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9 week test
Question | Answer |
It is cold | hace frio |
it is raining | esta lloviendo |
it is snowing | esta nevando |
it is sunny | esta soleado |
it is windy | hace mucho viellto |
kitchen | cocina |
tshirt | camiseta |
ugly | feo |
what is your name? | como te hamas |
what time is it? | que hora es |
white | blanco |
yellow | amarillo |
a little bit | un poquito |
at what time | a que hora |
aunt | tia |
bathroom | bano |
beach | playa |
bird | pajaron |
black | negro |
blond hair | rubio |
breakfast | desa guna |
car | carro |
cat | gato |
chicken | pollo |
could you give me | me pue des dar |
cousin | primo |
dining room | comedor |
dinner | cena |
do you speak english | hablas ingles |
dog | perro |
fat | gordo |
foot | pie |
football | balonpie |
funny | gracioso |
good afternoon/evening | buenos tardes/noches |
good morning | buenos dias |
goodnight | buenos noches |
grandmother | abuela |
green | verde |
half-brother | hermanastro |
hand | mano |
handsome | atractivo |
hazel eyes | ojos verde/gris |
head | cabeza |
horse | caballo |
how old are you | cuantros anos llenas |
i am cold | tengo frip |
i am fifteen years old | tengo is anos |
i am hot | tengo calor |
i am hungry | tengo hombre |
i am thirsty | tengo sea |
lazy | vago |
living room | cuarto |
lunch | almuerzo |
mom | madre |
mouth | boca |
my name is | me llamo |
nice to meet you | mucho gusto |
nose | naris |
on the wwekends | endera semana |
orange | anaransado |
parents | padres |
pen | poligrafo |
pencil | lapiz |
pink | rosa |
pool | charzo |
purple | marado |
quiet | silcencio |
rabbit | conejo |
red | rojo |
see you later | hasta luego |
shoes | zapatos |
short | pantalones cortes |
sister | hermana |
skinny | flaco |
soccer | futbol |
squirrel | araillo |
stepmother | madrasta |
stomach | estomago |
tall | alto |
the weather is bad | el tiempo es mal |
the weather is good | el tiempo es bien |
thin | delgado |
to clean the room | limpiar |
to go shopping | ir a compiar |
to go to school | ir a escuela |
to go to the movies | ir a cinema |
to practice sports | praticar deportes |
to take out the trash | sacar la bascura |
to talk on the phone | hablar a telefono |