In each blank, try to type in the
word that is missing. If you've
typed in the correct word, the
blank will turn green.
If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed. When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on. Term: el /la amigaDefinition: Term: el Definition: Brother Term: La hermanaDefinition: Term: el padre o el Definition: Term: La madre o La Definition: Term: los Definition: parents Term: el Definition: step-brother Term: el Definition: step-sister Term: el Definition: step-dad Term: el Definition: step-mom Term: el o la madrinaDefinition: godfather or Term: el perroDefinition: Term: el Definition: gato Term: el tio o Definition: uncle or Term: el abueloDefinition: Term: el abuelaDefinition: Term: los Definition: Term: el Definition: cousin Term: la primaDefinition: female Term: el cuandoDefinition: brother in Term: la cuandaDefinition: sister in Term: el Definition: nephew Term: la sobrinaDefinition: Term: Definition: husband Term: Definition: wife Term: novioDefinition: boyfriend Term: noviaDefinition: Term: Definition: to put/place Term: Definition: to do/make Term: Definition: to leave/go Term: Definition: to come Term: Definition: to say Term: el Definition: room/bedroom Term: la habitacionDefinition: Term: el dormitorioDefinition: Term: la salaDefinition: room Term: el banoDefinition: Term: la Definition: kitchen Term: el Definition: dining Term: el Definition: garage Term: la cocheraDefinition: Term: el pasilloDefinition: Term: el Definition: /porch/yard Term: el Definition: yard Term: el cuarto de Definition: laundry Term: el sotanoDefinition: Term: Definition: chores Term: domesticasDefinition: Term: limpiarDefinition: Term: lavar los Definition: wash the Term: lavar la Definition: to wash /to do the laundry Term: Definition: to sweep Term: la aspiradoraDefinition: to Term: los mueblesDefinition: to dust the Term: sacar la Definition: to take out the Term: el ventiladorDefinition: Term: el aire Definition: air Term: el Definition: fridge Term: la Definition: /range Term: el hornoDefinition: Term: el microondasDefinition: Term: el Definition: dishwasher Term: la Definition: bathtub Term: la Definition: shower Term: la tazaDefinition: Term: el Definition: sink Term: el Definition: sink Term: el cespedDefinition: to mow the Term: la mesaDefinition: to set the Term: la camaDefinition: to make the Term: el Definition: sofa/couch Term: la Definition: bed Term: la Definition: chair Term: la mesaDefinition: Term: el televisiorDefinition: Term: el escritorioDefinition: Term: la radioDefinition: Term: la lamparaDefinition: Term: la alfombraDefinition: Term: la Definition: door Term: la ventanaDefinition: Term: la Definition: plant Term: el ventilatorDefinition: Term: el aire Definition: air Term: el Definition: fridge Term: el pisoDefinition: the Term: la casaDefinition: Term: el Definition: apartment |
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tucker shepard
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