In each blank, try to type in the
word that is missing. If you've
typed in the correct word, the
blank will turn green.
If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed. When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on. Question: afraidDescritpion: Filled with or regret over an unwanted situation.Example sentence: I´m AFRAID I won´t be able to go to the . Question: applianceDescritpion: A (such as a stove, microwave, or dishwasher) that is powered by electricity.Example sentence: All APPLIANCES are now on sale. Question: archaeologicalDescritpion: A place that deals with past of human life and activities as shown by objects left by ancient people.Example sentence: Many people like to visit the ARCHEOLOGICAL museum of the . Question: Descritpion: A person who designs buildings and advises in their .Example sentence: The ARCHITECT of the economic plan rebuilt Europe after World War II. Question: argueDescritpion: To give reasons for or against something.Example sentence: He's always to ARGUE for what is right.
Question: arrangementDescritpion: Something made by arranging parts or things together.Example sentence: There was an unusual political ARRANGEMENT between the two . Question: Descritpion: A who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength.Example sentence: ATHLETES from around the world will be competing at the Olympics. Question: audienceDescritpion: A group of listeners or spectators.Example sentence: The clapped and cheered. Question: awesomeDescritpion: good.Example sentence: You did an job on that project.
Question: barefootDescritpion: Without shoes, with the feet bare.Example sentence: I saw some children walking on the grass. Question: bargainDescritpion: An agreement between parties settling what each gives or receives in a transaction between them.Example sentence: I think everyone involved was satisfied with the we made. Question: bearDescritpion: Large heavy mammal that has long shaggy hair and feeds on fruit, plant matter, and insects as well as on flesh.Example sentence: The BEAR and stared at him, but made no move to run away. Question: bearbaitingDescritpion: A form of entertainment which setting dogs to attack a captive bear.Example sentence: He was interested in social transformation, was anti-slavery, and against BEARBAITING, he was even pro-women's rights.
Question: Descritpion: An account of someone's life by someone else.Example sentence: I read a new BIOGRAPHY of Abraham Lincoln.
Question: Descritpion: Having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or .Example sentence: Soldiers are BRAVE men when they fight in wars. Question: Descritpion: Radiating or light.Example sentence: It was a BRIGHT, sunny day.
Question: brilliantDescritpion: Very good.Example sentence: She gave a performance in the play.
Question: businesswomanDescritpion: A woman who is good at dealing with business and financial matters.Example sentence: I admired and my mother for being a successful BUSINESSWOMAN. Question: campsiteDescritpion: A place suitable for or used as the site of a camp.Example sentence: The includes a picnic table and a grill for cooking.
Question: cardboardDescritpion: Thick hard paper that is used for making boxes.Example sentence: The play had CARDBOARD . Question: championshipDescritpion: A contest held to determine the best or winning player or team in a sport or game.Example sentence: The team hasn't won a in 30 years. Question: chemistryDescritpion: The science that deals with the composition and properties of substances and various elementary forms of matter.Example sentence: The CHEMISTRY of carbon is well . Question: classifyDescritpion: To or organize by classesExample sentence: The chemists classify this as post-Cambrian. Question: collegeDescritpion: An institution of higher learning, especially one providing a general or liberal arts education rather than technical or professional trainingExample sentence: After my first year of I wanted a job that paid well. Question: communicationDescritpion: The imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or .Example sentence: Poor leads to war. Question: Descritpion: In a direction to that of the normal rotation of the hands of a clock; not clockwiseExample sentence: Clockwise rotation of the knob increases the volume, COUNTERCLOCKWISE rotation diminishes the volume. Question: countrysideDescritpion: A particular section of a country, especially a rural section.Example sentence: “I was sixteen when I left the and moved to Seoul,” she remembered. Question: Descritpion: A small room (or ) or cabinet used for storage spaceExample sentence: He took a mug from the CUPBOARD and poured himself a cup of coffee.
Question: curtainDescritpion: A cloth used as a blind (especially for a window)Example sentence: Lisa pulled a back to examine the sky.
