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Click two or more of the word chunk buttons on the left to form words that match the clues listed below.
7 letters Failure of parents or caregivers to meet the needs of a child or refusal to meet the needs of a child's needs in any area, physical, emotional, etc.
11 letters The government organization that attempts to track and _____ suspected abuse or neglect
5 letters To treat a person with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly
6 letters Forcing a child to observe or engage in sexual activities with an adult. Adults using children for their own pleasure. Incest is sexual abuse by a family _____.
6 letters A government system that attempts to provide temporary care to children whose parents are not currently able or willing to care for them.
9 letters Failure of parents or caregivers to meet the needs of a child or refusal to meet the needs of a child's needs in any area, physical, _____, etc.
12 letters A place where abused or neglected children can live temporarily when abuse or neglect is being _____.
give up
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