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Topic 2 Plan Making and Implementation

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Can a strategic plan be used to plan a city?   No, Strategic planning is short term in focus and is specific in accomplishing certain objectives.  
What is Visioning?   Process whereby citizens attend a series of meetings that provide the opportunity for them to offer input on how the community could be in the future.  
What are goals in Plan Making Implementation?   Direct the public toward the future.  
What are obkectives in Plan Making Implementation?   More specific and attainable statement.  
What is a sample in Plan Making Implementation?   is a subset of the population. For example, 25 candidates out of the total number of planners preparing for the 2011 AICP exam.  
Descriptive Statistics describe what?   Characteristics of a population.  
Inferential Statistics determine characteristics of what?   population based on observations made on a sample from that population.  
What is the mean?   average of a distribution.The mean of [2, 3, 4, 5] is 3.5.  
What is a Median?   is the middle number of a ranked distribution. The median of [2, 3, 4, 6, 7] is 4  
What is the mode?   The most frequent number in a distribution. The mode of [1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6, 7, 7] are 3 and 7. There can be more than one mode for a data set.  
What is the linear method in population estimating?   rate of growth (or decline) in population over a period of time to estimate the current or future population.  
What is the Symptomatic Method?   available data to estimate the current population. For instance, the average household size is 2.5 according to Census. If 100 new single-family building permits are issued this year, approximately 250 new people will be added to the community.  
Step down ratio method?   uses the ratio of the population in a city and a county at known point in time. i.e.Plannersville is 20% of the county population in 2000. If we know that the county population is 20,000 in 2005, we can then est pop of Plannersville as 4,000 (20%).  
What is urbanized area?   an area consisting of a central place and adjacent territory with a general population density of at least 1,000 people per square mile of land area. This land area has a minimum residential population of at least 50,000 people.  
What is a Urban Cluster?   densely settled territory that has at least 2,500 people but less than 50,000 and this is new for Census 2000  
What is a Metropolitan Statistical Area?   (MSA) includes at least one city with 50,000 or more inhabitants, or an urbanized area (of at least 50,000 inhabitants), and a total metropolitan population of at least 100,000.  
What is a megalopolis?   Many centered, multi-city, urban area of more than 10 million inhabitants, generally dominated by low-density settlement and complex networks of economic specialization."  
What is a census tract?   typically has a population between 2,000 and 8,000 people. It is the smallest area where all information is released.  
What is a census block?   is the smallest level at which the Census data is collected. There are typically 400 housing units per block.  
People born between 1946 and 1964 are known as what per the US census?   Baby Boomers  
People who are generation X are born from what years?   1965 to 1976  
Generation Y are from _____?   1977-2000  
What is the Average Per Capita Method:   It divides the total local budget by the existing population in a city to determine the average per-capita cost for the jurisdiction  
What is the Adjusted Per Capita Method:   The Adjusted Per Capita Method uses the adjusted per capita method and adjusts this based on expectations about the new development. This relies on subjective judgment.  
What is Disaggregated Per Capita Method?   The Disaggregated Method estimates the costs and revenues based on major land uses; for example, the cost of servicing a shopping center versus an apartment complex.  
What is Dynamic Method?   Applies statistical analysis to time-series data from a jurisdiction. This method determines i.e. how much sales tax revenue is generated per capita from a grocery store and applies this to new development.  
What 4 sections does an Environmental Impact Analysis has?   1 Statement of the Purpose & Need of the Proposed Action 2 Dcrpt of Affected Environment 3 Rnge of Alternatives to the proposed action. Alternatives are considered the "heart" of the EIS 4.Analysis of the enviro impact of each possible alternatives  
What is a Cost-benefit analysis?   Estimates the total monetary value of the benefits and costs to the community of a project(s) to determine whether they should be undertaken. Typically, this is used for public projects such as highways and other public facilities.  
When created the cost-benefit analysis?   This analysis was originated by the French engineer Jules Dupuit in 1848  
What US act first utilized the cost benefit analysis?   Federal Navigation Act of 1936. This act required that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers undertake waterway system projects when the total benefits exceed the cost of the project.  
