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Spanish Flash Card

Spanish flash cards

Hola Hi
Buenos Dias Good morning
Buenoas Tardes Good afternoon
Buenos Noches Good Evening
Que tal How are you
Muy bien Very well
Adios Good Bye
Hasta luego See you later
Hasta pronto See you soon
Hasta manana See you tomorrow
Por favor Please
Lunes Monday
Martes Tuesday
Miercoles Wednesday
Jueves Thursday
Viernes Friday
Sabado Saturday
Domingo Sunday
Hoy Today
Manana Tomorrow
Enero January
Febrero February
Marzo March
Abril April
Mayo May
Junio June
Julio July
Agosto August
Septiembre September
Octubre October
Noviembre November
Diciembre December
La Primavera Spring
El Verano Summer
El Otono fall
El Invierno Winter
Que dia es Hoy What day is it?
Cual es la fecha -What is todays date?
el Muchacho Boy
La Muchacha Girl
El Amigo Friend
El Alumno Student
la Persona Person
La Escuela School
Alto Tall
Bajo Short
Guapo Handsome
Bonito Pretty
Lindo Pretty
Feo Ugly
Moreno Dark,Brunette
Rubio Blond
Flaco Thin
Gordo Fat
Gracioso Funny
Comico Funny
Serio Serious
Ambicioso Hardworking
Perezoso Lazy
Bueno Good
Fantastico Fantastic
Timido Timid, Shy
Sincero Sincere
Honesto Honest
Generoso Generous
Simpatico Nice
Ser To be
Quien? Who?
Que? What?
Como How?
De donde From where
De Que Nacionalidad What Nationality
Bastante Enough,Rather,Quite
Muy Very
El profesor Teacher
La Clase Class
El Curso Course
La Biologia Biology
La quimica Chemistry
la fisica Physics
Las matematicas Mathematics
la aritmetica Arithmetic
El Algebra Algebra
la Geometria Geometry
el Calculo Calculus
La Historia History
la Geografia Geography
las Lenguas Languages
El Ingles English
El Espanol Spanish
El Frances French
el Aleman German
el Latin Latin
Inteligente Intelligent
Interesante Interesting
Aburrido boring
Pequeno Small
Grande Big
Facil easy
Dificil Difficult
Popular Popular
Obligatorio Required
Quienes? Who?
Cuantos? How many?
Tambien Also
Hay There is
Mucho A lot
Poco A Little
Mismo Same
Todos Everybody; Everything, All
La Mochila Backpack
El Lapiz Pencil
La Pluma Pen
El Marcador Marker
La Goma de borrar Eraser
El cuaderno Notebook
La carpeta Folder
el Libro Book
Papel Paper
La Ropa Clothes
El Pantalon Pants
La Camisa Shirt
La Corbata Tie
El T-Shirt T-shirt
El blue jeans Blue jeans
la falda Skirt
La Blusa Blouse
La chaqueta Jacket
el Traje Suit
La Gorra Cap
Los Calcetines Socks
Los Zapatos Shoes
Largo Long
Corto Short
de que Color es? What Color is it?
Blanco White
Negro Black
Gris Gray
Azul Blue
Amarillo Yellow
Anaranjado Orange
Rojo Red
Rosado Pink
Verde Green
De color marron Brown
Guarde Store
El Empleado Employer
La caja Cash register
La talla Size
El Numero Number
Barato Cbeao
Caro Expensive
Mucho A Lot
Necesitar To need
Buscar To Look For
Mirar To look
Comprar To buy
Pagar To pay
Calzar to wear
Llevar to carry
Hablar To talk
Trabajar To Work
Cuantos es? How much is it?
Cuanto cuesta? How much does it cost?
Llegar To arrive
Ir a Pie To go on foot
En el Bus escolar Byschool bus
en carro by Car
entrar en la escuela To go into school
la pizarra Chalkboard
Estar en clase To be in class
Estudiar to study
Ensenar To Show
Mirar to look
Escuchar to listen to
prestar atencion to Pay attention
Tomar apuntes To take notes
Dar un examen to give a test
sacar notas buenas To get good grades
Sacar Notas Males to get bad Grades
el club de espanol Spanish Club
El miembro Member
la fiesta Party
La musica Music
La merienda Snack
Bailar To dance
Cantar To sing
Preparar To prepare
Dar una fiesta To give
A que hora? At what time?
Cuando When?
Adonde Where
A eso de At about
Otros Others
Algunos Some
Ahora Now
Tambien Also
Created by: jason3319
Popular Spanish sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows:

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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