Question: Descritpion: The of traveling on a bicycle or motorcycleExample sentence: The students need a CYCLING track. Question: Descritpion: The act of hurting or someone.Example sentence: You can be thankful they didn´t DAMAGE the tires Question: Descritpion: The of light or illumination.Example sentence: The ghosts disappeared into the DARKNESS. Question: dehydrationDescritpion: An abnormal loss of from the body, especially from illness or physical exertion.Example sentence: With DEHYDRATION, more is moving out of our cells. Question: differenceDescritpion:
An instance or point of unlikeness or dissimilarity.Example sentence: There is a DIFFERENCE between the two felines. Question: Descritpion: Physically or mentally , injured, or incapacitated.Example sentence: Ramps have been installed at the entrances to accommodate the DISABLED. Question: disadvantageDescritpion: The state or an instance of being in an unfavourable circumstance or condition.Example sentence: His bad is a disadvantage. Question: discussionDescritpion: An act or instance of discussing; consideration or examination by argument, comment, etc., especially to explore solutions; informal debate.Example sentence: This is the time we've had an honest discussion in about a million years. Question: Descritpion: Causing ; offensive to the physical, moral, or aesthetic taste.Example sentence: Your vulgar remarks disgust me. Question: doughnutDescritpion: A small cake of sweetened or, sometimes, unsweetened dough fried in deep fat, typically shaped like a ring or, when prepared with a filling, a ball.Example sentence: Thanks for the coffee and the they were delicious. Question: ecosystemDescritpion: A system, or a group of interconnected elements, formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with environment.Example sentence: A is an ECOSYSTEM with little precipitation. Question: edgeDescritpion: A line or border at which a terminates.Example sentence: She sat down on the EDGE of the bed and at the floor. Question: Descritpion: To treat (a dead body) so as to from decay.Example sentence: During the course of employment as an EMBALMER, you can expect to wash and disinfect the bodies of the deceased. Question: engagedDescritpion: Pledged to be married.Example sentence: Jazmin and I are now . Question: enoughDescritpion: Occurring in such quantity, quality, or scope as to fully meet demands, needs, or expectation.Example sentence: ENOUGH food for everyone. Question: environmentalDescritpion: the complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors (as climate, soil, and living things) that act upon an organism or an community and ultimately determine its form and survival.
Example sentence: The global warming is an issue.
Question: Descritpion: the set of or physical resources serving to equip a person or thing: such as the implements used in an operation or activity.
Example sentence:
I'm looking for a hobby that doesn't require a lot of fancy EQUIPMENT.
Question: exhaustedDescritpion: Very Example sentence: She was after the party Question: exhibitionDescritpion: a public showing (as of works of art, objects of manufacture, or athletic skill)Example sentence: were several famous paintings at the EXHIBITION. Question: Descritpion: a person who travels in search of or scientific information
Example sentence: The EXPLORER found very interesting fossils. Question: Descritpion: exceptional to a very marked Example sentence: The researchers made an EXTRAORDINARY discovery. Question: fashionableDescritpion: of or relating to the world of Example sentence: It isn't FASHIONABLE to express such an these days. Question: firefighterDescritpion: a person who fights firesExample sentence: The rescued all the family members Question: fluorescentDescritpion: bright and glowing as a result of fluorescence, very in colourExample sentence: This room has FLUORESCENT Question: footprintDescritpion: an impression of the foot on a Example sentence: The left her tiny FOOTPRINTS in the snow. Question: Descritpion: not permitted or Example sentence: Parking is FORBIDDEN in this area Question: forecastDescritpion: to indicate as to occurExample sentence: They're FORECASTING rain for this . Question: Descritpion: to make : TERRIFYINGExample sentence: The story is FRIGHTENING. Question: Descritpion: seeking or intended to Example sentence: He's a very FUNNY guy. Question: gardeningDescritpion: the activity to grow herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables Example sentence: My mom GARDENING
Question: Descritpion: a science that with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surfaceExample sentence: The GEOGRAPHY of the region matches ancient descriptions of the location of the lost city Question: goalkeeperDescritpion: a player who defends the goal in any of various games (as hockey, lacrosse, or soccer)Example sentence: The of that team is very tall. Question: granddaughterDescritpion: the daughter of one's son or daughterExample sentence: My is my mother’s GRANDDAUGHTER Question: guidebookDescritpion: a book of information for travellersExample sentence: The of Scouts have a GUIDEBOOK Question: gymnasticsDescritpion: exercises designed to develop strength and coordinationExample sentence: My practices GYMNASTICS Question: Descritpion: perception of objects with no reality usually arising from disorder of the nervous or in response to drugs Example sentence: He could not tell if what he was seeing was real or if it was a HALLUCINATION. Question: harbourDescritpion: a part of a body of water and deep enough to furnish anchorage, one with port facilitiesExample sentence: The tanker stayed in Boston HARBOUR three days to repairs Question: harmonyDescritpion: pleasing arrangement of Example sentence: a song with complicated and rhythms Question: headacheDescritpion: pain in the Example sentence: I'm starting to get a . Question: Descritpion: a head of a newspaper story or article usually printed in large type and giving the gist of the story or that follows
