zoning terms for aicp
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on it to display the answer.
Management by Objectives (MBO) | process of agreeing upon objectives within an organization so that management and employees agree to the objectives and understand what they are. First popularized by Peter Drucker in 1954 in his book 'The Practice of Management'.
PERT -Program Evaluation and Review Technique- 6 steps | Identify specific activities and milestones; 2.Determine proper sequence of the activities; 3.Construct a network diagram; 4;Estimate the time required for each activity; 5;Determine the critical pat; 6. Update the PERT chart as the project progresses.
Conventional zoning vs. performance zoning | permitted uses, prohibitions, height limits etc. vs. applicant must demonstrate that the current functions of the resource area or process will be maintained or improved. (wetland will still function the same after development takes place.
Euclidian Zoning | SF is the most restrictive zone district, virtually no restrictions on industrial zone district
Cumulative Zoning | Each zoning district allows all of the uses in the more restrictive district below it PLUS additional ones
Modified Cumulative zoning | cumulative zoning with more restrictions, i.e. no SF homes in Industrial district
Plural Planning | multiple plans (plans made by the private, public, and non-profit sectors) would improve the overall quality of local planning . associated with advocacy planning
Procedural due process | procedural due process is concerned with provisions such as the right to adequate notice of a lawsuit, the right to be present during testimony, and the right to an attorney
Substantive due process | substantive due process is concerned with such issues as freedom of speach and privacy
New Regionalism | belief that government based on metropolitan units can plan for regions better than can disjointed local government groupings.
Standard Zoning Enabling Act | the first one was written in New York by Edward Bassett in 1916. Other states soon copied.
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