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What are the five procedures for entering the classroom?
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What are the four procedures for waiting in the hall?
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Class Procedures

What are the five procedures for entering the classroom? 1. come in silently 2. Sit down 3. Take out Materials 4. Began work 5. When finished wait for further directions
What are the four procedures for waiting in the hall? 1. Be silent 2. Do not touch the wall 3. stand directly behind the person in front of you 4. Don't go in until the teacher says you can enter.
What type of communication do we use to ask for tissue or to sharpen your pencil? Non Verbal - Sign Language
What is meant by materials? Three ring binder, paper, pencil, planner
When should you ask to go to the bathroom? Before the bell at the door.
How many demerits can a person get before they have a infraction? 2 they get an infraction on the 3rd one of the week.
Demerits start over on what day? Monday or a new week
Infractions start over when? After Christmas vactaion
Is "what time is it?" an appropriate question for class? no
Is talking without permission a demerit? yes
When may a student get out of their desk ? When the teacher gives them permission
When doing an activity and the teacher says "Give me five" what must the students do? Stop, hold up their hand with five fingers, eyes on the teacher, be silent and listen.
What goes at the top of the page for assignments? Appropriate heading
How many sentences must be on a bellringer to receive credit? 4-5 you can write more.
How do we write our name on papers that we turn in or keep in our binder? last name first, first name last and then our middle inital
What happens when someone receives their first infraction? Conference with the teacher
What is the second infraction? Punishwork
What is the third infraction? Call home
What is the fourth infraction? All infractions fourth and beyond result in a referral to the office
Who in the group is responsible for working when we do group work? Everyone
What may be discussed in groups? Only Class work
Jane sits behind John, If Jane is nudging John with her pencil what discipline will incur if it is the first time? Demerit
Excuses for absences should be brought where? Cafeteria
For each day you miss you have how many days to complete the work you missed? one day
Late homework and assignments should be placed where? In the make up bin
Where do you go to check for makeup work? The Oncourse website.
True or False Gum is an automatic referal. True
If a person recieves zero demerits for a week what do they get? A gator dollar
what are the parts of a proper heading? Last name , date and Class hour
Profanity results in which discipinary action? Automatic referral
The proceedure where Mr. Wray gets the students attention during group work is called what? Gimmie Five
Who do you give your absence excuse note to? Mrs. Galloway
When are you suppose to get water? Before or after class
When may a student bring a phone to school? Never
What three ways are gator dollars used 1. Free dress 2. Candy purchase 3. To erase a demerit
When are you suppose to turn in your excuse note upon returning from an absence? In the morning
What should always be in the upper right hand corner of your papers? Your Class Hour
Created by: twray



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