Example sentence: She only had time to scan the HEADLINES before she had to rush out the door. Question: headteacherDescritpion: the person who is in charge of a Example sentence: My parents had with the HEADTEACHER of my school
Question: healthyDescritpion: free from disease or pain
Example sentence: Grandma has HEALTHY into her 80s Question: heavierDescritpion: greater weight than other object Example sentence: That box is than I thought Question: hemisphereDescritpion: half of a spherical or roughly spherical body (as a planet); specifically : the northern or southern half of the earth as divided by the equatorExample sentence: That patient has a in the right cerebral HEMISPHERE Question: herbivoreDescritpion: an animal that only eats Example sentence: Most were HERBIVORES Question: hopefullyDescritpion: in a way that desire with an expectation of fulfilment
Example sentence: HOPEFULLY, things will get soon. Question: horizonDescritpion: the line where the earth seems to meet the sky : the apparent of earth and skyExample sentence: We toward the HORIZON. Question: hospitalityDescritpion: and friendly treatment of visitors and guests Example sentence: We really the HOSPITALITY in this hotel. Question: Descritpion: woman who stays at home, does cleaning, cooking, etc., and does not have another job outside the homeExample sentence: Zoe would rather pursue a career than to go and become a HOUSEWIFE. Question: Descritpion: Very large piece of ice floating in the Example sentence: Big boats are in danger of hitting the ICEBERG. Question: immigrantDescritpion: Person who comes to a country to live thereExample sentence: The city has a large IMMIGRANT . Question: Descritpion: Moving to a foreign Example sentence: Policies have not taken account of the surge in IMMIGRATION. Question: independentDescritpion: Not subject to control by othersExample sentence: The country became INDEPENDENT. Question: Descritpion: As an alternative to expressed or impliedExample sentence: I was offered a ride, but I chose to walk INSTEAD.
Question: instrumentDescritpion: Device used to produce music; also : a singing voiceExample sentence: The was his favourite musical INSTRUMENT.
Question: interactionDescritpion: Mutual or reciprocal or influence
Example sentence: She from the friendly INTERACTION that they were close to the other parents in the organization
Question: intermediateDescritpion: Being or occurring at the middle place, , or degree or between extremes
Example sentence: I'm taking INTERMEDIATE this year.
Question: interviewDescritpion: Meeting at which information is obtained (as by a reporter, television commentator, or ) from a personExample sentence: The INTERVIEW will be shown on 's news.
Question: Descritpion: of land surrounded by water and smaller than a continentExample sentence: He lives on an ISLAND in the Caribbean. Question: isolatedDescritpion: Occurring or onceExample sentence: The town a very ISOLATED community.
Question: jewelleryDescritpion: Objects of precious metal often set with gems and worn for personal adornmentExample sentence: That seems a little excessive for a waitress. Question: journalistDescritpion: Person engaged in journalism; especially : a writer or editor for a news medium
Example sentence: A JOURNALIST who has won awards for two of his Question: journeyDescritpion: Act or of traveling from one place to anotherExample sentence: We wished her a safe and JOURNEY.
Question: jungleDescritpion: Tropical forest where plants and trees grow very thicklyExample sentence: The tribe lives deep in the JUNGLE, with outside contact. Question: kangarooDescritpion: Australian animal that moves by hopping on its powerful rear legsExample sentence: KANGAROOS are pests in some of Australia. Question: keyboardDescritpion: A row or set of keys that are pushed to play a musical instrument (such as a piano)Example sentence: Sean didn't have room for a , so he bought a KEYBOARD. Question: Descritpion: Room or with special equipment for doing scientific experiments and testsExample sentence: The experiments are conducted in a modern LABORATORY Question: Descritpion: Series of steps or stages by which someone moves up to a higher or better Example sentence: He was moving up the corporate LADDER. Question: landscapeDescritpion: Picture that shows a natural scene of land or the Example sentence: She to paint LANDSCAPES. Question: leatherDescritpion: Animal skin that is chemically treated to preserve it and that is used in making clothes, shoes, furniture, etc.Example sentence: This jacket was made from real Question: lengthDescritpion: The distance from one end of something to the end : a measurement of how long something isExample sentence: The LENGTH of the table is six feet, and its is three feet. Question: lifestyleDescritpion: The way a person lives or a group of people liveExample sentence: Eating right and exercising are to having a healthy LIFESTYLE. Question: lighterDescritpion: A mechanical or electrical device used for lighting cigarettes, cigars, or pipesExample sentence: Richard used a to get the fire started. Question: lightningDescritpion: The flashes of light that are produced in the sky a stormExample sentence: The old church was struck by LIGHTNING and fire. Question: Descritpion: that have been thrown away and that are lying on the ground in a public place
Example sentence: We decided to pick up the LITTER in the park.
