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Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

AIRPORT NOISE: What are some of the available tools to local governments for managing the built environment within noise-sensitive areas?   Rezoning to make incompatible uses non-conforming (not effective for large areas); Purchase property around the airport to keep it or clear it (can be very expensive); Creation of a noise overlay district (the best planning technique).  
What is ASNA, when was it founded and what does it do?   Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act of 1979; Established a system of measuring airport-generated noise and determining the exposure of individuals; deveoped standardized airport noise compatibility planning program.  
Name 3 types of taxes?   1) Property Tax: Largest source of funds for local gov'ts and receive taxes on real property. 2) Sales Tax: 2nd largest source of funds for local govt's and can skew land use decisions by favoring commercial, esp. regional shopping ctrs. 3) Income tax  
What are some other types of taxes?   Special Districts; user fees -- utilities, transit, bridges, tunnels, pkg, airports, sewage. Fees for bldg permits, zoning chgs, subdivision, business licenses, tobacco, alcohol, theaters and hotel rooms.  
Name 8 steps in the operating budget process.   1) Fiscal analysis & policy choices. 2) expenditure estimates. 3) review of expenditure estimates. 4) revenue estimates. 5) budgetary forecasting. 6) budget document. 7) budget review & adoption. 8) budget execution.  
Budgets: Fiscal analysis & policy choices -- name the types of reviews that can take place.   Reviews of current local gov't finances, major jurisdictional programs (does the gov have to pay for health, welfare, criminal justic)?; and the review of labor relations, wage and price trends.  
Expenditure Estimates are...?   Detailed analysis of programs & services, staffing & organizational charts, salary costs, new equipment, new staff positions, operating costs of new capital facilities.  
Budgetary forecasting is ....   4-5 year forecasts; identifies future problems in time to head them off and avoids commuting to new programs you may not be able to afford in years to come.  
Budget documents include what?   1) accumulation of estimates, projections, administrative decisions & proposals; should have back up materials, policies, forecasts, to allow reader to reach independent judgement.  
PBBS is defined as? Who started it and what yr? Name some characteristics of PBBS.   Planning-Programming-Budgeting System (1960): 1st developed by the DOD. Based on systems analysis, ops research & decision-making theory. Characteristics: focus on ID fundamental objectives of program, ID implications for future years, considers costs.  
What is zero base budgeting, who developed it, what does it do?   ZBB developed by Tx instruments. ZBB starts from scratch rather than use last years budget as base. Prevents automatic budget increase, different levels of svcs defined for decision-makers to choose btwn, accomodates new alt approaches.  
What is the Dayton System?   Developed-Dayton, OH. Purpose was 2 describe municipal svcs in language elected officials & comm. can understand while allocating resources in classifications based on policies & programs; has categories of goals, objectives, key issues, a progress rpt.  
The Dayton System has what types of categories?   Goals, objectives, & key issues; a progress report; community conditions statement summarizing svc & demographic indicators; departmental priorities for current & next year; resource allocation & capital project tables.  


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