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Chapter 3 American Gov. Test

What are the three sections of organization in the Constitution? 1.Preamble 2.7 sections called Articles 3.27 amendments printed in the order they are adopted
What are the six basic principles that the Costitution was built around? -Popular Sovereighnty -Limited Government -Separation of Powers -Checks and Balences -Judicial Review -Federalism
What is popular sovereighnty? -All power is held by the people -People are the only source for any and all governmental power -"we the people" in the preamble establishes it
What is Limited Government? -Gov. can only do what the people give it the power to do -Also called Constitutionalism -Those who govern must also obey the law
Those who govern must also obey the law Rule of law
What is separation of powers? -EXECUATIVE:presdent, vice, cabinet/advisers=enforce laws -LESGISLATIVE: congress= makes laws -JUDICIAL: U.S. supreme court and federal courts= interpret and apply the laws.
What is Checks and Balences? -each branch is checked (restrained) by the other branches -ensures one branch doesn't have all the power
What is Judicial Review -power of the court to determine the constitutionality of a governement action -U.S. Supreme Court and all Federal courts can declare law or governmental action VOID -supremecy clause
What is the supremacy clause? U.S. Constitution is the Supreme law of the land
What is federalism? -Some powers for national gov. and some reserved for the state (compromise) -states have own laws, courts, constitutions & elected officials
What article Of the Constitution provides for the process of formal amendments? Article V
Who many amendments have been added? 27
How many different ways are there to ratify an amendment? 4 different ways
What is the most popular method? -Amendment proposed by congress -Ratified by 3/4 of the state legislators (38 states)
What is the method that has only been used once? -Amendment proposed by congress -Ratified by state conventions held in 3/4 of the states(38 states)-the 21st amendment
Explain the 2 methods that have never been used? 1.)METHOD 3: Amendment proposed by a national convention called by Congress, Ratified by 3/4 of the state legislatures (38 states) 2.)METHOD 4: Amendment proposed by a national convention, Ratified by states conventions in 3/4 of the states
What are the Informal Amendment processes? The process by which many changes have been made in the Constitution which have not involved any changes in its writen words.
How many ways of constitutional Interpretation(informal amendment)? what are they? 5 ways; Basic Legislation, Execuative Action, Court Decisions, Party Policies, and customs
What is Basic Legislation? -Laws are passed to execute the constitution's provisions -Congress has added tothe Constitution by the way it has used many of its powers
What is Execuative Action? -Presidents' use of thier powers has been interpreted differently over the years -Execuative Agreement (doesn't need consent of the Senate=the people)
What are Court Decisions? -Courts interpret and apply the words of the constitution -Using judicial review, courst usually rule laws constitutional
What are political parties? -Not in constitution, National conventions have been held since 1830s -each party nominates canidates for presidency -system of orginizing congress -role of electorial college
What are customs? -Presidents cabinet -Senatorial Courtesy -2 term rule later added as the 22nd amendment
Has every president had a cabnit? yes, it is a custom
Did the Framers expect changes/ admendments? yes, they included 4 formal ways to add an amendment in the Constitution.
When Franklin Rosevelt broke the two term rule, did he violate the Constitution? No he did not violate the Constitution because the 22nd amandment stating that a president could only serve two terms came after his presidency(Rosevelt served in the 30s & 40s and 22nd Amendment passed in the50s
What is another name for the first ten amendments and when were they ratified The Bill of Rights ratified in 1791
What are the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments called? The Civil War Amendments...13th amendment ratified in 1865 which ended slavery
What/when was the 18th Amendment? Said no alcohol in 1919
What/when was the 21st Amendment? Repealed the 18th amendment in 1933
What/when was the 22nd Amendment? President can only have 2 terms 1951
What/when was the 26th Amendment? Changed voting age to 18 1971
What/when was the 19th Amendment? Women can vote 1920
Created by: Jen Walls
Popular American Government sets




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