In each blank, try to type in the
word that is missing. If you've
typed in the correct word, the
blank will turn green.
If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed. When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on. Term: Zi Wu Liu Definition: Horary Cycle = 24 hour circulation of energy through the channels = /midnight cycle = organ clock Term: QiDefinition: Chi = Ki = (vital) Term: Definition: Spririt Term: Xue Definition: Term: Jin Definition: Ye = body fluids Term: Zang/Fu Definition: The organs = Yin and Yang organs = Organs and Bowels = = Officials Term: Definition: Viscera = Yin Term: Fu Definition: Bowels = Yang Term: SanjiaoDefinition: Three Heaters = Tri-Heater = Triple Burner = Triple Burning Space = Triple = Triple Heater = Triple Warmer = Triple Warmer Space Term: XuDefinition: Deficient (deficiency) = (emptiness) = asthenia Term: ShiDefinition: Shih = excess = full (fullness) = Term: Bu Definition: Supplement = Term: DisperseDefinition: Reduce = = Xie Term: Five Definition: Five Phases = Wu Term: CycleDefinition: Internally generated = Endogenous = Disorder stemming from internal factors = -promoting cycle = Generation cycle Term: Ko CycleDefinition: Excessive action on the (Ke) Cycle Term: Wu CycleDefinition: Counteracting = Insult = Backward on the Ko cycle = Counteracting cycle Term: Nei Definition: = internal factors = internally generated = disorder stemming from internal factors Term: Wai Definition: Exogenous = external factors = Disorder stemming from factors = Externally generated Term: Wai Definition: External pathogenic factor ( or influence) = EPF = EPI = evil = Pernicous influence = Perverse energy Term: She Definition: Tongue fur = moss = Term: She Definition: Tongue proper = tongue body = tongue material or Term: She Pang Definition: Flabby = swollen = enlarged tongue = fat Term: Cun (tsun) LocationDefinition: Inch = location Term: Guan (Kuan) LocationDefinition: Gate/bar = location Term: Chi (chih) LocationDefinition: or foot = proximal location Term: Defensive Definition: Protective energy = Wei Term: Nutritive Definition: Energy = Ying Qi Term: Original Definition: Prenatal Qi = Yuan Term: Pectoral Definition: Zhong Term: Definition: Meridians = Jing = usually primary channels = Main (Principle, ) meridians = Mai = Mo (For instance: Yinweimo = Yinweimai; DuMo = DuMai) Term: ChannelsDefinition: Tendino-muscular meridians = Term: Jin MeridiansDefinition: Distinct channels = Jing Term: Definition: Connecting = Collaterals Term: Extra Definition: (Odd, Curious, Extraordinary, Ancestral) meridians or vessels = Eight Extraordinary Term: Chong Definition: Chong Meridian = Penetrating Term: Conception Definition: Ren meridian = Ren Term: Du Meridian Definition: Du Mai = Du Mo = Vessel Term: Yang Qiao Definition: Yang Heel Term: Yin Qiao Definition: Yin Heel Term: Yin Wei Definition: Yin Linking Term: Yang Wei Definition: Tang Meridian Term: Definition: Tsun = inch = A.C.I. Term: Yuan Definition: point Term: Luo Definition: Connecting or junction point = Lo Term: Xi pointDefinition: Cleft or point Term: 5 Shu Definition: 5 Transporting, "Antique" or "Command" Term: Back-Shu Definition: Associated or Associated Effect points = A.E.P. = Yu = shu point Term: Coalescent Definition: Points of between two or more channels = Crossing or Intersection points Term: Confluent Definition: Master (and ) or Key or Opening points of the Eight Extra Channels Term: Front-Mu Definition: Mo = Alarm point = Term: points Definition: Eight Meeting (or Assembling) points of Energy, Blood and certain organs and Term: Reducing Definition: (son ) = sedation, dispersing or draining point Term: Reinforcing Definition: (mother point) = point Term: pointsDefinition: Distal Term: Definition: Jing = Term: Definition: Ying = Yuong or Term: Definition: Gushing = Shu or Yu Transporting Term: RiverDefinition: Jing = King = Term: Definition: Traversing Sea = He = Ho = Term: AnhidrosisDefinition: Inability to sweat normally. of sweat. Term: Definition: /burp Term: AnasarcaDefinition: Severe and generalized form of edema, w/subcutaneous tissue swelling throughout the body. Causes include liver failure, failure, right-sided heart failure, and severe protein deficiency. Term: DyspepsiaDefinition: Indigestion. Group of symptoms = , discomformt, nausea, and burping. |
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