What is a Cost-effectiveness analysis?   method for selecting among competing projects when resources are limited, was developed by the military. i.e. if a community has 50g to spend on park improvements then several different projects can be prepared, such as adding playground equipment or purc  
What is the cost effective anaylysis equation?   CE Ratio = (cost new strategy - cost current practice)/(effect new strategy – effect current practice).  
What is the cohurt method?   USes historical death and birth rates and migration rates.  
What birth rate do you need to maintain population?   2.1  
What major questions should a strategic plan address?   • What is the current situation and how is that situation likely to change in the foreseeable future? • Where are we going as an organization? • How will we get there?  
What are the 8 elements to a strategic plan?   1. Analyze the community’s needs.  
8 elements to a strategic plan #2?   2. • identify results; determine what long-term objectives the city is going to pursue.  
8 elements to a strategic plan #3?   3. • Admit uncertainties - analyze the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) relating to the objectives.  
8 elements to a strategic plan #4?   4. • Involve strategic stakeholders.  
8 elements to a strategic plan #5?   5. Develop and evaluate alternatives.  
8 elements to a strategic plan #6?   6. Identify the role of the city.  
8 elements to a strategic plan #7?   7. Develop a funding policy.  
8 elements to a strategic plan #8?   8. Evaluate performance.  
What are the basis of the three economic analysis methods?   Economic Base Analysis, Shift Share Analysis, and input output analysis  
What are basic activities?   Are those that can be exported.  
What are non basic activities?   Are those oriented that are locally oriented.  
What is location quotient used for?   to identify economic base industrie  
HOW do you calculate location quotient?   industry’s share of local employment divided by its share of the nation (or other level of government)  
What is the method of theThis method uses employment information by sector for two points in time. For example, one may wish to compare employment by industry between 1990 and 2000. The total employment change in an industry between 1990 and 2000 is equal   uses employment information by sector for two points in time.  
What is input and output analysis?   is a quantitative method that links suppliers and purchasers to determine the economic output of a region  
What is the Cost Variance equation.   Planned Value – Actual Cost = CV  
What is a variance in statistics?   is the average squared difference of scores from the mean score of a distribution.Variance is a descriptor of a probability distribution, how far the numbers lie from the mean.  
What is a revenue bond?   A revenue bond is a special type of municipal bond distinguished by its guarantee of repayment solely from revenues generated by a specified revenue-generating entity associated  
What is the benefits of a fiscal impact analysis?   To assist city or county officials determine if a project will generate sufficient revenue to defray necessary public service costs  
What is the benefit of the Multiplyer Analysis?   Typically multiplier analysis is used to project the number of jobs created, but can also be used to project job loss.  
What is a Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System (PPBS)   is in effect an integration of a number of techniques in a planning and budgeting process for identifying, costing and assigning a complexity of resources for establishing priorities and strategies in a major program and for forecasting costs  
What is a line item budget?   A budget in which the individual financial statement items are grouped by cost centers or departments.  
What is a urban growth boundary?   is a regional boundary, set in an attempt to control urban sprawl by mandating that the area inside the boundary be used for higher density urban development and the area outside be used for lower density development.  
When was PPBS developed?   was developed in the 1960's.  
What are the 3 main points in PPBS?   The first, it is organized by program instead of functional objects. The second, extends programs out into the future to look at the spending implications. third, all of the programs are put through quantitative analysis.  
What is key point to remember about PPBS?   A key point to remember, PPBS is focused on planning, not budgeting.  
What does a shift share analysis do?   evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of a specific region's industries.  
What is a capillary fringe?   The Capillary Fringe is the saturated zone immediately above the water table where saturation is maintained by capillary tension.  
What is a revenue Bond?   Revenue Bonds are often sold for projects that produce revenue such as sewer systems. They are financed through service charges or fees over the long run. Therefore they are not back by the local jurisdiction by full faith and credit.  
Can a tree be used in metes and bounds surveys?   Yes, It relies on a property’s physical features to determine the boundaries and measurements of the parcel.  
What does PERT stand for?   PERT - Program Evaluation and Review Technique  
What is the intent of PERT?   It graphically depicts the interrelationships of the tasks that make up the project. It is used to help control the cost and time of a project.  
