and listen. |
What goes at the top of the page for assignments? | Appropriate heading |
How many sentences must be on a bellringer to receive credit? | 4-5 you can write more. |
How do we write our name on papers that we turn in or keep in our binder? | last name first, first name last and then our middle inital |
What happens when someone receives their first infraction? | Conference with the teacher |
What is the second infraction? | Punishwork |
What is the third infraction? | Call home |
What is the fourth infraction? | All infractions fourth and beyond result in a referral to the office |
Who in the group is responsible for working when we do group work? | Everyone |
What may be discussed in groups? | Only Class work |
Jane sits behind John, If Jane is nudging John with her pencil what discipline will incur if it is the first time? | Demerit |
Excuses for absences should be brought where? | Cafeteria |
For each day you miss you have how many days to complete the work you missed? | one day |
Late homework and assignments should be placed where? | In the make up bin |
Where do you go to check for makeup work? | The Oncourse website. |
True or False Gum is an automatic referal. | True |
If a person recieves zero demerits for a week what do they get? | A gator dollar |
what are the parts of a proper heading? | Last name , date and Class hour |
Profanity results in which discipinary action? | Automatic referral |
The proceedure where Mr. Wray gets the students attention during group work is called what? | Gimmie Five |
Who do you give your absence excuse note to? | Mrs. Galloway |
When are you suppose to get water? | Before or after class |
When may a student bring a phone to school? | Never |
What three ways are gator dollars used | 1. Free dress 2. Candy purchase 3. To erase a demerit |
When are you suppose to turn in your excuse note upon returning from an absence? | In the morning |
What should always be in the upper right hand corner of your papers? | Your Class Hour |