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Conditions in OT (4th ed.) - Atchison & Dirette - CH.5_terms

Algorithms a step by step approach based upon controlled clinical trials
Anhedonia lack of interest in previously pleasurable
Catatonia extreme psychomotor agitation or retardation
Cyclothymic disorder represents a chronic (at least 2yrs), but less severe mood disturbance involving both hypomanic behaviors and depressive symptoms that do not meet criteria for either a manic or major depressive episode (disorder presents itself as a mild form of bipolar
Dysthymic disorder characterized by insidious onset frequently beginning in childhood, a persistent or intermittent course, and ongoing feelings of depression over a period of at least 2 yrs.
Euthymia normal range of mood
Flight of ideas accelerated speech with rapid changes in subject. Associations are understandable unlike the lack of connections that are associated with looseness of associations.
Mental disorder a clinically significant behavioral or psych syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual & that's associated w/ present distress or disability or with significantly increased risk of suffering death, pain, disability, or an important loss of freedom
Psychomotor agitation increased physical movements that are purposeless and reflective of an agitated or anxious state, that is, writhing hands, fidgeting, pacing
Psychomotor retardation abnormally slowed or reduced movements or speech
Psychosis the presence of delusions or hallucinations without insight
Rapid-cycling four or more episodes of some type of mood disturbance within the past year episodes meet criteria for mania, hypomania, mixed, or depressed episodes as identified in DSM IV-TR
Unipolar refers to the syndrome that consists only of major depressive episodes without manic episodes
Affect the display of emotion, particularly facial expression
Avolition lack of drive or ambition to complete goal-directed tasks or activities
Cyclothymia characterized by a chronic course of hypomania and mild depression, this disorder presents as a mild form of bipolar disorder (BPD)
Dysphoria a depressed or negative mood state
Euphoria highly elevated, exaggerated mood
Grandiosity inflated sense of self-esteem or importance
Hypomanic episode an episode of elevated mood that is less intense that full mania
Major depressive episode a period of depressed or irritable mood lasting at least 2 weeks, resulting in severe impairments in functioning
Mania an extremely elevated mood
Manic episode a highly elevated or irritable mood lasting at least 1 week, with or without psychotic symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations.
Mixed episode the presence of both manic and major depressive symptoms almost daily for at least 1 week, resulting in rapid mood cycling with or without psychotic symptoms
Prodromal the period of time when symptoms begin to emerge, which can range from weeks or months to years before the full onset of symptoms
Created by: sheaton
Popular Occupational Therapy sets




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