What is Organization by Function?   organized around the basic functions of urban decision making such as land use, and transportation  
What is Organization by Process?   organized around the basic skills in a planning agency such as research, and design  
What is Organization by Time Frame?   organized around the time it takes to complete the basic functions such as long range, and current planning  
Organized by Geographic Area?   organized around the physical areas of responsibility of the agency  
What doese PERT stand for?   Program Evaluation and Review Technique  
What is the first step in the PERT process?   Identify the specific activities and milestones;  
What is the second step in the PERT process?   Determine the proper sequence of the activities;  
What is the third step in the P   Construct a network diagram;  
What is Functional planning?   transportation, land use, CDBG, etc  
What is process planning?>   research, demographic analysis  
Time planning?   current planning, long range planning  
Area Planning   Planning by geographic areas.  
A specific statment that guides decision making. It indicates a clear committment of the local legislative body. What is this?   Policy  
A direction setter an ideal future end condition or state?   Goal  
A specific end condition or state that is an intemediate step toward attaining a goal?   Objective  
A specific statemeent that guides decision making, It indicates a lcear commitment of the local legislative body>   Policy  
the reason for choosing a random sample from a large set of data is?   to approxiamte the characteristics of the large set in less time and with less cost.  
A scatter diagram is a ?   regression and correlation analysis  
what is a run chart?   also known as a run-sequence plot is a graph that displays observed data in a time sequence. Often, the data displayed represent some aspect of the output or performance of a manufacturing or other business process.  
What is a fishbone diagram?   A fish bone diagram is a common tool used for a cause and effect analysis, where you try to identify possible causes for a certain problem or event.  
Public record of the assessed value of property in a taxing jurisdiction.   Assessment Roll  
•1:24,000 means.....?   1 inch represents 2,000 linear feet  
as a technique to find the optimum design solution for a project. Source:   Linear programming  
Single service to an area can be described as?   Special District  
a range of values that includes a certain population parameter with a given probability.   Confidence Interval  
This technique can be described as a method of assessing project alternatives by weighing these alternatives according to a group of citizen goals.   Goals-achievement Matrix  
What does a Development of a purchase of development rights program do?   would protect agricultural land a purchase program guarantees that land will be preserved in perpetuity.  
This type of budget uses decision packages that can be independently decided upon for funding purposes.   Zero based budget.  
What is staff planning?   performs policy analysis for the governing body.  
What is line planning?   performs subdivision reviews, zoning ordinance amendments and code enforcement.  
This type of economic tool is used for both determining the impact of a change in the economy and predicting future growth.   Economic Base Analysis  
This type of economic tool are used to tell us the amount of export bases in each industry.   Location Quotient  
This type of economic tool is a descriptive technique for analyzing sources of change in the regional economy.   Shift Share Analysis  
This type of economic tool focuses on intermediate sales between an economy sectors or the circular flow of the economy.   Input output analysis  
used to be a more detailed way to describe the project in the planning process of the project. Uses a logical structure to define various levels of detail.   Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)  
According to Terry Clark, AICP, which are the key points to writing a WBS?   A. Keep the deliverable in mind B. Use a simple numbering system C. Its size and complexity is determined by the project D. Start general and work to more specific  
This impact analysis is used both to determine the net monetary value of a project and to weigh the net monetary values.   Benefit Cost Analysis  
This type of impact analysis can only address impacts that are quantifiable in terms of money?   Benefit Cost Analysis  
This type of impact analysis is usually used to compare two competing projects that will provide roughly the same benefits.   Cost Effectiveness Analysis  
This type of analysis is used to estimate the costs and revenues that a proposed development will bring to an areas governments and schools.   Fiscal Impact Analysis  
This type of impact analysis is used for estimating the average costs of a proposed residential development.   Per Capital Multiplier Method  
Projections of future job growth, an assessment of current demographics and a current inventory of office and industrial space and occupancy assist what enconomic tool?   Ecnonomic Base Anaylysis  
Capital Improvement Budget includes those facilities that are planned for construction for how many years?   1 year  
The local economy is made up of what?   Major employers, Business conditions, Employment growth  
A process of agreeing upon objectives within an organization so that management and employees agree to the objectives and understand what they are.   Management by Objectives (MBO) by Peter Drucker 1954  
An analysis done to find the most cost effective alternative plans.   Cost Effectiveness Analysis  
is a federally designated distressed area in need of sustainable community development. It is designed to afford communities real opportunities for growth and revitalization   An empowerment zone.  
