In each blank, try to type in the
word that is missing. If you've
typed in the correct word, the
blank will turn green.
If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed. When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on. Question: the term supercoilingAnswer: DNA double helix that have twists applied to them that have coiled up upon themselves Question: What is a ?Answer: – heterocyclic compound consisting of pyrimidine fused to a 5 member imidazole ring (adenine and ) Question: What is a ?Answer: hererocyclic compounds with nitrogen atoms at positions 1 and 3 of a 6 member ring (thymine, , uracil) Question: What is a ?Answer: consist of a nitrogenous base and a sugar (H present at 2’ C) Question: What is a ?Answer: nitrogenous base (attached to 1’ C by B-N-glycosidic bond), a sugar (OH at 2’ C), and a phosphate group (backbone of DNA, attached to 5’ C) – present in RNA molecules Question: What is a ?Answer: nitrogenous base, deoxyribose sugar and a phosphate (present in DNA molecules) Question: Describe the phosphodiester Answer: The phosphodiester bond is between the 3’ OH group of the deoxyribose/ribose on the last nucleotide and the 5’-phosphate of the dNTP/NTP – basically it is a bond that connects nucleotides in DNA Question: What is the function of modification made to tRNA and rRNA for (ie. 4-thiouracil, )?Answer: enzyme/tRNA , tRNA condon recognition, peptide synthesis by ribosome Question: What is the difference between a ribose and ?Answer: : OH on 2'carbon
Deoxyribose: -H on 2'carbon Question: between nucleoside and nucleotide?Answer: Nucleoside: nitrogenous base and a ribose/deoxyribose sugar
Nucleotide: nitrogenase base, ribose/deoxyribose and a grp Question: How do you DNA or RNA polymersAnswer: DNA/RNA poly the formation of a phosphodiester bond between the 3'OH of deoxyribose/ribose on the last nucleotide and the 5'-phosphate of the dNTP/NTP precursor Question: What is the of purines to pyrimidines in double stranded DNA?Answer: 1:1 (ie. 50% and 50% pyrimidines) Question: What is 's rule?Answer: A=T and C=G Question: What are the 7 of DNA?Answer: 1. Two polynuc right handed double helix
2. Antiparallel.
3. sugar-phosphate outside, bases inside
4. bases bound by H-bonds
5. complementary base pairing
6. bases .34nm apart, 10 bases/turn,external diameter is . major and minor groove Question: How long is each DNA /cell?Answer: 2 metres Question: What are the structural forms of DNA?Answer: Z-DNA, B-DNA and A-DNA Question: Z-DNAAnswer: left handed helix. may be in gene regulation Question: A-DNAAnswer: handed helix, dehydrated state, no biological significance. Question: In nature how does DNA ?Answer: It exists in tertiary (supercoiling) and structures (coiling with histones). Question: What protein is involved in creating ?Answer: topoisomerase Question: Describe structures and of the mRNAAnswer: linear and stranded, carries codon information for translation (2%) Question: Describe structures and roles of the Answer: loop structures formed by intra-molecular H-bonding, carries amino acids to ribosomes (16%) Question: Describe structures and of the tRNAAnswer: linear, single stranded, folded molecule that complexes with to form ribosomes (82%) Question: What is Tm?Answer: the temperature at 50% of DNA becomes single stranded. Question: What Tm?Answer: high C-G content (incr Tm), high salt (incr Tm) Question: What affects the rate of annealing of DNA ?Answer: Size of DNA (long DNA takes longer), complexity of Question: Describe the of microRNA?Answer: regulate gene expression by to a complementary single stranded RNA which triggers the cell to destroy it Question: FISH.Answer: Take a single stranded DNA with gene sequence of interest with a probe let it anneal to DNA in cell and look for fluorescence. Question: How do analog drugs inhibit DNA replication?Answer: analogs have a higher affinity for reverse transcriptase and incorporate the analog without an OH on the 3' carbon. Question: What group does didanosine have in its 3' slot?Answer: doesn't have Question: What analogs are used for HIV ?Answer: Didanosine, Question: What are used to kill rapidly dividing cancer cells?Answer: arabinoside (cytarabine) and Vidarabine (adenosine arabinoside) Question: How does vidarabine and cytarabine the activity of DNA poly?Answer: 3' OH is in a planar configuration Question: What happens to DNA with a lot of groups?Answer: DNA is shut of. Question: What is the of azacytidine and 5-azacytidine?Answer: Used to cancer by inhibiting methyltransferase enzymes from adding a methyl group to them. Question: supercoiling.Answer: Supercoiling DNA; negative supercoiling promotes strand separation while positive supercoiling is introduced during DNA replication and transcription and must be corrected Question: Which enzymes accomplish DNA coiling in ?Answer: The topoisomerases: DNA gyrase (topoisomerase II in eukaryotes) and DNA topoisomerase Question: What are the of supercoiling DNA?Answer: 1. DNA 2.Negative promotes strand separation 3. Positive promotes DNA replication and transciption Question: Where is positive supercoiling introduced (with respect to the proteins) DNA replication or transcription?Answer: of the protein doing the supercoiling Question: Where is negative supercoiling introduced (with to the proteins) during DNA replication or transcription?Answer: behind the doing the supercoiling Question: Which enzymes correct for and how?Answer: Topoisomerase I: forms a single covalent bond with the DNA and breaks phosphodiester bond to free rotation Question: How does DNA correct the case of two double helices crossing over each other?Answer: 1. makes a covalent linkage to both strands of one helix and a double stranded break.
