AICP: Functional Area of Practice
Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in
each of the black spaces below before clicking
on it to display the answer.
Housing history: identify years of the Public Health Movement | late 1800s (1876 - 1920)
First Tenement build in NYC | 1855
Dumbbell tenement - where and why built | NYC, 1879 law required every inhabitable room have a window opening to plain air (air shaft at narrow waist in middle of building)
Tenement House Act (year and significance) | 1867; NYC. First "housing code" of the US. Required air shaft between adjacent structures, windows that open to the air shaft, one square yard window in each room. And 2 toilets per floor.
Tenement House Law | 1901. NYC. Outlawed Dumbbell tenements. Required wide light and air areas between buildings and toilets and running water in each unit.
Neighborhood Unit Concept - year and who defined | 1920 - Clarence Perry. Part of NY Reg'l Plan. Defined neighborhood as 5-min walking radius. Ca. 160 acres; school in center.
Public Works Administration | 1934. First federally supported public housing program; depression era. Provided 85% cost of public housing projects.
National Housing Act | 1934 passed by Congress. Established Federal Housing Administration; purpose to insure home mortgages.
Resettlement Administration - year and outcome | 1935 - formed to experiment with population resettlement and land reform. Used New Deal funds to develop new towns (Greendale WI; Greenhills, OH, Greenbelt, MD) + 99 communities planned (based on Garden City concept)
U.S. - or - National - or The Housing Act of . . . | first in 1934 w/purpose of insuring home mortgages. Followed by 1937 - $500 M for development of low-cost housing; tied slum clearance to public housing [Catherine B Wurster, advocate]. 1949 - 800,000 new units emphasizing slum clearance (More)
other Housing Acts: | 1954 urban renewal and slum prevention "701 funds". 1959: fed matching funds for planning at metro, regional, state levels. 1961: subsidies to non-profits and others for public housing construction for low- and moderate-income families
Housing and Urban Development 1965 | Rent subsidies for the poor; reduces interest rate home loans; subsidies for public housing projects.
HUD 1968 | subsidies for 6M housing units and subsidies for private houses for low-income families
Pruitt-Igoe Project (St. Louis) | public housing project demolished - shift away from high-rise concentrated public housing.
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) | 1974, created under Housing and Community Development Act. Community use of fed funds to address blight. Also created SECTION 8
Section 8 program | Created with CDBG in 1974. Provides rent subsidies for low-income housing.
National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Act | 1974. Regulated manufactured housing units; prohibited municipalities from regulating through local building codes (effective 1976)
HOME was created thru what act? | National Affordable Housing Act of 1990
funds for housing rehabilitation
HOPE VI was created by? | Congress passed HOPE VI grant program in 1992. Provided funds to redevelop severely distressed public housing. Resulted in a de-concentration of public housing.
Consolidation Plan | Requirement for HUD funding began in 1995. Replaces app for: CDBG; HOME; Emergency Shelter Grant; HOPWA (persons w/AIDS). Collaborative process to integrate economic, physical, human devl'p for communities to thrive
Book published that triggered housing and neighborhood reform | 1890: How the Other Half Lives (by Jacob Riis)
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