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Set 7 Conditions

Appendicitis Inflammation of appendix
Botulism Bacterial infection caused by clostridium botulinum
Cholera Bacterial infection caused by vibrio cholerae
Constipation Difficult or infrequent defacation
Crohn's Disease form of inflammatory bowel disease, a systemic autoimmune disorder that primarily involves GI tract, may occur in any part of GI tract from mouth to anus.
Diarrhea Frequent, watery, loose stools
Diverticulitis Inflammation of diverticulum located in the colon
Dyspepsia Pain or discomfort while digesting food
Dysphagia Difficulty in swallowing
Enteritis Inflammation of small intestine
Gastritis Inflammation of stomach lining
GERD Gastroesophageal reflux disease; acid backflow into esophagus
Hematemesis Blood present in vomit
Hemorrhoids Veins, muscles, and or tissues push through anal opening
Hiatal hernia defect in diaphragm that allows a portion of stomach to pass through diaphragm opening into chest cavity.
Peptic Ulcer Disease where one or more raw areas develop in membrane lining of stomach, esophagus, and duodenum; affected areas are damaged by digestive enzymes and acid secreted by stomach.
Pyrosis Heartburn, burning sensation in upper abdomen.
Typhoid fever Bacterial infection caused by salmonella typhi
Ulcer Lesion on mucosal surface of gastrointestinal tract
Ulcerative colitis Form of inflammatory bowel disease, a systemic illness characterized by chronic inflammation and ulceration of large intestine.
Created by: 1152504714
Popular Pharmacology sets




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