In each blank, try to type in the
word that is missing. If you've
typed in the correct word, the
blank will turn green.
If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed. When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on. Term: la Definition: The Term: el Definition: The Term: la camaDefinition: The Term: la cómoda
Definition: The Term: las Definition: The Term: el cuadro
Definition: The Term: el despertador
Definition: The Clock Term: el , la alcoba, la habitación
Definition: The Term: el Definition: The Term: el estante
Definition: The Term: la Definition: The Term: la mesita
Definition: The Term: la pared
Definition: The Term: la Definition: The Term: el DVD
Definition: The DVD Term: el Definition: The TV Term: el Definition: The Cell Term: los Definition: Term: textear - un Definition: To Text Term: - un tuit Definition: A Term: Definition: The Term: tableta Definition: The Term: ¿De qué …?
Definition: What is... ? Term: los Definition: the Term: , -a
Definition: yellow Term: , -a
Definition: Term: azul (azules)
Definition: Term: , -a
Definition: Term: gris
Definition: Term: marrón
Definition: Term: , -a
Definition: Term: , -a
Definition: Term: rojo, -a
Definition: Term: , -a
Definition: pink Term: verde
Definition: Term: , a
Definition: pretty Term: feo,-a
Definition: Term: Definition: big Term: importante
Definition: Term: ,-a
Definition: Term: pequeño,-a, Definition: Term: ,-a
Definition: own Term: rápido
Definition: Term: a la (de)
Definition: to the of Term: a la izquierda (de) Definition: to the left of Term: al lado Definition: next Term: encima Definition: on top Term: debajo Definition: underneath Term: enfrente Definition: in front Term: de
Definition: behind Term: más …. Definition: more Term: (es) que
Definition: than Term: el / la ; los / las mejores
Definition: the Term: ...que
Definition: less Term: peor(es) Definition: worse Term: el / la peor; los/ las Definition: the Term: más grande Definition: bigger Term: la cosaDefinition: the Term: para Definition: for Term: para Definition: for Term: la posesión Definition: the Term: ayúdame
Definition: help Term: (ue)
Definition: to eat Term: (ue)
Definition: to or tell Term: (ue)
Definition: to sleep Term: (ue)
Definition: to find Term: (ue)
Definition: to be able Term: (ue)
Definition: to play or games Term: (de)
Definition: Term: (de)
Definition: Term: Definition: to live Term: el apartamento
Definition: the Term: el ático
Definition: the Term: el Definition: the Term: la cocina
Definition: the Term: el Definition: the dining Term: el Definition: the Term: el despacho
Definition: the Term: la Definition: the Term: el garaje
Definition: the Term: el Definition: the , yard Term: el piso
Definition: the (level) Term: la planta Definition: the floor Term: la alta
Definition: the top Term: la sala
Definition: the room Term: el piso
Definition: the 2nd Term: el sótano
Definition: the Term: el , el ático
Definition: the Term: arreglar el Definition: to up one's room Term: ayudarDefinition: to Term: Definition: to cook Term: el césped
Definition: to cut the Term: dar yo doy, tú das)
Definition: to Term: dar de comer al Definition: to Term: hacer la Definition: to make the Term: (el coche, los platos, la ropa)
Definition: to wash Term: limpiar el baño Definition: to clean the Term: pasar la Definition: to Term: la mesa (quitar la mesa)
Definition: to set the Term: los Definition: the chores Term: quitar el Definition: to Term: la basura
Definition: to take out the Term: ,-a
Definition: Term: ,-a
Definition: Term: costoso
Definition: Term: bastante
Definition: pretty, Term: ?
Definition: Term: el Definition: the $$$ Term: un Definition: a moment Term: ¿Qué haciendo?
Definition: What are you ? Term: recibir
Definition: to ? Term: si
Definition: Term: costoso
Definition: |
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