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Vet tech 108 Quiz
cross word puzzle on page 131 of MT (cardiovascular system)
Question | Answer |
The heart chamber to which the blood returns | Atrium |
The condition of a slow heart rate | bradycardia |
Pertaining to an agent that influences the myocardium | Inotropic |
The smallest vessel of the body | capillary |
The large artery carrying blood from the left ventricle | Aorta |
Reduction of vessel lumen size from muscular contraction of the vessel wall | Vasoconstriction |
The process of vessel dilation | Vasodilation |
A condition of a fast heart rate | tachycardia |
The transmitter of heart worm disease | Mosquito |
An artery used as a pulse point, found on the ventral tail | Coccygeal artery |
Puncture of the sac that surrounds the heart for removal of fluid | Pericardiocentitis |
What does CRT stand for? | Capillary refill time |
An abnormal heart sound charachterized by a swooshing sound from blood turbulence | murmer |
The phase of the cardiac cycle when the heart is relaxed and filling | Diastole |
A state of abnormally low blood pressure | Hypotension |
Inflammation and clotting of a vein | Thrombophlebitis |
A valve found between an atrium and the next chamber | atrioventricular valve |
A condition without rhythm | Arrhythmia |
A vein used for blood collection that is found in the ventrolateral neck | Juluar vein |
Collecting blood from a vein | Phlebotomy |
A state of abnormally low blood volume | Hypovolemia |
First heart sound | "lub" |
Second heart sound | "dub" |
Another word for the heart muscle | Myocardium |
Edematous fluid accumulating in the abdominal cavity | Ascites |
The large vein carrying blood to the right atrium | Vena Cava |
A diagnostic procedure using sound waves to evaluate heart function | Echocardiography |
A common name for the left AV valve | Mitral valve |
The sum of heart rate plus stroke volume | Cardiac output |
The phase of the cardiac cycle when the heart is contracting | Systole |
The complex, seen on ECG that indicates venticular depolarization | QRS |
A forecast for the outcome of a disease | Prognosis |
An instrument used to measure blood pressure | Sphygmomanometer |
The vein used for phlebotomy found on the distal rear limb | Saphenous vein |
What does ECG stand for? | Electrocardiogram |
The valve that leads to the artery that carries blood to the lungs | Pulmonic valve |
Excessive development | Hypertrophy |
A clinician specializing in the heart | Cardiologist |
The absence of cardiac activity | Asystole |
Disease of the heart muscle | Cardiomyopathy |
The terminal fibers of the cardiac conduction system | Purkinge fibers |
A condition of narrowing | Stenosis |
Suppressed blood flow to an area | Ischemia |
The enlargement of the heart | Cardiomegaly |
A tiny vein | Venule |
Deficient in oxygen | Hypoxia |
Water in the chest | Hydrothorax |
A disease an animal is born with | Congenital |
The vein in the fore limbs | Chephalic vein |
The artery in the neck | Carotid artery |
The tissue membrane surrounding the heart | Pericardial |
Thin moist superficial layer of the heart | Epicardium |
Tissue layer lining the inside of the heart | Endocardium |
A small artery | Arteriole |
Another word for vein or veins? | Venous |
Inflammation of the vein | Phlebitis |
Radiographic procedure in which radiopaque dye is injected into the vasculature for better visualization of the vessels | Angiogram |
Pertaining to within a vein | Intravenous |
Around a vessel | Perivascular |
Between the atria | Interatrial |
Between the ventricles | Interventricular |
Inflammation within the heart | Endocarditis |
Condition of a clot | Thrombosis |
"The act of stuffing" or interuption of the aterial blood supply to the area | Infarction |