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When did Shakespeare write most of his plays?
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TRUE or FALSE? The order of the social class was; Monarch, clergy, knights, townsfolk, servants, poor/unemployed.
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Elizabethan Period

Shakespeare - Historical and Social Classes

When did Shakespeare write most of his plays? During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and King James I
TRUE or FALSE? The order of the social class was; Monarch, clergy, knights, townsfolk, servants, poor/unemployed. False
TRUE or FALSE? The order of the social class was; Monarch, knights, clergy, townsfolk, servants, poor/unemployed. True
Could women vote? no
Could woment get an education? yes, but they had to be tutored; they could not attend public schooling
Why did the family usually set up the marriage of woman? to increase wealth
Could women serve in professional jobs? no, they could be cooks or maids
What was primogeniture? the eldest child inherited land and money from parents
Why were victims isolated in their homes during the Bubonic Plague? To keep them from spreading the disease.
What would allow survivors of the Bubonic Plague to go back to work? Certificate of Health
What kind of food did higher class people eat? Meat and wine
What kind of spice was increasing in popularity? sugar
There was very little hygene, so how often did normal people bathe? about once or twice a year
How often did royalty bathe? 2 times a week
What was cutpursing? A form of stealing where one would cut another's change purse, spilling the coins on the ground for the theif to take.
What were the homes like? no diagonal timbers, high chimmneys, or Dormer windows
Clothing symbolized what? Status and wealth
Lower classmen did what in their regular city life? participated in theater
The lowest class that was open to schooling was which class? The Middle Class
Created by: patrij16
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