This type of fiscal analysis to determine if annexation of a 500 acre area makes sense.   Cost Revenue Analysis  
What is a NGO?   Non-governement agency  
Why do planners use economic forecasting   To provide a basis for determining land use  
this redistribute income, creating revenues to finance government goods and services, When overall demand is large, reduction of income and spending   Taxes serve which of the following functions?  
The budget is broken up into "decision packages", budget starts from scratch, "decision packages" are tied to long range plans   Zero Based Budget  
presides over rezoning proceedings that are treated as quasi-judicial actions   Zoning Hearing Master  
What is a CCA?   Community Character Act  
1)goals are based on what already exists in the community 4)a simple projection of what the community desires   this involves visionining  
With regard to takings, the U.S. Supreme Court has said that where a regulation is intended merely to prevent ano ____________, it should not be considered a taking.   Nuissance  
Limitations on emissions, glare, noise etc are characteristic of what type of zoning>   Performance Zoning.  
A right of the use of a property by those other than the owner, is a non-possessory interest, may limit the use of land.   Easement  
What is the "push analysis"?   it determines sales capacity of a market area. A push analysis determines if the introduction of a new business will generate additional customers.  
This zone requires the clustering of homes while preserving open space. The subdivisions can be designed to protect well water areas by placing septic systems in other areas.   Conservation Zoning  
is a purpose of subdivision regulations   Regulation of site design, Control division of land into lots, Control placement of infrastructure  
is a process for drafting regulations that brings together parties who would be affect by a rule.   Negotiated Rulemaking, his was enacted as US federal law in 1990 under the Negotiated Rulemaking Act.  
This law authorize home rule jurisdictions the authority to pass regulations without express authorization from the state.   Home rules  
found that local governments are subordinate to the state and are only authorized to perform actions permitted by the state.   in 1872 the Dillons Rules was established.  
Natural Surveillance, Territoriality and Natural Access Control are priciples of what type of design.   CPTED principles  
Individuals unemployed divided by individuals 16 years of age and older in the labor force   way to calculate the um employment rate  
Capital Improvement projects became a basic element in 1930, why?   the successful accomplishment of large public work projects.  
what term refers to independent unit of local govt created by referandum?   Special District  
type of strategic plan that is used to align people and activities to implement strategic policy.   Hoshlin Planning  
can be described as public works projects that benefit a specific group of people can be financed more equitably in this fashion. Examples are the repaving of a neighborhood's street.   Special Assessment  
A tax whereby real estate owners pay based on the assessed value of their property is refered to as?   Ad valorem tax  
Visioning involves....   goals are based on what already exists in the community and a simple projection of what the community desires  
this is accepting policy options short of attaining 100% consensus.   Satisficing  
What implementation an effectuation part of?   Planning Process  
a means of allocating resources and creating priorities while defining competing interests and making choices between them   This statment describes a budget  
continuous improvement based on meeting or exceeding the customers needs and expectations...   Total Quality Management  
A list showing total assessed value of taxable property in a county is called?   Assemment Roll  
regulates the character of the use instead of simply just regulating the use itself.   Performance Zoning  
In planning and budgeting systems, which can be described as having its focus on evaluating and ranking outputs by program?   Project Management  
Payment for condemned property is...?   highest and best use.  
What is considered staff positions in a government agency?   Assistant and associate planners and personal assistant, accountant.  
Providing service to the public is what type government position.   Line positions.  
I. A focus on specific territories and spatial planning, A response to the problems of a metropolitan region, Integrating environmental, equity and economic goals, Emphasis on urban design, A more activist stance by the planners is what type of Planning?   New Regionalism  
Why are some Communities beginning to combine private foundation money with traditional funding mechanisms to do which of the following?   To achieve smart growth goals.  
General Services, Providing information to the line units, Providing services to the line units are what type of function in govertment?   Staff functions  
The term “Fast Tracking” can be described as?   what occurs when time needs to be made up on a planning project  
the focus on a limited issue, problem, or project, a process that is not dictatorial and is an open process, the identification of W.O.T.S., the identification of resources that can be used to achieve the identified goals are part of what time of planning   Strategic Planning.  
