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Ch 6 Voc 2 - BienDit Fill In The Blanks

In each blank, try to type in the word that is missing. If you've typed in the correct word, the blank will turn green.

If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed.

When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on.
Term: au restaurantDefinition: at the
Term: au marché (extra vocab)Definition: to go to the /market
Term: faire les courses (extra )Definition: to do the food /run errands
Term: du beurreDefinition: (some)
Term: des Definition: (some)
Term: le petit Definition: breakfast
Term: le Definition: lunch
Term: le Definition: dinner
Term: prendre le petit Definition: to have
Term: un couteauDefinition: a
Term: un Definition: a glass
Term: une Definition: a plate
Term: une Definition: a
Term: une Definition: a fork
Term: une Definition: a
Term: une Definition: a cup
Term: un dessertDefinition: a
Term: le Definition: the
Term: le gâteauDefinition: the
Term: une Definition: an appetizer
Term: le jambonDefinition: the
Term: le painDefinition: the
Term: un platDefinition: a
Term: le Definition: the
Term: le pouletDefinition: the
Term: le Definition: the
Term: le rosbifDefinition: roast
Term: le Definition: salami
Term: le spaghettiDefinition:
Term: le Definition: tuna
Term: le yaourtDefinition:
Term: les Definition: cereal
Term: les Definition: French
Term: la glaceDefinition: ice
Term: la nourritureDefinition:
Term: la Definition: salad
Term: la soupeDefinition:
Term: la tarteDefinition:
Term: la viandeDefinition:
Term: le Definition: fruit
Term: des vertsDefinition: green
Term: les Definition: vegetables
Term: un Definition: a grapefruit
Term: les poisDefinition: peas
Term: une Definition: a
Term: les Definition: carrots
Term: une Definition: a
Term: une Definition: strawberry
Term: une Definition: orange
Term: une Definition: pear
Term: une Definition:
Term: une pomme de Definition:
Term: une Definition:
Term: une Definition: tomato
Term: le beurreDefinition:
Term: le ketchupDefinition:
Term: un Definition: egg
Term: le selDefinition:
Term: le sucreDefinition:
Term: la Definition: jam/jelly
Term: la Definition: mayo
Term: le jus d'orangeDefinition: juice
Term: le jus de Definition: apple
Term: le laitDefinition:
Term: le thé Definition: iced
Term: une Definition: a drink
Term: l'eauDefinition:
Term: l'eau Definition: water
Term: Definition: to drink
Term: Definition: to take, to have (a meal)
Term: vouloirDefinition: to
Term: le goûterDefinition:
Term: goûter (verb) (extra )Definition: to taste
Term: l'additionDefinition: the /bill
Term: le Definition: the
Term: la Definition: the
Term: j'ai Definition: I'm
Term: j'ai Definition: I'm
Term: une Definition: a tablecloth
Term: le baconDefinition:
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Created by: ymmarteeny
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