2. 2nd DNA is passed through break
3. break is resealed Question: What is ?Answer: complex of DNA and chromosomal (histones) Question: What is a core composed of?Answer: H2A, H2B, H3, Question: A is connected together by linker DNA and what protein?Answer: H1 histone Question: How does the 30nm form?Answer: Interactions between adjacent histone H1 . Question: Which base pair is during transcriptional repression?Answer: cytosine Question: List the antibiotic that interfere with DNA gyraseAnswer: The quinalone family of antibiotics, including naladixic acid and ciprofloxacin, work by DNA gyrase. A halt in DNA replication results due to positive supercoiling ahead of the replication fork. Question: Describe the structure of and histone proteinsAnswer: Histones are rich in lysine and arginine, and as a result a positive charge. This makes it easier for negatively charged chromatin to associate. Question: What is the name of the version of histone protein?Answer: HU protein Question: How do DNA and interact with eachother?Answer: DNA is negatively charged and histones are charged and are therefore attracted to eachother. Question: Define .Answer: decondensed and transcriptionally DNA Question: heterochromatin.Answer: condensed and inactive DNA Question: What is the function of DNA enzymeAnswer: of cytosine to 5-methyl-cytosine Question: Describe the of DNA transcription repression.Answer: Following DNA methylation, methyl cytosine binding proteins bind to the DNA, HDAC binds and removes acetyl groups off of histones giving them a greater positive charge and inducing . Question: What happens to DNA when histones are .Answer: - active. Question: What are required for synthesis of DNA?Answer: 1. All four dNTPs 2. A fragment of DNA template 3. DNA poly 4. Mg2+ 5. primer with 3' Question: In what does DNA poly read DNA?Answer: 3' to 5' Question: What nucleotide is acyclovir an of?Answer: Question: enzyme converts acyclovir to acyclovir triphosphate and in what organism is it found in?Answer: -thymidine kinase; organism-virus Question: Explain a tautomeric .Answer: An unstable of cytosine to mimic a thymine. It then gets base paired with A. Question: Explain the significance of origins of .Answer: site at DNA replication occurs in both directions Question: What is leading synthesis?Answer: Continual of DNA. Synthesis proceeds towards replication fork. Question: What is lagging strand ?Answer: DNA has to drop down a primer. Synthesis proceeds away from the fork. Question: What is the of SSB proteins?Answer: prevent re-annealing of DNA and prevent hairpin from forming Question: How are Okazaki fragments joined ?Answer: DNA which uses ATP. Question: What is the of the Clamp protein?Answer: tightly holds the DNA poly onto the template for synthesis of long templates and DNA poly when it stalls at a region of dsDNA Question: What drug bacterial DNA gyrase?Answer: Ciprofloxacin Question: What is the of telomerase and what kind of activity does it have?Answer: It has reverse transcriptase activity. It has an RNA primer and binds it to the DNA overhang to . A primer can then be added so DNA poly can fill in that gap Question: What are the types of RNA?Answer: mRNA, tRNA, rRNA, Question: What is ?Answer: combines with certain proteins and is involved in RNA and gene regulation in eukaryotes Question: the major steps of RNA synthesis in prokaryotes Answer: 1. RNA polymerase binds -35 & -10 region, DNA molecule is unwound, factor disassociates from core enzyme after 8-9 ribonucleotides have been polymerized 2.RNA polymerase unwinds DNA 3.transcription terminated at termination sequence Question: List the RNAs that are transcribed by the different of RNA polymerasesAnswer: RNA polymerase I (5.8S, 18 S, 28S rRNA genes), RNA polymerase II (all protein-coding genes like mRNA and some snRNA), RNA polymerase III (tRNA and some snRNA) Question: Explain how Courmarins and quinolones and inhibits specfic components of transcription.Answer: bacterial gyrase, causing positive supercoils and subsequent halt of DNA replication and transcription Question: Explain how Rifamycin targets and inhibits components of transcription.Answer: – antibiotic from strain of streptomyces that transcription initiation by blocking formation of 1st phosphodiester bond, RNA pol of eukaryotes not affected Question: Is a nucleoside-monophosphate a nucleotide or ?Answer: Question: How many charges does a nucleotide mono have?Answer: 2 negative Question: What nucleoside triphosphate is in protein biosynthesis?Answer: Question: What triphosphate is involved in lipid biosynthesis?Answer: Question: What nucleoside is involved in carbohydrate biosynthesis?Answer: Question: What triphosphate is involved in signal transduction?Answer: GTP
Question: What A-type DNA different from B-type?Answer: bases are not perpendicular to axis, major groove and shallower minor groove.
