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9 week test

It is cold hace frio
it is raining esta lloviendo
it is snowing esta nevando
it is sunny esta soleado
it is windy hace mucho viellto
kitchen cocina
tshirt camiseta
ugly feo
what is your name? como te hamas
what time is it? que hora es
white blanco
yellow amarillo
a little bit un poquito
at what time a que hora
aunt tia
bathroom bano
beach playa
bird pajaron
black negro
blond hair rubio
breakfast desa guna
car carro
cat gato
chicken pollo
could you give me me pue des dar
cousin primo
dining room comedor
dinner cena
do you speak english hablas ingles
dog perro
fat gordo
foot pie
football balonpie
funny gracioso
good afternoon/evening buenos tardes/noches
good morning buenos dias
goodnight buenos noches
grandmother abuela
green verde
half-brother hermanastro
hand mano
handsome atractivo
hazel eyes ojos verde/gris
head cabeza
horse caballo
how old are you cuantros anos llenas
i am cold tengo frip
i am fifteen years old tengo is anos
i am hot tengo calor
i am hungry tengo hombre
i am thirsty tengo sea
lazy vago
living room cuarto
lunch almuerzo
mom madre
mouth boca
my name is me llamo
nice to meet you mucho gusto
nose naris
on the wwekends endera semana
orange anaransado
parents padres
pen poligrafo
pencil lapiz
pink rosa
pool charzo
purple marado
quiet silcencio
rabbit conejo
red rojo
see you later hasta luego
shoes zapatos
short pantalones cortes
sister hermana
skinny flaco
soccer futbol
squirrel araillo
stepmother madrasta
stomach estomago
tall alto
the weather is bad el tiempo es mal
the weather is good el tiempo es bien
thin delgado
to clean the room limpiar
to go shopping ir a compiar
to go to school ir a escuela
to go to the movies ir a cinema
to practice sports praticar deportes
to take out the trash sacar la bascura
to talk on the phone hablar a telefono
Created by: Katieallain
Popular Spanish sets




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