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World Civ Chap 16/17

World Civilizations- Chapter 16/17 Quiz

Ayatollah Khoumeinis efforts to export the Iranian Revolution led to an extended war with which nation? Iraq
The reunification of Germany occurred in large part through the efforts of Helmut Kohl.
Which of the following was NOT true concerning apartheid? none of these choices
Which of the following statements about the 1990s is false? We lacked the scientific knowledge to eliminate leprosy.
Western nations lost their empires in Asia and Africa chiefly in the three-decade period from 1945-1975
With this one exception, Latin American countries have renounced dictatorships in favor of democratic governments. Venezuela
During colonial times in India, the greatest religious tensions existed between Muslims and Hindus
The first of the British Empires possessions to gain independence after 1945 was India
Gorbachev eventually supported moves toward a free-market economy
In the late 1990s, among the African nations still suffering the effects of the Cold War were all of these choices
The first black colony in Africa to be liberated was Ghana
Most anti-colonial movements were led by charismatic nationalists who embraced and utilized western ideas, institutions, and weapons
One unforeseen consequence of Chinas growing economic power is: India and Japan have grown closer
The Cultural Revolution of the 1960s in China all of these choices
Following the death of this dictator, Portugal was transformed from a fascist dictatorship into a democracy in the 1970s. Antonio Salazar
As producers of raw materials, what it the primary limitation placed on poor nations by the global economy? prices are determined by multi-national corporations and industrialized nations
The most impressive trend in the political life of western Europe in the second half of the twentieth century has been the revitalization of democratic political institutions
Which of the following statements about Latin America in the postwar period is false? It had lower per capita GNPs than most of Africa or the Middle East
The Vietnam War resulted in defeat for the United States
In the 2009 Iranian elections, this hard-line populist prime minister faced a lively grassroots opposition movement led primarily by voters born after the 1979 revolution. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Fidel Castro turned to the Soviet Union shortly after winning control in Cuba.
The United States initial reaction toward Fidel Castros government in Cuba was to wait and see if it would institute more liberal reforms and a more efficient government than Batistas.
All of the following were contributing factors to the financial crisis of 2008 except: Chinese market manipulation
What percentage of the worlds population lives on less than ten dollars per day? 80 percent
Which of the following was NOT a direct result of the 9/11 attacks? The U.S. Constitution was briefly suspended
In 2009, China replaced Germany: as the worlds biggest exporting nation.
The Shining Path was a revolutionary movement in Peru.
Boris Yeltsin supported Vladimir Putin.
Which of the following refused to sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty? all of these choices
This American General was dismissed for publically advocating using nuclear weapons against North Korea. Douglas MacArthur
Military juntas in postwar Latin America none of these choices
Who said, "At the stroke of midnight hour ... India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long sup-pressed, finds... Jawaharlal Nehru
This nation sought to reduce the number of U.S. films shown and tried to stop the entry of English words into its vocabulary. France
This country was not a site of major American anti-communist activities Panama
When this nation joined the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in 2009, it became the third largest trading organization in the world. China
Which of the following was not a member of SEATO? India
As a result of Chinas construction of the massive Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River, more than three million people were forced from their homes
Indira Gandhi all of these choices
The aboriginal Ainu form a miniscule minority in this racially homogeneous nation. Japan
By 2000, world population stood at 6 billion
"Détente" may be defined as the search by the two superpowers for ways of living together in a dangerous world.
Which of the following statements about the reunification of Germany is true? East Germans suffered a loss of welfare benefits
In 1993, Czechoslovakia split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Which of the following had not acquired independence from Britain by 1960? none of these choices
During the Cold War, most Asian and African countries chose this path. nonaligned
Created by: klarko
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