In each blank, try to type in the
word that is missing. If you've
typed in the correct word, the
blank will turn green.
If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed. When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on. words: definition: to show (something) sample sentence: Studies (that) this chemical could cause cancer.meaning in turkish: göstermek words: definition: at the beginning of something sample sentence: Her initial [=first] reaction was to say no, but she eventually agreed to help.meaning in turkish: ilk başta, başlangıçta words: interpretdefinition: to explain the of (something) sample sentence: We need to interpret these results for us.meaning in turkish: yorumlamak words: involvedefinition: very complicated, having a part in something : included in something sample sentence: I don't want to become involved in this argument.meaning in turkish: gerektirmek,icab ettirmek, etkisi altına almak, karışmak, words: magnitutedefinition: the size, , or importance of something sample sentence: At this no one really knows the true/real magnitude [=scale] of the problem.meaning in turkish: ehemmiyet, önem, büyüklük words: methoddefinition: a way of doing something sample sentence: He to have developed a new method for growing tomatoes.meaning in turkish: metod, words: modifydefinition: to change some parts of (something) while not changing other parts sample sentence: We can help you modify an existing home or build a new one. meaning in turkish: yapmak words: definition: easy to see or sample sentence: Her doctor immediately noticed the obvious signs of the disease.meaning in turkish: açık,aşikar words: potentialdefinition: capable of becoming real sample sentence: Doctors are excited about the new drug's benefits.meaning in turkish: olası, muhtemel, words: definition: to think that (something) is true knowing that it is true sample sentence: I presume (that) the car was very expensive.meaning in turkish: tahmin etmek, sanmak, varsaymak words: primedefinition: most important, mainsample sentence: The police have not yet named the prime suspect in the murder investigation.meaning in turkish: ana, words: proceeddefinition: to to do something sample sentence: After the interruption, she with her presentation.meaning in turkish: planlandığı gibi devam etmek words: definition: to and produce (a book, magazine, etc.) for sale sample sentence: It's a small company that only publishes about four books a year.meaning in turkish: yayımlamak, yayınlamak, basmak words: pursuedefinition: to follow and try to catch or capture (someone or something) for usually a long distance or time sample sentence: The is being pursued by police.meaning in turkish: elde çalışmak, kovalamak words: definition: a group or collection of things or people that are usually similar in some waysample sentence: he new computer system should solve a whole range of problems.meaning in turkish: çeşit, tür, sıra, dizi, silsile words: definition: a part of a country, of the world, etc., that is different or from other parts in some way sample sentence: The plant grows in tropical regions. meaning in turkish: bölge, yöre words: requiredefinition: to make it necessary for to do something sample sentence: The law everyone to pay the tax.meaning in turkish: gerekmek, gerektirmek words: restrictdefinition: to the amount or range of (something)sample sentence: She was told to the amount of salt she uses.meaning in turkish: kısmak, sınırlandırmak words: implicitdefinition: understood though not clearly or directly stated sample sentence: understood though not clearly or directly stated meaning in turkish: üstü , ima yollu words: definition: to (something) in an indirect way sample sentence: Your remark implies (to me) that you think I'm wrong.meaning in turkish: ima etmek, demek istemek, |
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