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Click two or more of the word chunk buttons on the left to form words that match the clues listed below.
6 letters massage technique of effleurage towards the heart pushes blood and lymph through the veins toward the heart
9 letters formed when fascial tissue stick to each other imporperly causing impaired range of motion and inhibit cellular exchanges of nutrients and wastes
10 letters condition in which the normal blood flow is slowed or halted can by caused my underactivity
5 letters viscous fluid that moves slowly through the lymphatic vessles, massage aids in improved lymph flow
7 letters body alignment, it is the combined function of the muscular, skeletal, and nervous system
9 letters chemica that causes dilation of capillaries in areas of increased circulation
8 letters the resistance to injuries and disease caused by specific foreign chemical compounds and pathogens
give up
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Created by: eestrand