In each blank, try to type in the
word that is missing. If you've
typed in the correct word, the
blank will turn green.
If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed. When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on. Question: collecting of blood for transfusionAnswer: 16 needle Question: sticksAnswer: 21 needle Question: Very veinsAnswer: 23 gauge Question: List the parts to all needles:Answer: Beveled , shaft, hub Question: Using a 25 gauge needle with a 10ml evacuated tube may :Answer: Question: How does the in the green stopper tube work:Answer: by thrombin in the coag cascade Question: Name 3 that prevent clotting by binding calcium and the color coded stopper associated with them:Answer: sodium citrate- light blue EDTA- Sodium citrate-black Question: What is the of sodium flouride in a gray stopper tube:Answer: glucose stability for 3 days Question: Why is EDTA the of choice for the CBC:Answer: Maintains cellular integrity better that the anticoag: inhibits platelet clumping- doesn't interfere with routine staining procedures Question: What color tube that must be completely filled:Answer: blue Question: What is the of tapping an evacuated tube containing dried anticoag before using it:Answer: loosen the from the tube for better results Question: Which of the following tubes will clot first: red, gold, or Answer: Orange Question: Under what should the amount of anticoag in a light blue stopper tube be decreased:Answer: Collecting on patients with polycythemia or reading less than 55% Question: Why are royal blue stopper tubes used for collecting trace analyses:Answer: tubes are chemically cleaned and rubber stoppers are specially formulated to the lowest possible metal levels Question: When are winged infusion sets used in :Answer: very veins- children and geriatrics Question: Syringes are in:Answer: mL and cc (milliliter/cubic ) Question: When a blood pressure cuff is used as a how should the pressure be adjusted:Answer: below the systolic bp but above the bp Question: List 2 precautions a phlebotomist would take when collecting a blood specimen from a with a latex allergy:Answer: use latex free , gloves and bandages Question: List 2 antiseptics used in venipuncture and a state a when each is used:Answer: 70% isopropyl alcohol- to prevent contamination by normal skin bacteria during specimen collection iodine/chlorhexidene - additional sterility for collections such as arterial punctures and blood cultures Question: Lavendar tubes and Hemoguard closuresAnswer: Anticoagulant- EDTA Purpose- chelates calcium - CBC, ESR Inverted-x8 Question: Pink hemoguard Answer: Anticoag-EDTA -Blood banking Tests-T&C Inverted-x8 Section-Blood Bank Question: White hemoguard Answer: Anticoag-EDTA and gel Purpose-molecular diagnostics, MI panels and ammonia Inverted-x8 Question: Light blue stopper tubes and hemoguard Answer: Anticoag- sodium citrate Purpose- Binds calcium Tests- PT, PTT Blood/liquid -9:1 Inverted-x3-4 Question: Soybean trypsin Answer: also in light blue tube used for fibrin degredation Question: Black stopper Answer: Anticoag- sodium citrate Purpose-Westergren rate (automatic) blood/liquid ratio-4:1 Question: Green stopper tubes and hemoguard Answer: Anticoag- sodium heparin, ammonium heparin or lithium heparin Purpose- prevents clotting by inhibiting thrombin Tests- STAT lytes Interference-should not be used for because it interferes with the Wrights stained blood smear Question: green Hemoguard/green & black stopper tubesAnswer: Anticoag-lithium and separation gel Purpose-Plasma determinations in chemistry Tests- Potassium Inverted-x8 Question: Gray stopper tubes and tubesAnswer: Anticoag-potassium oxilate, EDTA Additives-sodium flouride, lithium iodoacetate Purpose-glucose Tests: Glucose testing/blood alcohol levels Question: Why are blood aclohol levels drawn in gray tubes with flourideAnswer: sodium flouride microbial growth which could produce alcohol as a metabolic end product Question: Royal blue tubesAnswer: Anticoags: None, sodium heparin Chemically clean tubes stoppers containing the level of metals Tests: toxicology trace metal analysis, nutritional analysis invert 8x Question: Tan hemogaurd Answer: Anticoag: (plastic) EDTA (glass) heparin Tests: Lead levels invert 8x Question: Yellow stopper and hemoguard Answer: 2 types: 1) Additive- ACD (rbc preservative) Tests- HLA phenotyping, paternity testing 2) Sterile yellow tubes Additive: SPS : Inhibits action of complement, phagocytes and some antibiotics Tests: Blood culture Question: Yellow/gray stopper tubes Orange hemogaurd Answer: Additive: thrombin Purpose: results in faster clot formations (usually within 5 minutes) Tests: STAT chemistry and anticoag therapy Question: Red/gray stopper tubes Gold tubesAnswer: SST tubes-thixotropic gel Additives- silica, glass particles and celite Tests: chemistry 30 clot time then centrifuge Question: Red stopper and tubesAnswer: Glass- No additives Clot time is 60 minutes Tests: Blood bank, immunology, therauputic drug testing 2) - has silica for faster clotting Question: of the drawAnswer: 1) Yellow (Sterile specimens 2) Glass red 3)Lt. blue 4) Red plastic 5) red/gray gold 6) 7) Lt. green 8) Lavender 9) Gray 10) Yellow gray, orange Question: When should you use ?Answer: On small, fragile Question: Why must you "pop" the syringe before ?Answer: Push air in and out to let out the Question: When should you use winged sets?Answer: hand veins, peds and geriatrics, that move alot Question: What does a do?Answer: impedes flow, doesnt stop arterial flow Question: What is cleansing?Answer: from the middle to the outside |
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