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AICP Exam Prep HCC - Plan Making and Implementation 2

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

Exaction   costs levied on developers as a condition for receiving permission to develop in a community - reflect costs development is projected to impose on community - must further a legitimate public interest  
Impact Fee   directly related to impact of new development - used to fund capital facilities - collected from developers when building permit issued  
Environmental Analysis - NEPA   whenever US government takes a "major federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment", an Environment Impact Statement is required  
What are the 4 Sections of an Environmental Impact Statement?   1)Purpose and Need of Proposed Action statement, 2)Description of Affected Environment, 3)Range of Alternatives to proposed action, 4)Analysis of environmental impacts of each alternative  
Clean Water Act   controls all sources of water pollution in US - anyone seeking to discharge water pollutants into a body of water must apply for a permit to do so  
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)   permitting system for all point sources of water pollution  
Ambient Regulations   those relating to quality of water in receiving bodies of water  
Effluent Regulations   those imposing treatment requirements on all pollutants  
Clear Air Act   federal government sets ambient standards - states must promulgate emission regulations that will allow those standards to be met or exceeded  
PSD Standards   in addition to ambient and effluent standards - prevent significant deterioration of very high quality airsheds  
What is a Growth Management Technique?   ensures orderly development and preserves quality of life  
How do Growth Management Techniques ensure orderly development and preserve quality of life?   preserving open space and agricultural land, assessing visual and environmental impacts, promoting livable communities, controlling pace of growth  
Concurrency   can deny approval of new developments unless adequate public facilities have been provided - i.e. roads, water, sewer  
Regional Urban Growth Boundary   limit future sprawl around the periphery of the region  
Local Urban Growth Boundary   individual locality draws a boundary within its own borders and constrains future development to within that boundary  
Rate of Growth Programs   policies that limit the pace of community geographic expansion  
What is a budget?   allocating and spending tax dollars to provide services to the public which the citizenry would otherwise have to provide for itself  
Aaron Wildansky quote on budgets   "A budget may be characterized as a series of goals with price tags attached."  
Budget Preparation Steps   1)estimate of available resources, 2)revenue forecasting, 3)estimating spending needs, 4)revenue sources  
Estimate of Available Resources   1)how much cash available at start of fiscal year, 2)how much additional revenue raised during fiscal year, 3)how much cash available at end of fiscal year  
Revenue Forecasting   looking at what happened in past and eyeballing historical data into projections for the future  
Estimating Spending Needs   focus on individual units and their budget requirements  
Revenue Sources   general revenue sources and non-general revenue sources  
General Revenue Sources   tax and non-tax revenue  
Non-General Revenue Sources   utilities, liquor/lottery sales  
Taxes - 3 Primary Functions   1)generating revenues to finance government goods and services, 2)redistribute income, 3)reducing income and spending when overall demand is excessive  
Progressive Tax   ratio of tax payments to income increases as income rises  
Proportional (Flat) Tax   ratio of tax payments to income is constant  
Regressive Tax   ratio of tax payments to income declines as income rises  
Current Revenue (Pay As You Go)   financing improvements from current revenue  
Reserve Funds   funds accumulated in advance  
Bonding   financing larger projects through the marketing and issuance of promises to pay - interest is paid through the life of the instrument  
General Obligation Bonds   sold to finance permanent types of improvements such as schools, municipal buildings, and parks - backed by full faith and credit of local govt - based on local govt's ability to cover debt in future  
Revenue Bonds   sold for projects, such as water and sewer, that produce revenues - not included in state imposed debt limits - not backed by full faith and credit - financed in long run by service charges and fees  
Lease Purchase   public works project constructed by private company then leased by municipality  
Authorities and Special Districts   provide a single service such as schools, water, sewer - formed to avoid restrictive local government debt limits  
Special Assessments   paid by those who directly benefit  
Tax Increment Financing (TIF)   provide front end funds in an area where large scale redevelopment is feasible  
TIF Process   district around development is designated with a tax base similar to surrounding area - tax rates established based on how property might be developed - area developed - higher tax rates from new development retire debt  
Capital Budget   finances larger projects - non-recurring investments in facilities or infrastructure  
Capital Improvement Program   guide to provision of capital improvements by balancing revenues, expenditures, and the sequencing of acquisition actions  
Capital Improvement   public facility which constitutes a major expenditure and a long life involving non-recurring expenditures  
Operating Budget   funds day to day operations - provision of services on a continual basis  
Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System (PPBS)   organize spending by program rather than functional objects - program oriented with long range horizons that demand cost justification of alternatives against established need - emphasis on planning not budgeting  
Management By Objective (MBO)   goal and objective setting process between the administrator and subordinates - provides participants in public organization means to participate in decision making  
Zero Base Budget (ZBB)   each manager required to justify entire budget request in detail from scratch and shifts burden of proof to each manager to justify why any money should be spent  
Policy Analysis and Decision Making   requires examining and measuring significant benefits and costs - answers questions about purpose or intent of policy - evaluate impacts to quality of life factors  
Subdivision Plans   minor, consolidation, retracement - major, preliminary - design plan review - construction inspection - final plat approval & recording  
Program Evaluation   plan an evaluation strategy - before implementation, define problem & outcomes, document current conditions, identify objectives, identify alternatives and impacts, set benchmarks, define timeline  
Basic Components of Communication Techniques   message, audience, action, delivery mechanicm  
Communication Delivery Mechanism Formats   written reports, brochures, flyers, press releases, PowerPoint presentations, presentation boards, oral presentation, memoranda  
Public/Private Intergovernmental Relationships   improvements that benefit the development as well as the community  
Public/Non-Profit Intergovernmental Relationships   typically for housing, parks, or environmental purposes - land trusts  
Public/Public Intergovernmental Relationships   state govt may provide guidance, training, or technical assistance to local govt - federal govt may provide grants or contracts  
Intergovernmental Relationship Benefits   leveraging funds and resources available  
Intergovernmental Relationship Obstacles   differing work cultures  
Stakeholder Relationships   identifying stakeholders, continued involvement and updates  


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Created by: hccovi2
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