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Chapter 24

Cardiovascular System

function of the heart provides oxygenated blood throughout the body, blood deposits materials for growth and nutrition, recieves wastes from tissues
hypertension sustained elevation of systemic arterial blood pressure
treatment for hypertension diuretics, vasodilators, ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers
congestive heart failure heart pumps less blood than recieves, weak and enlarged heart
Symptoms of CHF upright posture, leaning forward, cyanotic, cough, edema of lower limbs
treatment for CHF glycosides, diuretics, vasodilators, ACE inhibitors, beta-adrenergic blockers, phosphodiesterase inhibitors
coronary artery disease occurs when there is insufficient blood flow to the heart
treatment for coronary artery disdease platelet aggregation inhibitors, anticoagulants, tissue plasminogen inactivators, thrombin inhibitors
antiarrythmic drugs restore normal rhythm patterns but do not cure the cause of the irregular heartbeat
cardiac glycosides used to increase the force of myocardial contraction, without causing an increase in the consumption of oxygen
diuretics used to eliminate excess sodium and water via the urinary tract
vasodilators allow more blood to exit the heart, preventing of mitigating congestion; lower blood pressure
angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE) lower high blood pressure; thought to reshape the heart; prevent the body from producing natural vasodilators
angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB) similar to ACE inhibitors; block the body's natural vasodilators
beta-adrenergic blockers block cells from recieving natural vasoconstrictors
antiadrenergic agents interfere with the manufacture of vasoconstrictors at nerve endings
platelet aggregation inhibitors reduce the ability if the blood to coagulate
anticoagulants prevent clots from forming or existing clots from getting bigger, do not thin blood or dissolve clots
tissue plasminogen activators (TPA) break down blood clots by reversing the clotting order and interfering with the synthesis of various clotting factors
thrombin inhibitors inactivate bound thrombin by binding to the enzyme and clocking its interaction with its substrates of fibrin
antihyperlipedemics help prevenet the progression of coronary atery disease by lowering plasma levels
DOC of anticoagulants warfarin
warfarin prevents and manages what disorders? deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, clotting
DOC of parenteral anticoagulants Heparin
Heparin function prevent and treat deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, treat thrombophlebitis, prevent clotting during surgery
antidote for heparin overdose protamine sulfate
triglycerides a form of energy stored in adipose and muscle tissues
b1 receptors increase heart rate and force the contraction of the heart muscle
B blockers decrease the heart rate and cardiac output, decrease blood pressure and relax blood vessels
beta receptor agonists increase blood pressure and cardiac output, treat hypotension, treat asthma
alpha receptor agonists block a1 or a2 receptors, decrease vasoconstriction and lower blood pressure, treat hypertension
alpha 2 receptor agonists decrease release of norepinephrine, treat hypertension, opiate addiction, increase clotting rate, abrupt withdrawl leads to hypertensive crisis
calcium channel blockers action antihypertensive action from influx of calcium into cardiac smooth muscle, vasodilation
calcium channel blockers function decreased blood pressure, oxygen demand and heart rate
angiotensin converting enzyme ACE
ACE converts what? angiotensin I to angiotensin II
angiotensin II potent vasodilator, increases blood pressure
ACE inhibitors use hypertension, decrease in sodium/ fluid retention
How do ACE inhibitors decrease hypertension? causes angiotensin I to not convert to angiotensin II, blocks vasoconstriction
angiotensin II receptor antagonist decreases hypertension, less effective than ACE inhibitors
what is the oldest drug of the antihypertensive class? angiotensin II receptor antagonist
vasodilator action relax arteriolar smooth muscle, dilate arteriole
vasodilator uses CHF, angina, hypertension
venodilators (nitrates) relax venous smooth muscle
venodilator (nitrate) uses increased cardiac efficiency, oxygen delivery, pooling of blood in legs
What are venodilators not used for? hypertension
cardiac glycosides action increase muscle contraction, improve irreguar heartbeat
what is obtained from the digitalis plant? cardiac glycosides
cardiac glycoside side effect yellow/green halo
diuretic action anithypertensive, increase urinary excretion of Na, Cl, K, and H2O
4 types of diuretics thiazide, loop, carbonic anhydrase, potassium sparing
cholesterol soft, waxy substance found among lipids in bloodstream
hypercholesterolemia high level of cholesterol in the blood
HDL high density lipoprotein (good)
LDL low density lipoprotein (bad)
VLDL very low density lipoprotein (very bad)
cholesterol lowering drug action interfere with triglyceride synthesis (Fibrates)
lipoprotein lipase enzyme that breaks down VLDL
Fibrates increase lipoprotein lipase
cholesterol lowering drug adverse effects anemia, myositis
HMG CoA reductase rate controlling enzyme of the metabolic pathway that produces cholesterol
statins action inhibit HMG CoA reductase
statin contraindications anticoagulants and grapefruit juice
anticoagulant function prevents blood from clotting
DOC for anticoagulants warfarin
anticoagulant contraindications vitamin K, antibiotics
antithrombotic drug function decrease platelet aggregation, decrease clotting
thrombolytic drug function break up formed clot (expensive drug), only for life threatening situations
angiography x-ray examination of blood vessels after injection of opaque dye
Created by: TaylorRabalais
Popular Pharmacology sets




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