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Click two or more of the word chunk buttons on the left to form words that match the clues listed below.
9 letters Tonify Qi. Honey. Tonifies MJ, stops PAIN. Moistens _____. Moisten LU, cough.
4 letters Qi Tonic. "poor man's ginseng." Tonify LU/SP. Used for EXT Wind & INT Def, Use 2-3X the dosage of Ren Shen. INCOMP w/LI LU. 6-9g (up to 30g).
5 letters Qi Tonic. Astragalus. Stabilize Exterior, Stop Sweating. Tonifes Qi AND Blood, Raises Yang Qi, Tonifies Wei Qi, For Xiao Ke (Diabetes).
6 letters Tonify Qi. Rice. STR _____, DAMP. Stops diarrhea, dysentery. thirst, fluids.
4 letters Tonify Qi. Honey. Tonifies MJ, stops PAIN. Moistens intestine. Moisten LU, cough.
10 letters Qi Tonic. Atractylodis Rz. SPLEEN. Stabilize Exterior, Stop Sweating. Strengthen SP, _____ Damp. CALMS FETUS, inhibits sweating.
4 letters Tonify Qi. Rice. STR SPLEEN, DAMP. Stops diarrhea, dysentery. thirst, fluids.
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Created by: amycshouse
Popular Acupuncture sets