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Sadlier Oxford H

WCHS Unit 2-H

aegis (n) protection; patronage; sponsorship
apprise (v) to inform of; to make aware of by giving oral or written notice
bibulous (adj) fond of or inclined to drink; absorbent
claque (n) a group of people hired to applaud a performer or performance; enthusiastic or fawning admirers; an opera hat
deracinate (v) to pull up by the roots; to root out, uproot, or dislocate; to eliminate all traces of
eleemosynary (adj) charitable; dependent upon or supported by charity; derived from or provided by charity
indigenous (adj) originating in the country or region where found, native; inborn; inherent
lachrymose (adj) given to tears or weeping; causing to shed tears; mornful, lugubrious
lexicon (n) a dictionary of a language; the special vocabulary of a person, group, or subject; a compendium
melee (n) a confused struggle; a violent free-for all; a tumultuous mingling
microcosm (n) a miniature world or universe; a group or system viewed as the model of a larger group or system
minuscule (adj) very small, tiny; (n) a lowercase letter
obfuscate (v) to darken or obscure; to confuse or bewilder
paternalism (n) the policy of practice of treating or governing perople in the manner of a father dealing with his children
polarize (v) to cause to concentrate around two conflicting or contrasting positions; to cause light to vibrate in a pattern
purview (n) the range, extent, or scope of something; in law, the scope of limit of what is provided in a statute
sanguine (adj) having a ruddy complexion; of a naturally cheerful, confident, or optimistic outlook
solecism a substandard or ungrammatical usage; a breach of etiquette; any impropriety or mistake
vassal (n) a person under the protection of a feudal lord to whom he or she owes allegiance; a subordinate or dependent; a servant; (adj) subservient
verisimiltude (n) the quality of appearing to be true, real, likely or probable
Created by: dmoudy
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