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Spanish Vocab
Spanish | English |
Talla | size |
Talla grande | big size |
Talla mediana | medium size |
Talla pequeña | small size |
(a) topos | (with) dots |
Zapatos planos | flat shoes, shoes without high heels |
Tejidos | clothes materials |
Algodón | cotton |
Lana | wool |
Lino | linen |
poliéster | polyester |
piel | leather, fur |
seda | silk |
tejano, -a | denim |
los verbos | verbs |
comprar | to buy |
costar | to cost |
llevar | to wear; to carry |
necesitar | to need |
tallasm, tamanos | sizes |
formas | shapes |
me pongo | I put on |
me quito | I take off |
llevar | wear |
ancho, -a | wide |
estrecho, -a | tight or thin |
(a) cuadros | plaid |
corto, -a | short |
grande | big |
largo, -a | long |
liso | solid color |
mediano, -a | medium |
manga | sleave |
manga corta | short sleave |
manga larga | long sleaves |
(sin) managas | (without) sleaves |
Numero | number |
Plano, -a | flat |
Raya | stripe |
Rayado, -a | with stripes. |
Abotonar | to button (up) |
El abrigo | coat, overcoat |
Abrochar | to do up, to fasten |
La aguja | needle |
El alfiler | pin |
Anillo | ring |
Apretado | tight |
Arreglar | to mend, to repair |
Áspero | rough |
Bañador | swimming/ bathing costume, swimming trunks |
Blando | soft |
Blusa | blouse, overall |
Bolsillo | |
Bolso | handbag |
Bota | boot |
Botón | button |
Bragas | knickers |
Brillante | bright, brilliant, shiny, glossy |
Bufanda | scarf |
calcetín | sock |
calzado | footwear |
calzoncillos | underpants |
cambiarse | to change, to get changed |
camisa | shirt |
camiseta | t- shirt, tee-shirt, vest |
camisón | nightdress, nightie |
chaqueta | jacket |
cinturón | belt |
collar | necklace |
color | colour |
cómodo | comfortable |
corbata | tie, cravat(e) |
cordon ( de zapato) | (shoe) lace |
correa | strap |
coser | to sew |
cremallera | zip |
cuello | collar |
hilo | thread |
impermeable – raincoat, waterproof (coat) | (blank) |
jersey | jersey, sweater, pullover, jumper |
mancha | stain, mark, spot |
maquiillaje | make-up |
máquina de coser | sewing machine |
medias | stockings |
moda | fashionable |
monedero | purse |
morado | purple |
nylon | nylon |
oro | gold, made of gold |
pantalones | trousers |
los pantalones cortos | short trouser, shorts |
pañuelo | handkerchief, (head) scarf |
paraguas | umbrella |
pendiente | pendant, earring |
perfume | perfume, scent |
pajama | (pair of) pyjamas |
plata | made of silver |
plateado | silver incolour, silvery |
ponerse | to put on |
prenda | garment, article of clothing |
pulsera | bracelet |
quitar | to take of |
rasgar | to tear, to rip |
reloj (de pulsera) | (wrist) watch |
ropa | clothing, clothes |
ropa interior | underwear, underclothes |
sandalia | sandal |
seda | silk |
sombrero | hat |
cuero | leather |
desabotonar | to un button |
desabrochar | to undo, to unfasten |
desnudarse | to undress (oneself ) , to get undressed, to strip |
desnudo | naked, bare, nude |
dorado | gold, golden |
elegante | elegant |
entallar | to (be a ) good fit |
falda | skirt |
forro | lining |
gafas | glasses, spectacles |
gafas de sol | sunglasses |
gorra | (peaked ) cap |
grueso | thick, coarse |
guante | glove |
suave | smooth |
sujetador | bra |
tela | cloth, fabric, material |
tenir | to dye |
tercipelo | velvet |
traje | (man’s) suit |
tricotar | to knit |
uniforme | uniform |
vaqueros | jeans |
velo | veil |
verde | green |
vestido | woman’s dress |
zapatilla | slipper |
zapato | shoe |
zapatos de tacon (alto) | high-heeled shoes, high heels |