Question: loudlyDescritpion: Noisy in a way that bothers peopleExample sentence: Must you play that music so LOUDLY? Question: Descritpion: Type of thin book with a paper cover that contains stories, essays, , etc., and that is usually published every week or monthExample sentence: She subscribes to several gardening MAGAZINES. Question: magicianDescritpion: Performer who does tricks that seem to be impossible
Example sentence: The pulled a rabbit out of the hat.
Question: manufacturingDescritpion: Something made from raw materials by hand or by machinery Example sentence: Our business is the MANUFACTURING of so-called goods. Question: Descritpion: Slender especially of wood from which a match is made
Example sentence: Cut the peppers into pieces the size of MATCHSTICKS. Question: meanwhileDescritpion: At or the same time : in the meantime
Example sentence: You can set the table. MEANWHILE, I'll making dinner.
Question: moonlightDescritpion: The light of the moon
Example sentence: A appeared in the MOONLIGHT. Question: motorbikeDescritpion: A small motorcycle
Example sentence: We can get faster with a MOTORBIKE than with a car. Question: movableDescritpion: Capable of being movedExample sentence: Thanksgiving is a holiday. Question: Descritpion: Full of or covered with Example sentence: Please do not walk in the house with MUDDY boots on, as you will get the carpet dirty Question: mudslideDescritpion: A large mass of wet earth that suddenly and quickly moves down the side of a mountain or hillExample sentence: After the there was a MUDSLIDE in that town Question: muscleDescritpion: A body tissue consisting of long cells that contract when and produce motionExample sentence: She doesn't have the MUSCLE to lift so heavy. Question: musculoskeletalDescritpion: Of, relating to, or involving both musculature and skeleton Example sentence: Of, relating to, or both musculature and skeleton Question: Descritpion: An enlarged aboveground fleshy fruiting body of a fungus Example sentence: Cut up some MUSHROOMS for the salad Question: musicianDescritpion: A composer, conductor, or performer of music; especiallyExample sentence: She's a very talented Question: Descritpion: of disobedience or misbehaviourExample sentence: She gave him a NAUGHTY smile Question: neighbourhoodDescritpion: A place or region near. The people near one anotherExample sentence: They bought a house in a beautiful Question: Descritpion: A familiar form of a nameExample sentence: His mother gave him the NICKNAME “Winkey” when he was a baby Question: opportunityDescritpion: A good chance for advancement or progressExample sentence: You'll have an to ask questions after the presentation Question: passengerDescritpion: A traveller in a public or private conveyanceExample sentence: There were two in the car in addition to the driver Question: Descritpion: A form or model for imitationExample sentence: The rug is decorated with a geometric PATTERN Question: penfriendDescritpion: A person (such as someone in a foreign country) someone exchanges letters with even though the two have never metExample sentence: My dad has a PENFRIEND in Question: percentageDescritpion: A part of a whole expressed in hundredthsExample sentence: What PERCENTAGE of your do you spend on rent? Question: Descritpion: The of representing a character in a play. A public presentation or exhibition.Example sentence: This evening's PERFORMANCE will start at 8 o'clock Question: phosphorousDescritpion: Of, relating to, or phosphorus especially with a valence lower than in phosphoric compoundsExample sentence: The scientists use PHOSPHOROUS in the Question: photographerDescritpion: One who practices photography; : one who makes a business of taking photographsExample sentence: That is a good PHOTOGRAPHER Question: physicsDescritpion: A science that deals with matter and energy and their interactionsExample sentence: My brother PHYSICS in university Question: pigeonDescritpion: a large, usually grey bird that is often seen in towns sitting on buildings in large groups, and is sometimes eaten as foodExample sentence: Look, there is a big ! Question: Descritpion: Very harmful and able to cause illness or .Example sentence: The cobra is a POISONOUS snake. Question: prescriptionDescritpion: a piece of paper on which a doctor writes the details of the or drugs that someone needs.Example sentence: This is my PRESCRIPTION. Question: puddleDescritpion: A small pool of liquid on the ground.Example sentence: Look, there is a PUDDLE of . Question: pyramidDescritpion: A solid with a square base and four triangular sides that form a point at the topExample sentence: The acrobats formed a PYRAMID by standing on each 's shoulders. Question: qualificationDescritpion: An official record showing that you have a training course.Example sentence: You will get the job, if you have a good in English. Question: questionnaireDescritpion: a list of questions that several people are asked so that information can be collected about something.Example sentence: We had a Social studies . Question: Descritpion: At a fast .Example sentence: We had to walk QUICKLY to get to school on time! Question: railwayDescritpion: The metal tracks on which trains run.Example sentence: We live near the train´s . Question: Descritpion: Water that has as rain.Example sentence: I collect RAINWATER to water my plants. Question: roundaboutDescritpion: A road junction at which traffic moves in one direction round a central island.
