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"Strong" aversion to cold, slight fever, no perspiration, HA, aching joints & limbs, stuffy nose, runny nose, scratchy throat, cough with thin white phlegm, without sensation of excessive thirst
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Invasion of Wind-Cold
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Match Presentation to Diagnosis, Diagnosis to Rx Princ, Points, Herbs

"Strong" aversion to cold, slight fever, no perspiration, HA, aching joints & limbs, stuffy nose, runny nose, scratchy throat, cough with thin white phlegm, without sensation of excessive thirst Invasion of WInd-Cold
Invasion of Wind-Cold Dispel wind, dissipate cold, resolve the exterior
Invasion of Wind-Cold T: TWC P: Floating, tight
Invasion of Wind-Cold Jing Fang Bai Du San
Invasion of Wind-Cold LU7, LI4, SI7, LI20, BL12, GB20
Invasion of Wind-Cold with HA (add...) Yin Tang, Tai Yang
Invasion of Wind-Cold with upper backache (add...) BL13 (Fei Shu)
"Slight" aversion to cold, prominent "fever,", perspiration, HA, cough with thick yellow phlegm, dry or sore swollen throat, stuffy nose with turbid yellow mucus, thirst. Invasion of Wind-Heat
Invasion of Wind-Heat Dispel wind, clear heat, resolve the exterior
Invasion of Wind-Heat Yin Qiao San
Invasion of Wind-Heat LU5, LI11, GV14, LI4, TB5
Invasion of Wind-Heat with sore swollen throat (add...) LU11 (!!)
"Unsurfaced fever," slight aversion to cold, little perspiration, HA with sensation of heaviness (as though were tightly bandaged), aching and heaviness of limbs & joints, coughting with sticky phlegm, greasy feeling in mouth, no thirst or thirst for hot Invasion of Summerheat-Dampness
Invasion of Summerheat-Dampness Clear summerheat, transform dampness, resolve the exterior
Invasion of Summerheat-Dampness Xin Jia Xiang Ru Yin
Invasion of Summerheat-Dampness LU6, LI4, CV12, ST36, TB6 (!!)
Invasion of Summerheat-Dampness, for abdominal distention and loose stools (add...) ST25
Strong aversion to cold, fever, HA, nasal congestion, cough with white phlegm, tiredness, fatigue, SOB, disinclination to speak (from wei qi depletion allowing external invasion of wind-cold evil.) Colds in Cases of Qi Vacuity
Colds in Cases of Qi Vacuity T: Pale with white coat P: Floating, forceless
Invasion of Summerheat-Dampness T: Yellow, slimy coating P: Soft, rapid
Colds in Cases of Qi Vacuity Dispel wind, dissipate cold, boost qi, resolve the exterior
Colds in Cases of Qi Vacuity Shen Su Yin
Colds in Cases of Qi Vacuity Wind Cold points (LU7, LI4, SI7, LI20, BL12, GB20) plus ST36, BL13
Fever, slight aversion to wind or cold, HA, no perspiration or little perspiration, dizziness, vexation of the heart, heat in the palms and soles, thirst, dry mouth, dry throat, dry cough with scanty phlegm. Colds in Cases of Yin Vacuity
Colds in Cases of Yin Vacuity Dispel wind, clear heat, nourish yin, resolve the exterior
Colds in Cases of Yin Vacuity T: Red with little coating P: Thready, rapid
Colds in Cases of Yin Vacuity Jia Jian Wei Rui Tang
Colds in Cases of Yin Vacuity Wind Heat points (LU5, LI11, GV14, LI4, TB5) plus BL43, K7 (!!)
Wu patterns for Wind-Cold (3 straight Ext., 2 underlying Xu) Wind Cold, Wind Heat, Summerheat-Dampness, Cold with underlying qi Xu, Cold with underlying yin Xu
Wu patterns for Cough (5 XS, 1 Xu) Wind Cold, Wind Heat, Wind Dry, Phlegm-Damp, Liver Fire, Yin Xu
Choking cough, accelerated respiration, scratchy throat & expectoration of thin white phlegm, accompanied by ATC, HA and stuffy runny nose Invasion of Lung by Wind-Cold
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Cold T: TWC, P: Floating, "taut"
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Cold Dispel Wind-Cold, ventilate the lung, relieve coughing
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Cold Zhi Sou San
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Cold LU7, LI4, BL13, TB5 (??)
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Cold, for HA (add...) GB20, GV23
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Cold, for aching limbs (add...) BL60, LI7 (!!??)
Frequent coughing, heavy breathing, sore throat, dry mouth and difficult expectoration of thick sticky yellow phlegm, accompanied by fever ("heat effusion"), perspiration, ATW, HA, thirst. Invasion of Lung by Wind-Heat
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Heat Dispel Wind-Heat, diffuse the lung, relieve cough
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Heat Sang Ju Yin
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Heat T: Thin yellow coat P: Floating & rapid or floating & slippery
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Heat LU5, LI11, GV14, BL13
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Heat; for sore, dry throat add bloodletting @ LU11
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Heat; for excessive perspiration without relinquishment of fever, add... ST43, K7 (!!??)
Dry cough without phlegm or with scanty sticky phlegm that is DTE, or with phlegm containing streaks of blood; scratchy or sore dry throat, dry nose and mouth, exterior sx such as stuffy nose, HA, slight ATC, fFever" during the early stage in some cases. Invasion of Lung by Wind-Dryness
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Dryness Sang Xing Tang (or Xing Su San)
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Dryness Course Wind-Dryness, moisten the lung, relieve cough
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Dryness T: Dry red with TWC or thin yellow coat P: Floating, rapid
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Dryness LU5, LU10, LI11, BL13
Invasion of Lung by Wind-Dryness and... ATC without perspiration, add... LI4, LU7
Frequently recurring cough particularly marked on rising in the morning with expectoration of abundant dilute white phlegm, accompanied by oppression in the chest, epigastric fullness and distention, nausea, fatigue, PA, loose stools Phlegm-Damp Cough
Phlegm-Damp Cough T: White slimy coat P: Soggy or slippery
Phlegm-Damp Cough Strengthen the spleen, dry damp, transform phlegm, relieve cough
Phlegm-Damp Cough Er Chen Tang + San Zi Yang Qin Tang (Three Seed Filial Devotion): Lai Fu Zi, Zi Su Zi, Bai Jie Zi
Phlegm-Damp Cough LU9, SP3, LI4, BL13, BL20, ST40
Phlegm-Damp Cough with wheezing, add... Ding Chuan
Phlegm-Damp Cough with chest oppression and epigastric fullness & distention, add... P6, CV12, ST36
Hacking cough, scanty sticky phlegm, full distended sensation and pain throughout the chest and costal regions during coughing, flushed complexion, bitter taste, dry scratchy throat, variation in severity with emotional state. Liver-Fire Cough
Liver-Fire Cough T: Red with thin yellow coat P: Wiry, rapid
Liver-Fire Cough Clear liver fire, "drain the lung," relieve cough
Liver-Fire Cough (weird formulas in Wu book for this)
Liver-Fire Cough LR3, LR8, BL13, BL18
Liver-Fire Cough with dry, scratchy throat add... K6
Liver-Fire Cough and... coughing blood, add... LU6 (XCP)
Created by: mrbarr
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