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Allisons TM Midterm

TM Midterm 2012

An occupation requiring manual dexterity or skill Craft
The means by which therapeutic effects are transmitted Media
Human function is seen as a result of sensory input and/or integrity of connections within the CNS Neurologically Based models
Pertains to ROM and Strength Biomechanical models
This subsystem in the Model of Human Occupation pertains to motivation Volitional
Changing a Project by Steps or Degrees Grade
Tool for Measuring Hand Strength Dynomometer
Mental manipulation of position Spatial Operations
Precaution for Asthmatics Making Mosaics Dust from Grout
Best way to Increase Hand Strength Using Mosaics Utilize Tile Nippers (Cutters)
An Activity in Which One Engages that is Meaningful and Central to One's Identity Occupation
Was the first to utiilze and promote specific crafts for specific physical or psychological needs Susan Tracy
What the person Actually Does Performance
A psychologist that persuaded tradesmen to give craftwork to his pts. Dr. Benjamin Rush
Involvement in a life situation participation
Includes activity demands such as body functions and body structures Activity Analysis
Began being used in WW II and became global in the 1960s Activity Analysis
Kits are often used in OT because... Take up less space Provide more billable time
Inability to plan and carry out movement Apraxis
This model has three subsystems and is based on the idea that all things are connected Model of Human Occuaption
Uses two or more body parts together to stabilize and manipulate task objects during bilateral motor tasks Coordinates
persists and completes the task without obvious evidence of physical fatigue, pausing to rest, or stopping to catch ones breath Edures
Uses dexterous grasp-and-release patterns, isolated finger movements, and coordinated in-hand manipulation patterns when interacting with task objects Manipulates
Uses smooth and fluid arm and hand movements when interacting with task objects Flows
maintains an upright standing or sitting position without evidence of a need to persistently prop during the task performance Aligns
extends, moves the arm (and when needed the trunk) to effectively grasp or place task objects that are out of reach, including skillfully using a reacher to obtain task objects Reaches
Actively flexes, rotates, or twists the trunk in a manner appropriate to the task. Bends
Skills in moving and interacting with task, objects, and environment Motor Skills
maintains trunk control and balance while interacting with task objects such that is no evidence of transient propping or loss of balance that affects task performance Stabilizes
Pushes, pulls, or drags task objects along a supporting surface Moves
Carries objects from one place to another while walking, seated in a wheelchair, or using a walker Transports
Regulates or grades the force, speed, and extent of movement when interacting with task objects Calibrates
Raises or hoists task objects, including lifting and object from one place to another, but without ambulating or moving from one place to another Lifts
Pinches or grasps task objects with no "grip slips" Grips
Maintains a consistent and effective rate or tempo of performance throughout the steps of the entire task. Paces
The predicted ability of a person to execute a task based on a standard procedure and the environment Capacity
A problem with structure and/or function, however it does not imply the inability to do an activity or execute a task. Impairment
Activity analysis is how an activity is typically done. Occupation based activity analysis not only analyzes the activity but it analyzes it in the context in which the individual performs the activity. Activity Analysis vs. Occupation-based Activity Analysis
participate in planning or materials preparation Increase or decrease number of steps Place/remove time requirements Increase/decrease resistance Place objects to facilitate reach or postural changes Increase/reduce number of tools/supplies available Tips for Grading
Alter the method Use enlarged or reshaped handles Reduce the number of steps/complexity Provide a stabilizing surface Provide extra lighting or magnification Use adapted tools Tips for Adapting
Proceeding by steps or degrees; 2. Moving, changing, or developing by fine, slight, or often imperceptible degrees. Grading
Enabling participation despite a limitation Adapting
We use occupations (and activities) as not only our end goal but as our means of by which to meet that end goal; thus occupations and activities are our “tools”. Why do we use Occupations?
Engaging in occupations allows clients to achieve mastery in the environment. Engaging in occupations often results in something that the client can either see or feel. More reasons why we use occupations.
Engaging in a meaningful activity will often help the client go farther and longer toward a goal than other methods. Occupations allow for greater transference towards the clients goals. More reasons why we use occupations.
Engaging in occupations requires a coordination of different body skills and body systems. By engaging in occupations the client receives immediate feedback on performance. More reasons why we use occupations.
Identifies needed equipment, materials, space and time. Provides a knowledge base for instructing others by outlining each step and how it is done. Gives information on how an activity might be therapeutic and for whom. Why Do We Learn to Analyze Activities and Occupations?
Helps to grade or adapt the activity to allow for greater success. Gives specifics for clear documentation. Assists in discovering how contexts influence performance of an occupation. Why Do We Learn to Analyze Activities and Occupations?
Helps to select appropriate activities and find the “just right challenge”. Identifies areas in which the client needs help and intervention Why Do We Learn to Analyze Activities and Occupations?
Space time and cost Allergies Photosensitivity Fertilizers and pesticides Gardening Precautions and Considerations
No guaranteed success Dirty Sharp tools, glue, and non-edible materials Uneven terrain Gardening Precautions and Considerations
Created by: awillis11
Popular Occupational Therapy sets




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