A large revolving device in a playground
Example sentence: Children were on the roundabout’ Question: rowboatDescritpion:
A boat propelled by use of oars.
Example sentence: They a rowboat down the river’ Question: rugbyDescritpion: A team game played with an oval ball that may be , carried, and passed from hand to hand. Example sentence: He received the injury rugby’ Question: Descritpion: A stone coffin, typically adorned with a sculpture or Example sentence: An important King is in the sarcophagus`` Question: Descritpion: Minced and seasoned meat in a skin Example sentence: ‘ Linda put some sausages in the basket ´´ Question: seriousDescritpion: or thoughtful in character or manner:Example sentence: Marriage is a serious matter’
her face grew Question: shapeDescritpion: • The external form, contours, or outline of someone or :Example sentence: ‘she liked the shape of his nose’
‘the stones are irregular in shape’
‘she has to work hard to keep in . Question: Descritpion: A place giving temporary from bad weather or danger:Example sentence: ‘ huts like this are used as a shelter during the winter’ Question: shovelDescritpion: A tool resembling a spade with a broad blade and typically upturned sides, Example sentence: An area of turf had been dug up by using a pick and shovel’ Question: Descritpion: A short narrow board with two wheels fixed to the bottom of either end, on which a person can ride in a standing or crouching position, propelling themselves by occasionally pushing one foot against the ground.Example sentence: Teenagers use skateboards to play” Question: skeletalDescritpion: Relating to or functioning as a skeleton:Example sentence: ‘ the skeletal remains of organisms’ Question: snorkellingDescritpion: Swim using a snorkel Example sentence: practice snorkelling when go on vacation’. Question: Descritpion: The sport or pastime of downhill on a snowboardExample sentence: Teenagers like snowboarding” Question: Descritpion: Beautiful in a and eye-catching way.
Example sentence: Popocatepetl is an spectacular mountain scenery’ Question: squareDescritpion: A plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles:Example sentence: ‘a grid of ruled Question: stairsDescritpion: A set of steps leading from one floor of a building to another, typically inside the building.Example sentence: ‘ he came up the Question: starvationDescritpion: Suffering or death caused by lack of food:Example sentence: died of starvation’ Question: Descritpion: or moving uniformly in one direction only; without a curve or bend: (of hair) not curly or wavy.Example sentence: ‘a long, straight road’
Liz has straight hair. Question: stuntmanDescritpion: A person employed to take an 's place in performing dangerous stunts. (feats).Example sentence: “to be a is dangerous job” Question: Descritpion: A case with a handle and a lid, used for carrying clothes and other personal possessions:Example sentence: three huge suitcases and a plethora of hand baggage’ Question: sunscreenDescritpion: A or lotion rubbed on to the skin to protect it from the sun:Example sentence: ‘she brings of sunscreen’ Question: Descritpion: Provide with a home and the of life:Example sentence: my main concern was to support my family’ Question: Descritpion: The outside part or layer of something:Example sentence: the astronaut stepped on the moon's surface’ Question: systemDescritpion: A set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network; a complex whole:Example sentence: ‘the state system’ Question: tableclothDescritpion: A cloth spread over a table, especially during meals.Example sentence: “We only use a when we have guests” Question: techniqueDescritpion: A skilful or efficient way of doing or achieving something:Example sentence: ‘tape recording is a good for evaluating our own communications’ Question: technologyDescritpion: The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry:Example sentence: ‘ advances in technology’ Question: teenagerDescritpion: A person aged between 13 and 19 years.Example sentence: “teenagers love to parties” Question: terrifiedDescritpion: To feel fear:Example sentence: ‘’ earthquakes me’
‘he is terrified of spiders’
Question: Descritpion: Feeling a need to :Example sentence: I am thirsty’ Question: thunderstormDescritpion: A storm with thunder and lightning and typically also heavy rain or hail.Example sentence: “the thunderstorm our dog” Question: tightsDescritpion: Piece of clothing that is worn especially by girls, women, and dancers, that fits closely over the feet, legs, and waist, and that is made of a thicker material than pantyhoseExample sentence: Linda put on a pair under her skirt. Question: timetableDescritpion: Written or printed list of activities and the when they will be doneExample sentence: Nancy checked the to see at what time the train left. Question: tissueDescritpion: Piece of soft and very thin paper that is used especially for cleaning
Example sentence: She her nose with a TISSUE.
