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Chapter 21 Intro to Pharmacology

Drug Salts End in: Mesylate, Tartrate, Citrate
drug class; use Drug name may indicate the ____ ____ or ____.
Mechanism of Action MOA
MOA How the drug works.
Mechanisms of Action; adverse effects; contraindications Drugs within the same class often have similar:
DOC Drug of Choice
Most frequently prescribed and is superior in treating certain conditions Drug of Choice
Pharmacokinetics Study of movement of and changes in the drug within the body.
absorption; distribution; metabolism; elimination 4 Parts of Pharmacokinetics
NOT ABSORBED IV drugs are _____ _________.
pH of the compartment; lipid solubility; vascularity of administration site Drug absorption Factors
Absorption How the drug gets into the bloodstream.
pH and Absorption Drug reacts with the environment of the body compartment it enters.
acidity; similar If _______ of the drug and the body environment is _________ the drug remains intact.
dissimilar; ionizes If the acidity of the drug and the body environment are __________ the drug ________.
intact; NOT; salts; particles Drugs are only absorbed as ________ molecules, _____ as dissolved ______ or ionized _________.
Lipid soluble drug; Cell membrane _____ _______ ____ pass easily through the ____ ________.
Highly Lipid soluble drugs CNS Drugs and Anesthetics
Blood vessels; absorption site; faster; absorbed More _____ ______ at the _________ ____ the _______ the drug is ________.
Sublingual Tablets Very vascular.
disseminates Once the drug enters the bloodstream it _______ throughout the body.
fatty tissue; liver, spleen, CNS, stored fat Highly lipid soluble drugs stored in _____ ______ including _____, ______, ___, ______ ___.
Bound Drug NON Therapeutic
Free Drug Therapeutic
Volume of Distribution Volume of space the drug occupies in the body.
Large VD Drug is distributed throughout different body compartments
Small VD Drug is concentrated mainly in one place
Loading dose Large initial dosage to quickly reach therapeutic levels.
Drug Metabolism Drugs undergo changes in the body, can be in any organ, however mainly accurs in the liver
Enzymes Metabolized by _______.
age and gender Certain enzymes may differ with ___ and ______.
Cytochrome P450 A group of enzymes that metabolize drugs
clearance; kidney; liver Drug ________ usually by the ______ or _____.
lipid soluble; protein bound Filtration by kidney the drug must not be _____ ________ or _______ ______.
From the liver to the bile then out the feces How is the drug secreted?
half; drug dosage The amount of time it takes for ____ of the ____ ______ to clear the body.
Rate of Elimination; How quickly a drug might be inactivated in the body by enzymes Half-Life is influenced by:
The clearance rate. pH. Elimination Rate. Renal or Liver dysfunction can decrease the elimination rate. What alters drug half-lives?
uncomfortable; life threatening Adverse Effects range from ___________ to ____ ___________.
Absorption; distribution(protein binding); clearance What interactions are most likely to occur?
free; plasma Remember drug must be _____ in the ______ to work.
bloodstream; effect If the drug is not absorbed in to the ________ the drug will not have an ______.
Binding interactions; change pH of the environment; change in local blood flow What are the 3 absorption levels in D-D interactions?
plasma protein Many drugs bind to the same _______ _______.
High If drug A binds to all available proteins, drug B is left in the plasma at ____ levels.
albumin Most drugs bind to protein ________.
lungs, urine, and bile Body expels the drug through the _____, _____, and ______.
agonist A drug that mimics the actions of a substance in the body (endogenous substance)
stimulating a cellular or biochemical pathway and inhibiting the breakdown of the endogenous substance (indirect agonism) How can an agonist work?
When one drug decreases or prevents the actions of another drug What is an antagonist effect?
Blocks; agents tha tmay be able to stimulate it. May bind to a receptor and does not stimulate it, or ______ the receptor to _______________.
Created by: Caitlin_stafford
Popular Pharmacology sets




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