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Social Studies 3
Question | Answer |
estate | (1,2,3) social classes of pre-revolutioned France |
Clergy | Religious leaders of the 1st estate |
nobles | wealthy landowners of the 2nd estate and holders of high goverment positions |
Louis XVI(16th) | King of France during the Revolution |
Marie Antoinette | Queen of France during the Revolution |
Bourgeosie | Wealthy middle class members of a society |
Economy | foundation of wealthy increased or deacresed by trade and production |
Politics/Political | Thoughts,feeling, and or behaviors of or about power |
Jacobin | Radical member of revolutionary French society who dvocted violence to solve problems |
Napoleon Bonaparte | ended French Revolution and became emperor of France |
Napoleonic Code | new laws that helped refor post- revolutionary France |
Nationlism | a strong belif in loyalty to one's own culture, including language and customs |
Conservative | one who does not favor dramatic changes |
Liberal | one who favors dramatic change |
Congress of Vienna | group of conservative leaders that ment to restore the absolute monarchies in Europe after the Napoleonic Wars |
Victor Emmanuel II | First king of unifed Italy |
Count Camillo de Cavour | prime minister of Piedmont nd leader of Italian unification |
Giuseppe Garibaldi | Leader of Red Shirts in the fight for Italian unification |
Wilhem II | king of Prussia and first king of unified Germany |
Otto Von Bismark | Prime minister of Prussia and leader most responisble for Germn unification |
Latin American | parts of Mexico, Central and South America, and many of the Carribian islandwhere Spnish, Portugesse, or French is the ntional language |
Peninsulare | Full-blood Spanish born in Spain |
Creole | Full-blood European born in the Americas |
Mestizo | mixed Ntive American nd European |
Mullato | mixed African and European |
Toussaint L'Ouverture | Leader of the revoultion in Hati |
Father Miguel Hidalgo | Leader of the 1811 Mexico war for independence |
Simon Bolivar | leader of revolutions in several South Americn countries(Columbia, Venezuela etc) |
Industrial Revolution | period when the economies of many countries shifted from farming to manufacturing |
Industry | a specifc area of trade and production |
Cottage industry | area of production that takes place in steps in different workers' homes |
Textiles | cloth/clothing |
Industrialization | the strengthing- through incresed speed or improved mthods- of one or more specific areas of trade and production |
Efficent/Efficiency | providing goods and services faster and with less waste of time and/ or reasources |
Mass production | the making of goods on a large scale |
Capital | money or other items of value that can be used to invest and increase wealth |
Entreprenuer | a buisness person |
Capitalism | the string belif in private ownership and control of the methods and materials of trade and production |
Interchangeable parts | replacement parts |
Rural | the country |
Urban | the city |
Urbnization | the growth and spread of cities |
Laissez-faire | Belif the goverment should do nothing for the economy- French for "Leave it alone" |
Tenements | run-down,cheap apartments that lack basic necesities |
Middle Class | social group of buisness or professional people (doctors, lawyers, merchants, teachers, etc,) |
Labor Union | organization of workers formed to protest for or against conditions in a work place |
Strike | when employies refuse to work in order to make demands on their employer |
Social Darwinism | the strong belif that only the fittest, strongest and smartest people survive and grow wealthy |
Karl Marx | German creator of the philosophy of Socialism/Communism |
Socialism | a strong belif that all members of a society share equality in the areas of trade and goods produced |