Question: When is A-type DNA ?Answer: When DNA solution is dehydrates, normally with short DNA, dsRNA and DNA/RNA Question: How do you DNA?Answer: high temp or conditions
Question: What is the melting (Tm)?Answer: temp at half DNA is denatured
Question: What does azidothymidine and do?Answer: block reverse transcriptase/do not have a 3' Question: What does acyclovir and do?Answer: They have an open chain sugar, acyclovir has a high affinity for viral DNA poly (herpes) and has a high affinity for reverse transcriptase
Question: What do the do?Answer: have a different planar arrangement and block DNA by DNA poly
Question: What do the analogs do?Answer: DNA methylation Question: What are the between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic mRNA?Answer: bacterial mRNA are polycistronic and unmodified at 5' & 3' Question: When are the RNA processing transferred to the mRNA?Answer: Processing proteins travel with RNA poly II and are transferred initiation of transcription
Question: What are involved in capping of mRNA?Answer: phosphatase, guanylyl transferase, -7-methyl transferase, 2'-O-methyl transferase.
Question: What is the of phosphatase?Answer: phosphate from 5' end of RNA
Question: What is the of guanylyl transferase?Answer: Adds GMP in linkage
Question: What is the function of -7-methyl transferase?Answer: Adds a group to the 2'-O position to the secondlast base on the 5'end
Question: What is the of the methyl guanine cap?Answer: helps cell distinguish between RNA, plays a role in regulation of mRNA processing, transport, and translation
Question: What are involved in the modifying the 3' tail of mRNA?Answer: CPSF, CstF and cleavage factors, PAP, Question: What is the of CPSF?Answer: Binds to signal (AAUAAA)
Question: What is the of CstF?Answer: GU-rich element
Question: What is the function of factors?Answer: bind (CA ) to cleavage site
Question: What is the of PAP?Answer: Adds 200A to 3' Question: What is the of PABP?Answer: binds to tail and in directing translation
Question: What are the of intron removal?Answer: 1. U1 binds 3'GU 2. U2 binds Branch point A 3. U4/6 and U5 bind U1 and U2 3. U4 released 4. 3'GU cleaved and G binds A 5. 3' AG cleaved, Exons ligated, disassembles
Question: What Systemic Lupus Erythematosis?Answer: to U1 snRNA
Question: What beta-thalasemmia?Answer: mutations in the beta-globin gene that generate additional splice sites the mRNA
Question: What causes Limb Girdle Dystrophy?Answer: Mutation in calpain 3 gene that generates a new splice site within the exon Question: What can alternative RNA splicing?Answer: weak splice site sequences, /positive control
Question: What does the deaminase enzyme do?Answer: introduces a stop codon by alternative splicing into APO-B in intestine to make shorter protein.
Question: What does deaminase do?Answer: Changes A to I in receptor to change glutamine to arginine in brain
Question: How is written by RNA poly and DNA poly?Answer: 5' to 3', N terminus to C Question: RNA consitutes for 99.9% of total RNA?Answer: mRNA, tRNA & Question: What does genetic code mean?Answer: several codons code for one acid
Question: What does non-overlapping code mean?Answer: each codon is read three at a time overlap
Question: What is an inframe ?Answer: When entire codons are or inserted
Question: What are the three stop ?Answer: UGA, UAG, Question: What is the codon?Answer: AUG
Question: What is the hypothesis?Answer: predicts the base pairing of the 5' anticodon and 3' .
Question: Which protein does the IGC carry?Answer: alanine
Question: Is a purine or a pyrimadine?Answer: Question: what is a a tRNA?Answer: a tRNA with its acid group
Question: What enzyme calatyzes the of an amino acid?Answer: aminoacyl tRNA Question: What the formation of a charged tRNA?Answer: of pyrophosphate
Question: What are the 5 steps of formation of a polymer from an RNA template?Answer: 1. Activation of the monomer 2. Initiation 3. 4. Termination 5. Processing the polymer
Question: In prokaryotes, after methionine is how what molecule donates it's carbon to make formylmethionine?Answer: N-formyltetrahydrofolate
Question: In , how is the correct start codon recognised?Answer: 30S to the shine delgarno sequence
Question: What the translocation of the mRNA relative to the ribosome?Answer: EF-G or EF-2 with Question: How is the terminal amino acid from the ribosome?Answer: Release factor allows peptidyl transferase to ester bond between tRNA and amino acid
Question: What are the three differences between prokaryotic and translation?Answer: prokaryotic:polycistronic, translation and transcription together, AUG sites used
Question: How is synthesis affected by streptomycin?Answer: Binds to 30S/prevents of ribosome
Question: How is protein synthesis by tetracycline?Answer: Binds to 70S/prevents to incoming aminoacyl-tRNA
Question: How is protein synthesis by erythromycin?Answer: Binds to 70S/Block Question: How is protein synthesis affected by ?Answer: peptidyl transferase/blocks elongation
Question: How is synthesis affected by cyclohexamide?Answer: blocks elongation in Question: How is protein affected by puromycin?Answer: Blocks elongation forming a peptide bond chain causing peptide to fall out of ribosome P-site
Question: How is cleaved to trypsin?Answer: enteropeptidase
Question: What receptor is a tyrosine ?Answer: the receptor |
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