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Ch. 2 Origins of American Government

What 3 main ideas from England help shaped the new government in America -ordered gov. -limited gov. -representative gov.
What three historical English documents were use to help shape the new gov. in American? -Magna Carta (1215) -Petition of Rights (1628) -English Bill of Rights (1689)
What did the Magna Carta include? Fundamental rights such as trial by jury and due process
What did the Petition of Rights include? It said that the King could not quarter troops, order martial law in peace time, or imprison people without just causes
What did the english Bill of Rights include? No cruel or unusual punishment, rigth to fair trial, and elections should be free.
How many years did it take for the colonies to be established? About 125 years
What were the royal colonies? -8 out of the 13 -subject to direct conrol of the crown -the king named a govenor as chief execuative of the colony and a council to serve the governor.
What were the Proprietary Colonies? -PA, DE, MD -Run by the owner of the land(granted ownership by king) -could appoint governor if wanted
What are the Charter Colonies? -CT, RI - mostly self-governing -governors were elected, enjoyed many freedoms
Why did England begin to tax the colonists huge amounts? England was in debt from fighting the French and Indian War in America
What was the first atempt to unify? The New England Confederation but it faild
What was the second atempt to unify called that was made by Ben Franklin? The Albany Plan of Union (failed) -said that delegates from each of the colonies would meet and could, if they wanted to, raise an army and regulate trade
What was the atemot to unify that succeded? why did it work? The Stamp Act Congress(worked:) 1760s -had the greatest representation from the colonies and come together to boycott English taxes -colonies came together because they were all angry
What Act did the king put in place to punish the colonies for the boycotting and the tea party? The Intolerable Acts
What did the colonies do in response to the Intolerable Acts? The colonies came together(except Georgia) in 1774 at the 1st Continental Congress
What important documents did the 1st Continental Congress send to the King after dabating for two mounths? A Declaration of Rights (they also refused to trade with England at this time)
Why was the Second Continental Congress called May 1775? They had agrees after the 1st one if there were no improvements they would call a second
Had the Revolution started by the time the 2nd Continental Congress met? Yes
What did the 2nd Continental Congress do? -served as countries 1st gov. for 5 years (was unicameral- had both legislative and executive branch) - fought revolutionary war, raised and army/navey, borrowed money, bought supplie
What was singed July 4th 1776? The Declaration of Independence
What were the 4 parts of the Declaration of Independence? Preamble, Right for all people, British wrongs, and declare independence
what did colonies like NH begin to do in January of 1776? They began to adopted state constitutions -MA has the oldest still used today
What are the four common features of State Constitutions? -popular sovereighty -limited gov. -Civil Rights and Liberties -Separation of powers and Checks + balences
In November 1777 The Articles of Confederation were approved by most of the colonies. When was it really put into effect and why? Not until 4 years later because Maryland would not ratify
What was the structure of the gov. under the Articles? -unicameral, each state only 1 vote -No national judicial branch -No president, presiding officer -and congress had some powers
what were the powers of Congress? Could make war and peace, send and recieve ambassadors, make treaties, borrow $, create$, establish post offices, settle disputes among states
What were the weekness of the Articles? -1 vote per state -Congress powerless to collect taxes+ regulate foreign and inerstate trade -No execuative (president) to enforce laws -No national court system -Amend only w/ consent of all states -to pass a law 9/13 states have to agree
What did the articles create among the states that is also concidered a weekness? "A firm league of friendship"
What happened in 1783 after the Treaty of Paris? -fighting, states made deals w/ other countries, Shay's Rebellion - poeple saw need for stronger gov.
What happen as a result of the chaos within the states? A group of delagates attended the Philadelphia convention, are called framers
Was the plan of the Philadelphia Convention to create the new Constitution? No, but after weeks of debating realized they needed a whole new plan for the gov.
Who was the president of the P Convention? Washingtion
How did the P Convention take place? in seacret
who took notes during the P Convention? James Madisom
What plan did James Madison come up with? The VA plan
What did the Virginia plan include? -favored big states -BICAMERAL 3 branches, Execuative (president chosen by congress), Judicial, and Legislative (Congress-> HOR *chosen by people based on population* Senate *chosen by HOR*) -more people= more reps.= more power
What plan did William patterson propose? The NJ plan
What did the NJ plan include? -favored small states -unicameral -every state= 1 vote -3 presidents
What was the Great Compromise? - The plan that brought together the ideas of both plans (but mostly the VA plan)
Northern View on the issue if the slaves would count? -Dont want slaves to count in population -Dont have many slaves anyway -dont want the south to have more power
Southern View on the issue if the slaves would count? -Want the slaves to count for population -more population= more reps= more power
What did they do to settle the agrument about the slaves countiong as population? The 3/5's Compromise
On september 17, 1787 the delegates approved+ singed the constitution. When was in ratified and why? -not until 4 years later -anti-federalists and some stats would not ratify
Why did the Anti-Federalists object to the constitution? - no metion of God -states could not print own money - No Bill of rights
Even though 9/13 states ratified the constitution why was that not enough? VA and NY had not ratified- big and powerful
What was done to convince VA and NY to ratify? -Book "The Federalist" -A Bill of rights was added
Was Jefferson a federalist or an anti-federalist? anti-federalist
After VA and NY approved the Constitution what city was named the capital? NYC
Who was the 1st President and his VP? George Washington and John Adams
Where was Washington sworn in? NYC
Dont forget..... Essay Questions!
Created by: Jen Walls
Popular American Government sets




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