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Spatial Areas of Planning - AICP

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

National Planning   Focus of Fed Programs - Fed Housing (HUD)Fed Transportation (FHWA, FTA) Fed Environmental (Army Corps of Engg)  
Multistate Planning   Across state boundaries- Environmental and Transportation eg. Tenessee Valley Authority ... multi-state planning (flood management, electricity)  
TEA 21   Funding for multi-state corridor planning  
State Planning   Flood plainEnvironmental Protection Dillon's rule  
First to introduce mandatory Statewide Planning   Hawaii  
Statewide Growth Management Plan   Maryland  
Dillon's Rule State   Idaho, Maryland and Michigan  
Home Rule State   Oregon,New Jersey, Massachusetts, Only Chartered Cities in CA  
Sub-state Planning   Parks, Environmental, Transportationeg. Silicon Valley - economic sub-state area  
County Planning   County-Multi-jurisdictionalHazard Mitigation Growth Management Intergovernmnetal Coop  
Urban Planning   Mostly City focus - Redevelopment/Infill, Traffic Management, Poverty and Heat Island  
Urban Heat Island   An urban heat island (UHI) is a metropolitan area which is significantly warmer than its surrounding rural areas. advantages - less chance of tornadoesdisadvantages - hotter cities  
Suburban Planning   Foreclosure, Sprawl, Connectivity, Infrastructure  
Placemaking   Converting suburbs into 'places' ... building a sense of community  
Rural Planning   Access to InfrastructureFarm EconomicsSmall Town CharacterSocial and health services  
Corridor Planning   Corridor Transportation PlanningNational Corridor PlanningScenic Corridor PlanningGreenway/Blueway Planning  
Issues in Corridor Planning   ConnectivitySafetyParkingDesign  
SAFETEA-LU   Safe Accountable Flexible Eficient Transportation Equity Act - A Legacy for Users Grant program for corridor planning  
Proposed I-69(NAFTA Super Highway)   Brownsville to CanadaTrans-Tex Corridor (initiative out of NAFTA)  
National Scenic Byway Program 1992   Preserve the quality of scenic corridorsUS-1, Elvis Priestly Scenic Hwy (Tenessee to Mississippi)  
Neighborhood   Neighborhood Unit Concept (Clarence Perry)- 1 mile square area- Arterial roads running on the four sides- Retail, Housing, School and Park- eg. Amarillo, Texas  
Waterfront Planning   Water AccessibiltyEnvironmental conditionsHazard mitigationEconomic viability  
Clean Water Act   1972 Major amendments -Clean Water Act of 1977 -Water Quality Act of 1987  
Historic Districts   National Register DistrictsState Level Districts  
National Historic Act   1966, last amended in 2006The National Register of Historic Places, overseen by the National Park Service  
Downtown Planning (similar to Urban Planning)   Traffic CirculationDowntown Housing and RetailBusiness Improvement Districts  
Business Improvement Districts   Property owners agree to a tax rate in exchange for certain enhancement of services, facilities etc. (police patrol, street cleaning etc.)  
Special Assessment District (SAD)vs.Business Improvement District (BID)vs. Special District (SD)   BID: agree on increase of tax rate SAD: one time increase in property tax associated with the cost of a one-time improvement SD: Isolated taxing unit eg. Fire Improvement Dist leving increase in taxes for special fire services in certain areas  
Consolidated Plan   Required by the US Dept. of Housing for Block Grant Funding  
Who is primarily responsible for Flood Control projects?   Planning is done at the National Level US Army Corps of Eng. is responsible for flood control projects.  
MPO vs. COG   MPO: transportation only, can be a COG (SCAG, SANDAG) COG: can be part of an MPO, can be a city govt. that serves the region in that role, responsible for regional planning issues (solid waste planning, reg. water, growth mngnt etc.) - started 1950  
Community Development Corporation (CDC)   Non-profit org. that have specific purpose (eg. comm. housing) - eligible for low - income housing tax credits and other fed programs - geog. specific  


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Created by: mitaligupta