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Historic Preservation

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

Vieux Carre   1921 French Quarter in New Orleans, designates first historic preservation commission in 1921 w/ the purppose of preserving the commercial value of the area (tourism)  
When did Vieux Carre become a historic district?   1937  
Fisrt City to enact Historic Preservation Ordinance   1931, Charleston, SC  
Who sets the review standards for a historic preservation area?   Secreatry of Interiors - sets standards that form basis for review of changes to a designated historic building  
What designates a historic district?   an area that generally contains a significant concentration of older properties linked by architectural style, historical development, or a past event  
What are historic preservation ord.?   local laws through which owners of historic rpop. may be prohibited from demolishing their prop or making major alterations to it w/o local gov't approval  
WHat are preservation ordinances allowed to protect?   landmarks, entire historic districts, or both landmarks and districts  
What do preservation ordinances typically regulate?   design of new construction & changes to existing structures  
Land mark preservation   similar to historic but it involves preservation of single structure or group of structures rather than whole area  
Who has the power to designate landmarks?   historic district commission  
Historic District Commission   aka design review board, entity w/i local gov't charged w/ administering a community's historic preservation ordinance  
Who is typically on the historic district commission?   local citizens w/ expertise in architectural history, architecture, law, or real estate  
What type of power does a historic planning commission have?   some only make recomendations to other gov't bodies and others have the final word on whether & how historic properties may be altered  
State statutes   Establish commissions or committees to oversee historic districts, authority to reegulate historic preservation comes from the police power; these may standardize the historic-designation system w/i a state  
Historic Preservation Tax Credit   allowed for rehabilitation of older structures that takes into account historic significance of a prop., typically used for properties located in a designated historic district  
Preservation easements   used by private prop owners who are int. in protecting their historic prop.  
Who presents the easements to the preservation org. or gov't entity?   property owner  
Is land donated for an easement typically voluntary?   yes, but it binds current & future owners to protect the historic character of the prop subject to the easement  
Facade easements   preservation easements used to protect only the exterior or face of a historic structure; commonly used in urban environment  
Transfer of Development Rights   used to permit more intense development than allowed by zoning as compensation to owner for not demolishing historic structure  
What does TDR separate?   the right to alter property from other property rights  
What is "Fee simple acquisition of a historic landmark"?   purchase a landmark and preserve it voluntarily  
Adaptive Reuse   creating new uses for old buildings such as recycling properties for uses other than those for which they were designed  
Name the Historic Preservation cases   US vs. Gettysburg Electric Railway Co. 1896 Penn Central Transportation Co. vs. City of NY 1978  
Has zoning for historic preservation purposes been upheld in courts?   yes  
Antiquities Act   1906 - 1st law to provide fed. protection for archaeological & historic sites, allowed areas w/i public domain that contained historic landmarks, historic structures, & objects of historic int. to be designated as National Monuments  
Historic Site, Buildings, & Antiquities Act   1935 required Secretary of the Interior to identify, acquire, and restore qualifying historic sites & called upon fed. agencies to consider preservation needs in their programs & plans  
National Trust for Historic Preservation   1949 Pres. Truman signed National Trust, this is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to saving historic places & revitalzing America's communities  
National Historic Preservation Act   1966 est. National Register of Historic Places, this provides (Section 106) for the protection of preservation-worthy sites and properties threatened by fed. activities  
What are the terms loook for in environmental review?   "potentially eligible for designation" as a historic landmark and "designated" as a historic landmark  
Intermodal Surface Trasnportation Efficiency Act   ISTEA - created Transportation Enhancment fund to deal with community-wide impacts of transportation and earmarked funds for scenic byways and historic preservation  


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Created by: tmneal