Question: toothacheDescritpion: Pain in or near a tooth
Example sentence: He went to the dentist after having a TOOTHACHE that lasted for two . Question: Descritpion: Brush for cleaning your Example sentence: I tried and electric TOOTHBRUSH, but I didn´t like it. Question: Descritpion: Person who to a place for pleasure
Example sentence: In the summer the town is filled with TOURISTS.
Question: tracksuitDescritpion: Suit of clothing consisting usually of a jacket and pants that is often worn by athletes when working out
Example sentence: The members of the team wore matching TRACKSUITS and hair ribbons. Question: trainersDescritpion: Sports shoes.Example sentence: We wore red for the race. Question: transformerDescritpion: Device that changes the voltage of an electric current
Example sentence: There was a loud popping , and suddenly sparks shot out of the TRANSFORMER. Question: transportationDescritpion: System for moving passengers or from one place to another
Example sentence: She for the TRANSPORTATION of her furniture to her new apartment.
Question: trophyDescritpion: Object (such as a large cup or sculpture) that is given as a prize for winning a competition
Example sentence: The TROPHY has been won by only once before. Question: truthDescritpion: The real facts about something : the things that are true
Example sentence: The article explains the TRUTH about global .
Question: Descritpion: Machine that letters or figures on a sheet of paper when a person pushes its keys
Example sentence: I gave my last TYPEWRITER away quite a few years ago. Question: typicalDescritpion: Normal for a person, thing, or group : average or usual
Example sentence: It was a TYPICAL night for us.
Question: uncomfortableDescritpion: a feeling of physical discomfort
Example sentence: You look UNCOMFORTABLE in that chair. you like to sit here instead?
Question: Descritpion: Hard or to controlExample sentence: I have an UNCONTROLLABLE urge to jump in that pool. Question: Descritpion: The state of not a job
Example sentence: My UNEMPLOYMENT lasted about six months.
Question: Descritpion: In a regrettable, unlucky, or unsuitable Example sentence: UNFORTUNATELY, we didn't win the game. Question: uninhabitedDescritpion: Not occupied or in by peopleExample sentence: The island is because nothing much will grow there. Question: weatherDescritpion: Temperature and other outside conditions (such as rain, cloudiness, etc.) at a particular time and placeExample sentence: The WEATHER will be hot and dry.
Question: Descritpion: Measurement that indicates how heavy a person or is
Example sentence: Her WEIGHT is 105 pounds.
Question: Descritpion: One of the round parts underneath a car, wagon, etc., that rolls and allows something to Example sentence: The car's WHEELS started to spin on the icy road.
Question: Descritpion: Wild living in their natural environment
Example sentence: The zoologist had spent years studying WILDLIFE. Question: windshieldDescritpion: The window at the front of a car, truck, etc., that protects the driver and passengers
Example sentence: The car had a damaged .
Question: windsurfingDescritpion: The or activity of riding a sailboard
Example sentence: WINDSURFING on the lake is now more than boating. Question: Descritpion: The alcoholic fermented of fresh grapes used as a beverage
Example sentence: They served WINE at the celebration dinner. Question: woollyDescritpion: Warm piece of clothing (such as a sweater) made of wool
Example sentence: Get out your winter scarf. Question: wrestlerDescritpion: To fight (someone) by holding and pushing instead of by hitting, kicking, or punching
Example sentence: The was fighting in the ring. |
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