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Pharm1152 Vit/Min/Sp

Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements

Fat Soluble Vitamins A,D,E and K
Source of fat soluble vitamins plants/animals
Where are fat soluble vitamins stored? liver and fatty tissues
Where are fat soluble vitamins excreted? Feces
Water Soluble Vitamins B-Complex and C
If these vitamins are not taken in daily, a deficiency results Water Soluble
RDAs (Recommended Daily Allowances) Minimum nutrient requirements
DRIs (Daily Reference Intakes) Optimal nutrient amounts for good health
Vitamin A mechanism of action Vision, G&D of bones & teeth,reproduction, mucosal & epithelial integrity, cholesterol & steroid synthesis
Vitamin A toxicty Irritability, drowsiness, vertigo, S&S of increased intracranial pressure in infants, redness& peeling of skin
Indications of Vitamin A Infants, pregnancy or nursing women, treatment of acne,psoriasis
Vitamin D AKA ? Sunshine Vitamin
Vitamin D mechanism of action Regulates absorption/use of calcium and phosphorus, neccessary for calcification of bone and regulates serum calcium levels
Vitamin D Indications Treatment of Rickets, Hypocalemia, hypophospatemia, osteoporosis
Ricket's disease Vit D deficiency- causes soft,pliale bones; bowlegs & knock knees and oth S
Vitamin E mechanism of action Powerful biologic antioxidant; hinder deterioration of Vit A & Vit C that are highly oxygen sensitive/readily oxidized
Vitamin E indications Antioxidant; prevention formation of toxic chemical in body
Vitamin K is the antedote for ? bleeding excessivley (Warfarin)
Vitamin K mechanism of action essential for blood coagulation factors (II,VII,IX,& X)in liver
Vitamin K indications inadequate dietary intake (rare) Malabsorptive states, administration of broad spectrum antibiotics
Vitamin K is given to ? for malabsorption newborns
Vitamin B1 AKA Thiamine
Vitamin B1 deficiency Beriberi
Vitamin B1 mechanism of action essential for CHO metabolism, Kreb's Cycle and oth metabolic pathways
Vitamin B1 indications Beriberi, Wernickes encephalopathy (cerebral Beriberi), Neuriti assoc with pellagra and pregnancy, malabsorption associated with cirrhosis, alcoholism & GI disease
what is pellagra niacin deficiency
Vitamin B2 AKA Riboflavin
Vitamin B2 mechanism of action Converts into enzymes needed for tissue respiration, activates B6, converts tryptophan into niacin, needed for erythroctye integrity
Indications of Vitamin B2 Treatment of deficiency (cutaneous,oral & corneal changes)Microcytic anemia, acne, migraines
Adverse effects of Vitamin B2 Changes urine yellow-orange in large doses
Vitamin B3 AKA Niacin
Vitamin B3 mechanism of action converts to 2 coenzymes required for glycogenolysis (breakdown of store glycogen into usable glucose)and lipid, protein and purine metabolism
Indications of Vit B3 Prevention and treatment of pellagra, management of hyperlipidemia and positive effect in PVD
Contraindications of Vit B3 Liver disease, severe hypotension, arterial hemorrhage & PUD
Adverse effects of Vit B3 Flushing, pruritus and GI distress; often subside when discontinued
Vitamin B6 AKA Pyridoxine
Vitamin B6 deficiency types of anemias, neurologic disturbances, skin and mucosa changes, etc
Vitamin B6 mechanism of action needed for protein, lipid, CHO utilization, conversion of tryptophan to niacin, needed for integrity of peripheral nerves, skin, muscoa, hematopoietic system
Vitamin B6 indications treatment of deficient caused by Isonazid (TB med) hydralazine (HTN med) and oral contraceptives- Can help with seizures, morning sickness
Vitamin B6 toxicity Only with large doses= neurotoxicity
Vitamin B12 AKA Cyanocobalamin
Vitamin B12 deficiency GI lesions, neurologic changes
Major cause of Vit B12 deficiency Malabsorption
Vitamin B12 mechanism of action Synthesized in body for Fat, CHO & protein synthesis, growth, cell replication, hematopoeisis and myelin synthesis
Vitamin B12 indications treatment of deficiency; pernicious anemia (lack of intrinsic factor)
Contraindications of Vitamin B12 Cobalt, Leber's disease (hereditary optic nerve atrophy)
Vitamin C AKA Ascorbic acid
Vitamin C deficiency scurvy (weakness, edema, gingivitis & bleeding gums, tooth loss, anemia, delayed healing of bones and tissues, etc) Sailors!
Vit C mechanism of action Involved in oxidation-reduction reactions, collagen synthesis, maintenance of connective tissue, bone, teeth and capillaries, folic acid metab, erythropoiesis
Vit C indications Treatment of deficiency, benefit for pregnancy, lactation, fever, stress, infcection, skin issues, colds, etc
Adverse effects of Vit C Large doses can cause N/V, HA, cramping, urine acidity, renal stones. can interfere with PCN G, erythromycin,; can enhance or delay excretion of acidic drugs
Vitamin C + Zinc help with.... healing
Calcium most abundant mineral, high conc in bones and teeth
What facilitates calcium's absorption? Vit D
Calcium deficiency Ricket's, osteoporosis, etc
Calcium mechanism of action needed for nervous, muscular, skeletal systems, cell membranes and capillary permeability, enzymatic reactions- nutritional supplement
Indications of calcium Treatment of conditions assoc with calcium deficiency
Calcium contraindications allergy, hypercalcemia, ventricular fib
Calcium toxicity long-term excessive use can lead to cardiac irregularities, dilirium, coma
Magnesium is reponsible for ? Muscle contractions
Magnesium one of the principle cations of intracellular fluid
Magnesium mechanism of action Needed for enzyme system assoc with energy metabolism, nerve physiology, and muscular contraction
Magnesium indications treatment of deficiency, complications of pregnancy, inhibition of contractions, cardiac dysrhythmias,constipation
Magnesium contraindications allergy to magnesium, heart block, renal failure, Addison's disease (adrenal gland failure), hepatitis
Magnesium adverse effects Loss of tension, relfex, difficult BMs, CNS depression, resp distress, heart block, hypothermia
Phosphorus deficiency can occur w/malabsorption, excessive diarrhea or vomiting, hyperthyroidis, long term use of aluminumor calcium antacids, liver disease
Phosphorus mechanism of action required for synthesis of essential body chemicals; building block for body structures
Phosphorus indications deficiency of phosphorus, nutritional supplement
Phosophorus contraindications hyperphosphatemia and hyopcalemia
phosphorus adverse effects N/V/D confusion, weakness, breathing difficulties; antacids can reduce the absorption of phosphorus
Zinc healing growth and repair
Zinc mechanism of action essential protein and CHO metabolic reactions; important for normal tissue growth & repair and wound repair
Enteral nutrition- what to do when diarrhea occurs? break down, 1/2 strength until body adjusts
Enteral nutrition mechanism of action formulas used provide basics for anabolism (tissue building)
Dumping syndrome secondary to rapid or bolus feeding
Peripheral parental nutrition arm/other for those unable to tolerate oral or enteral intake; temp method (less than 2 weeks)
Central parental nutrition Central circulation for those unable to tolerate oral or enteral intake; potential for infection
Which lab needs to be checked every 6hrs with a Central line? Glucose
Created by: aponton5
Popular Pharmacology sets




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