In each blank, try to type in the
word that is missing. If you've
typed in the correct word, the
blank will turn green.
If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed. When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on. Term: Definition: Hello Term: BonsoirDefinition: Good Term: SalutDefinition: Term: À Definition: See you Term: À Definition: See you Term: À tout à l'heureDefinition: See you Term: À plus Definition: See you Term: Au Definition: Goodbye Term: Ça va?Definition: How's it ? Term: ça va?Definition: How's it ? Term: -allez vous?Definition: How are you? Term: Et toi?Definition: And you? (informal) Term: Et vous?Definition: And you? (formal) Term: Bien.Definition: Term: Pas très bien.Definition: Not very Term: Très bien.Definition: Very Term: Definition: Thank Term: Plus ou Definition: So-so Term: Pas Definition: Not Term: C'est un ami.Definition: He's a . Term: C'est une amie.Definition: She's a . Term: Ça c'estDefinition: This Term: Enchanté(e)Definition: Term: Je te Definition: I'd like to (informal) Term: Je vous Definition: I'd like to (formal) Term: Tu as quel âge?Definition: How old are you? Term: J'ai ....ans.Definition: I am .... old. Term: un bureauDefinition: Term: une Definition: map Term: une Definition: Term: une Definition: table Term: un Definition: computer Term: une Definition: door Term: un Definition: blackboard Term: une salle de Definition: Term: une Definition: Term: une Definition: tv Term: un professeurDefinition: (m) Term: une Definition: (f) Term: un Definition: poster Term: une Definition: Term: un garçonDefinition: Term: un étudiantDefinition: (m) Term: une Definition: (f) Term: un de CD/DVDDefinition: CD/DVD Term: un CD/DVDDefinition: CD/DVD Term: Il y Definition: is/are Term: Il n'y a Definition: isn't /aren't Term: Combien Definition: How Term: Il y en Definition: is/are (of them) Term: Il n'y en a Definition: There aren't any of Term: ça s'écrit?Definition: How do you ? Term: tu épellesDefinition: How do you Term: tu t'appelles?Definition: What is your name? Term: Je m'appelleDefinition: My name Term: Il s'appelleDefinition: His name Term: Elle s'appelleDefinition: Her name Term: Definition: @ Term: Definition: . Term: e-mailDefinition: e-mail Term: Ça s'écritDefinition: It is /spelled Term: un élèveDefinition: (m) Term: une Definition: (f) Term: J'aiDefinition: I Term: Tu Definition: You Term: Il aDefinition: He Term: Elle Definition: She Term: On Definition: One Term: Nous Definition: We have Term: Vous Definition: You have (plural and/or ) Term: Ils Definition: They have (m) Term: ontDefinition: They have (f) Term: -vousDefinition: Sit Term: -vousDefinition: Stand Term: Definition: quiet Term: attentionDefinition: Pay Term: écoutez et répétez moiDefinition: listen and after me Term: prenez une de papierDefinition: take out a of paper Term: allez au Definition: go to the Term: regardez la Definition: look at the Term: retournez à vos Definition: to your seats Term: vos livres à la page...Definition: open to Term: fermez vos Definition: your note books Term: Je ne pasDefinition: I do not Term: si'il vous Definition: please Term: Comment dit-on en Definition: how do you say in Term: Qu'est ce que ça veut dire...?Definition: What does ...mean? Term: Definition: ma'am or mrs. Term: Definition: sir / mr. Term: vingtDefinition: Term: Definition: thirty Term: dixDefinition: |
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