Across |
2 | Window of Sky point (calms Po); Clears LU-heat, for wood fire scorching metal, and descends Qi; Cools blood, stops _____; For sudden onset conditions |
3 | Hui meeting of vessels, Yuan source, Shu stream, mother pt
!!TONIFIES_LU (Qi/Yin), transforms phlegm from d/t XU; promotes descending Fx of LU; regulates/harmonizes vessels (blood); activates channel _____ pain |
5 | Front Mu LU; meeting point LU&ST--> transforms phlegm, clears heat, alleviates cough and wheezing; regulates water passages for yang edema and EPF to face; harmonizes LU & ST
For EXCESS (&_____) LU patterns, bias towards heat |
Down |
1 | Ying Spring, fire pt
Benefits throat (ex/xu), heat & dryness; clears LU heat (Ying Fx)--> in LU, HT, ST, SI, possibly _____; descends rebellious qi; harmonizes ST & HT |
4 | He Sea, water, child point; Bias towards excess (heat) conditions
Clears _____ (all types) & descends rebellious Qi; regulates water passages; activates channel; relaxes sinews and alleviates pain (mirrors knee); for bleeding from heat |