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English 12 Lit termz

All the terms needed for the test that will ultimately kill you

One of the two "voices" of verbs. Subject is doing the acting in the sentence. Active Voice
A story or image with a distinct second meaning. In a narrative it follows a parallel between two or more levels of meaning. It can be used as a method of satire. Allegory
The use of a similar or parallel idea to illustrate some significant features of a story or another idea Analogy
The direct opposite (Usually followed by of or to) Also used as a rhetorical device Antithesis
A figure of speech in which some absent or nonexistent person or thing is addressed as if present and capable of understanding. Apostrophe
archaic language Old words and phrases that were regularly used in a language but are now less common.
Archetype A theme, symbol,setting or character that embodies some essential element of human existence.
Anecdotal Evidence Non-scientific observations or studies, which do not provide proof but may assist evidence for convincing the reader of a bias on a controversial topic
Aside Small speech spoken by a character to the audience or another character, hover the other characters on stage cannot hear.
Assonance Repetition of vowel sounds in neighbouring words
Ballad Stanza A quatrain in which the first and third lines have four stresses, while the second and forth have three. Usually only the second and fourth lines rhyme.
Blank Verse Unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter
Catharsis The purging of the emotions of pity and fear aroused by the actions of the tragic hero
Climatic order In writing, there are patterns of organization as to how a writer will "grab" the reader to head her to the end of an idea.
Colloquial language Informal expression not used in formal speech
Informal expressions used in daily speech, differing in pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. Colloquialism
Conceit A far fetched or elaborate metaphor or simile, presenting a surprisingly apt parallel between two dissimilar things or feelings
Further association that a word or phrase suggests in addition to its literal meaning Connotation
The repetition of identical or similar consonants in neighbouring words whose vowel sounds are different. Coming home, hot foot Consonance
The literal meaning of a word (dictionary Definition) Denotation
Didactic Intended to instruct. Morally instructive. Inclined to teach or moralize excessively
Harshness of sound or rhythm, either inadvertent or deliberate Dissonance
Double entendre A pun where the second meaning is usually sexual
Comedy usually occurs when some type of divergence from the normal or expected action takes place. It may also occur when a character acts in a way that is surprising or unexpected. Dramatic form
A character that undergoes an important change in the course of the story Dynamic Character
Elegy An elaborately formal lyric poem lamenting the death of a friend of public figure, or reflecting seriously
Ellipsis The omission of one or more words which, while essential to the grammatical structure of the sentence, are easily supplied by the reader
English Sonnet Lyric poem composed of 14 lines of equal length: iambic pentameter. It contains three quatrains and a final couplet, rhyming ababcdcdefefgg
Enjambment The continuation of stuffing things together with no pauses
Epigram Short, witty poem or a wittily condensed expression in prose
Epigraph Quotation or motto placed at the beginning of a book, chapter or poem as an indication of its theme
Euphemism A mild delicate or indirect word or expression used in place of a plainer and more accurate one, which if stated plainly may be offensive, unpleasant or embarrassing.
Euphony Sound patterns used in verse to achieve opposite effects: Opposite of cacophony
figurative language An important resource in poetry and other writing whereby a writer uses
Free Verse Form of poetry that does not conform to a regular meter, Line length or specific rhyme scheme
Half-Rhyme An imperfect ehyme, where the final consonants of stressed syllables agree but the vowel sounds do not match (Cape/deep, cape/keep)
Hamartia Greek word for error or failure: false step that the protagonist in a tragedy takes that will lead to his/her downfall
Heroic couplet A rhymed pair of iambic pentameter lines of poetry
Hubris Overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance
Idiom An expression whose meaning is not predictable from the usual meanings of its constituent elements. E.g: Kicks the bucket
Inversion The reversal of the normally expected order of words, e.g.: said she, sweetly blew the breeze
Internal Rhyme A poetic device by which two or more words rhyme within the same line of verse.
An appeal made to a muse or deity for help in composing the poem, especially in epic poems Invocation
Irony Ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife... with which to kill your spouse for sleeping with the young soup chef who works at the Au Bon Pain.
Italian Sonnet (Petrachan) Comprised of 14 rhyming lines of equal length: an octave (8 lines) of two quatrains, rhymed abbaabba, followed by a sestet (6 lines) which includes a turn in the argument (volta)
Jargon Speech filled with unfamiliar terms to those not a member of a specific group for whom the terms have meaning in the context of their group only
Litotes When a positive statement is made by denying its opposite e.g: This is no mean city (A.K.Ak its fantastic!)
Lyric A fairly short poem expressing the personal mood, feeling or meditation of a single speaker
melodrama Exaggerates e.g melodramatic
Metaphor A talent may Blossom
Metonymy A figure of speech which replaces the name of one thing with the name of something else closely associated with it e.g: Press for journalism
Ode An elaborately formal lyric poem often in the form of a lengthy ceremonious address to a person or abstract entity, always serious and elevated in tone
Oxymoron Bittersweet
Paradox A statement or expression that is self-contradictory e.g: everything i say is a lie
Parallelism An arrangement of similarly constructed clauses, sentences or verse lines, the effect being a balanced arrangement by the repetition or syntactic forms.
Pathetic fallacy Rain clouds weep
Pathos The quality in literature which stimulates pity, tenderness or sorrow in the reader
Petrachan Sonnet 14 line poem divided into an octave - rhyming abbaabba and a sestet rhyming cdecde avoiding the couplet
Soliloquy A dramatic speech uttered by one character speaking aloud while alone on the stage
Subjective Placing excessive emphasis on one's own moods, attitudes , opinions
Synaesthesia A blending or confusion of different kinds of sense-impression, in which one type of sensation is referred to in terms more appropriate to another e.g: referring to colours as 'loud' or 'warm' or sounds as 'smooth'
Synecdoche A figure of speech where something is referred to indirectly, either by naming only some part or constituent of it e.g: 'hand' for labourers
Syntax The way in which words and clauses are ordered and connected so as to form sentences.
Tercet A unit of three verse lines, either rhyming with one another r with neighbouring lines
Willanelle A poem composed of an uneven number (Usually five) of tercets rhyming aba, with a final quatrain rhyming abaa. A form established in France in the 16th century and used chiefly for pastoral songs
Volta Change in italian sonnets
Created by: 695162809
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