What budgeting model can be described as involving capital projects that are linked to a comprehensive plan?   Capital Improvement Programming  
Which type of budget concentrates on the goal and impact aspects of the budget process.   Line Item budget  
Financing of improvements in a specific area with bonds that are secured by increase in property taxes is is refered as?   TIF  
What legislative body would take final action on a request to acquire land for a new school.   School Board  
Cluster development intent is to preserved as permanent open space for the community.    
Relating to a public planning agency, which of the following deals primarily with the provision of general services?   Staff functions  
Relating to a public planning agency, which of the following deals primarily with the provision of general services?   Greyfiled  
may limit the use of land is part of?   Easement  
General Obligation Bonds are....   are sold to pay city hall.  
Floating zones can alos be considered?   Spot Zoning  
Project flood maps are prepared by?   the army corps of engineer  
This type of tool can be used for determining the impact of a change in the economy and for predicting furute growth?   Economic Base Analysis  
This type of approach looks at the cost of a project rather than the benefit portion?   Fiscal Impact Analysis  
Identifying the level of employment in a given section of a local enconomy against a regional or national economy>   This is a shift share analysis  
What case benched marked police power is a proper use of zoning?   Village of Euclid v. Amber Realty 1926 -  
Name two tacking cases?   Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council 1992.  
This economic tool analysis asks how an area shares in national growth.   Economic Base Analysis  
This economic tool goes on to look at the changing mix of activities and at whether activities are shifting toward or away from the study area.   Shift Share Analysis  
This type of tool can be used for both determining the impact of a change in the economy and for predicting future growth?   Economic Base Analysis.  
__________ are the most commonly used indirect method of defining the base sector of a study area.   Location Quotient.  
What are the two sources and data behind Economic Base Analysis?   US Census and Department of Labor  
Percent of local employment / percent of national employment is for what equation?   Location Quotient  
this tool is a descriptive technique for analyzing sources of change in the regional economy by looking at national share, industry mix and regional shift?   Shift Share Analysis.  
This economic tool is very difficult, costly, and time consuming.   Input-output analysis.  
What are the three elements in a shift share analysis?   national share, Industry Mix and Regional Shift.  
It shows how well the region's mix of industries are performing, and how well the region's individual industries are performing.   Shift Share  
This analysis examines three components of regional employment growth (National growth, Industry Mix, and Competitiveness) between two periods of time.   Part of Shift Share  
What techniques is a means of forecasting future population?   Cohurt Survival  
This survey gathers information about a population at a single point in time.   A cross-sectional  
Is a survey over a period of time. Some cities conduct a citizen survey of service satisfaction every couple of years.   longitudinal surveys  
f the population of Plannersville has grown an average of 2% per year over the last 20 years, this same rate of growth would be applied to the future. What method is thsi?   Rate of growth.  
This analysis looks at the differential shift, proportional shift, and economic growth.   Shift Share.  
The city wants to determine the cost of providing service to a new development. What cost analysis strategy would be used?   Fiscal Impact Analysis  
1:24,000 means that 1 inch represents   2,000 lineal feet  
1:62,500 means that 1 inch represents   0.98 miles  
1:500,000 means that 1 inch represents   7.89 miles  
1:2,000,000 means that 1 inch equals   31.57 miles  
One of the largest changes is the discontinuation of the long form. With the long form eliminated, households only received the short form with 10 questions.   2010 Decenial Census of Population  
In 2010, ___ of U.S. households responded by mail.   74%  
An Environmental Impact Statement typically has ____ sections:   4  
An Environmental Impact Statement must address each of the following _____topics:   5  
1. Introduction Purpose and Need 2. Description of the Affected Environment 3. Range of Alternatives to the proposed action. Alternatives are considered the "heart" of the EIS 4. Analysis of the environmental impacts of each of the possible alternative   EIS 4 sections  
1. Probable impact 2. Adverse environmental effects that cannot be avoided; 3. Alternatives to the proposed action 4. Relationship between local short-term uses of the environment long-term productivity 5. Any irreversible and irretrievable commitment   EIS that must address the following 5 topics  


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