In each blank, try to type in the
word that is missing. If you've
typed in the correct word, the
blank will turn green.
If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed. When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on. Spanish: Repita por .English: Repeat, . Spanish: una pregunta.English: I have a . Spanish: Lo .English: I am . Spanish: No . / No entiendo.English: I don’t . Spanish: (No) tarea. / No hay tarea.English: We have/we have homework. Spanish: Saquen la tarea - entreguen la .English: Take out/Turn in the . Spanish: Abran/cierren los .English: Open/Close the . Spanish: ¿De quién es el ?English: pencil is it? (Of whom is the pencil?) Spanish: No sé.English: I know. Spanish: ¿Hay ?English: Are questions? Spanish: ¡Que pase un buen día!English: Have a good day! ({I wish} that you a good day!) Spanish: Te presento a mi mejor (a), ___.English: I’d like you to meet my best friend, ___. (I introduce to you my best friend, ____.) Spanish: a Harrison.English: I go to (attend) . Spanish: ¡Yo gané!English: I won! Spanish: Gracias por la .English: for the help. Spanish: ir al baño?English: Can I go to the ? Spanish: ¿Dónde está la Señorita ?English: Where is Miss ? Spanish: se dice, book, en español?English: How do you say, book, in ? Spanish: Con .English: Pardon me. Excuse me. (to permission) Spanish: /a!English: Welcome! Spanish: otra English: , once more (another time) Spanish: juntosEnglish: all Spanish: Está bien.English: okay. (It is fine.) Spanish: ¡Ten !English: Be ! (Have care!) Spanish: listos?English: Are you (all) ? Spanish: Sí, estamos .English: Yes, ready. Spanish: ¿Cuál es la de hoy?English: What is the date ? Spanish: clases tomas?English: How many are you taking? Spanish: Me estudiar.English: I like to . Spanish: ¿Dónde está tu próxima ?English: Where is your next ? Spanish: Aquí cien pesos.English: Here are one hundred . Spanish: Y ahora, ? ¿A la biblioteca?English: And now, where to? To the ? Spanish: Sí, pero a la librería. Está al lado.English: Yes, but to the bookstore. It’s next door. Spanish: Tengo dos hermanos y una hermana menor.English: I have two older brothers and a younger . Spanish: ¿Vienes /a?English: Are you coming, ? Spanish: No, . Tengo que leer.English: No, you. I have to read. Spanish: ¿Cuántos años su hermano?English: How old is your ? Spanish: Mi es cubano. Él es moreno, bajo, y trabajador.English: My professor is Cuban. He is brunette, short, and . Spanish: ¿Cómo es tu ?English: What is your like? Spanish: Hay un partido de en el parque.English: is a soccer game in the park. Spanish: ir conmigo?English: Do you all want to go with me? Spanish: ¡Yo jugar!English: I can play!! Spanish: Lo , pero no puedo.English: I am , but I can’t. Spanish: iVamos !English: go outside! (We go outside). Spanish: ¿Qué vamos a hoy?English: What are we to do today? Spanish: Yo dormir.English: I to sleep. Spanish: ¿En qué servirles?English: How can I help you? Spanish: Yo estoy un poco /a.English: I am a little . Spanish: leyendo una revista.English: I am reading a magazine. {right at the } Spanish: ¡Qué ropa más !English: What nice ! Spanish: Solo esto.English: I only this. Spanish: ¿Qué te pasó?English: What to you? Spanish: en paz.English: me alone. (Leave me in peace.) Spanish: razón.English: You are right. (You have .) Spanish: enamorado(a) de ___.English: I’m in love with ___. (I am enamored of ____. Spanish: ¡Por !English: Of ! Spanish: Yo .English: Me (I) too. Spanish: Yo .English: Me (I) . Spanish: ¡Mira! ¡Un !English: Look! A ! Spanish: a ella / él.English: Ask her / him. Spanish: Nos .English: See you (we see each ) Spanish: ¿Cuándo almorzamos? Tengo hambre.English: When do we eat lunch? I’m very . (I have a lot of hunger.) Spanish: Más despacio, por favor. Hablo un poco de .English: Slower, please. I speak a little Spanish. (More slow, please. I a little {bit} of Spanish.) Spanish: a ver . . .English: Let’s see . . . (We are to see . . . ) Spanish: Me gustarían algunos .English: I like some deep-fried pork rinds. Spanish: Tengo ganas de .English: I feel like sleeping. (I have /will of to sleep.) Spanish: Discúlpame.English: me. Spanish: ¡Es !English: It’s free! Spanish: No seguro(a).English: I’m not sure. Spanish: No te .English: worry. Spanish: ¡No hay !English: no soap! Spanish: La está abierta / cerrada.English: The door is open / . Spanish: La ropa está / limpia.English: The clothing is dirty / . Spanish: ¡Buena suerte esta !English: Good luck ! (Good luck this night/evening!) Spanish: ¿Qué estás ?English: What are you ? Spanish: No te .English: Don’t . Spanish: ¿Puedo ir ?English: Can I go with you? Spanish: Me duele la .English: I have a . (The head is hurting to me.) Spanish: ¿Qué me ?English: What did you me? Spanish: una A.English: I got an A. Spanish: !English: ! / Go away! Spanish: Me los caballos.English: I love horses. (The horses are to me.) Spanish: Pienso ir de .English: I am thinking about / to go shopping. Spanish: ¿Ya ?English: Are we yet? (Already do we arrive?) Spanish: Me una curita.English: I need a band-aid. (A band aid is to me.) Spanish: Voy a casa.English: I’m going home. (I’m to house.) Spanish: ¿Qué tal las ?English: How was ? Spanish: No es .English: It’s not fair. Spanish: ¡Yo no hice nada!English: I do anything! Spanish: No lo puedo .English: I believe it. Spanish: ¡Es peligroso! ¡No te !English: It’s ! Don’t fall! Spanish: Si no lo veo, no lo creo.English: If I don’t see it, I believe it. Spanish: a la izquierda o a la derecha?English: Is it to the left or to the ? Spanish: dijo eso?English: Who said that? Spanish: la respuesta?English: Do you know the ? Spanish: ¡Basta! ¡No hablar contigo!English: ! I don’t want to talk with you! Spanish: (a)! ¡No te creo!English: Liar! I believe you! Spanish: que me traigas algo.English: I want (that) you me something. Spanish: perdido(a)! ¡Auxilio!English: I’m lost! Help! Spanish: estresado(a).English: I’m . Spanish: Te extraño .English: I miss you a lot. Spanish: (a)!English: Poor baby! / Poor one! Spanish: ¡Quédate! ¡No venir conmigo!English: Stay! You come with me! Spanish: !English: Y’all have fun! (Y'all yourselves!) Spanish: No tengo miedo de nada / .English: I’m not of anything / anyone. (I don’t have fear of nothing / no one.) Spanish: ¡Cálmate!English: Calm down! (Calm !) Spanish: Mi me lo dio.English: My gave it to me. Spanish: ¡No me !English: You say! (Don’t tell me!) Spanish: ¿Qué a hacer?English: What are we to do? Spanish: ¿Está en el ?English: Is he/she at the ? Spanish: ¡Las galletas parecen !English: The look (seem) delicious! Spanish: No me .English: I don’t care. (It doesn’t to me.) Spanish: Tengo que después de las clases.English: I have to stay school. (after the classes). Spanish: Ven .English: Come with me. Spanish: ¡Espera! ir contigo!English: Wait! I want to go with you! Spanish: ¿Tienes ?English: Do you have gum? Spanish: ¡Qué lástima! ¡Era mi !English: What a pity! It was my last one! Spanish: fuiste?English: (To) did you go? Spanish: ¡Qué asco!English: How ! Spanish: Más vale que nunca.English: late than never. (It is worth more late than never.) Spanish: ¡Fue un !English: It was an ! Spanish: No me .English: bother me. Spanish: Esos son riquísimos.English: tacos are extremely tasty. Spanish: !English: Give it back to me! (Return it to me!) Spanish: una A.English: I got an A. Spanish: soltero(a) / casado(a)?English: Are you / married? Spanish: ¿Me ?English: Did you hear me? Spanish: ¿Cuánto cuesta esa ?English: How much does that t-shirt cost? Spanish: No miedo de nada / nadie.English: I’m not afraid of anything / anyone. (I have fear of nothing/no one.) Spanish: no lo dijo!English: didn’t say it! Spanish: No , Chiquito/a.English: Don’t cry, One. Spanish: !English: Take a bath! (Bathe !) Spanish: Voy a la foto. ¡Sonrían!English: I’m to take the photo. Y'all smile! Spanish: Estoy .English: I’m . Spanish: Abre la boca.English: Open your (the) . Spanish: Necesito otro dólar para pagar la .English: I need dollar (in order) to pay the bill. Spanish: Me divertí .English: I had fun last night. (I enjoyed last night.) Spanish: ¡Quítate los !English: Take off your ! Spanish: Mi papá para la escuela.English: My dad for the school. Spanish: Acabo de hacer la .English: I just did the . |
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